
X (misc.)

X-Manhunt Omega2025

X... (Mutant Books)

Age of X-Man: Prisoner X2019
Agent X2002-2003
Death of X2016-2017
District X2004-2005
Exciting X-Patrol (Amalgam (DC/Marvel))1997
Factor X1995
Gambit and the X-Ternals (Age of Apocalypse)1995
JLX (Amalgam (DC/Marvel))1996
JLX Unleashed (Amalgam (DC/Marvel))1997
Knights of X2022
Legion of X2022-2023
Major X2019
Mr. and Mrs. X2018-2019
Mutopia X2005-2006
Nation X2010
Nation X: X-Factor2010
Realm of X2023-2024
Soldier X2002-2003
Team X 20001999
Team X/Team 7 (Image Comics / Marvel)1996
Way of X2021
Wolverine: Mr. X2010
X-Calibre (Age of Apocalypse)1995
The X-Cellent2022
X-Infernus Saga (Digital Comic)2008
X-Nation 20991996
X-Patrol (Amalgam (DC/Marvel))1996
X-Tinction Agenda2015
X-Universe (Age of Apocalypse)1995
Age of X-Man TPB: Prisoner X2019
A+X TPB vol.1: = Awesome2013
A+X TPB vol.2: = Amazing2014
A+X TPB vol.3: = Outstanding2014
Cable (HC): Soldier X2018
Counter X TPB: Generation X - Four Days2013
Dawn of X TPB2020-2021
Death of X TPB2017
District X TPB vol.1: Mr. M2005
District X TPB vol.2: Underground2005
Knights of X TPB2023
Legion TPB: Son of X vol.1: Prodigal2018
Legion TPB: Son of X vol.2: Invasive Exotics2018
Legion TPB: Son of X vol.3: Revenants2018
Legion TPB: Son of X vol.4: For We Are Many2018
Legion of X TPB By Si Spurrier2023
Major X TPB2019
Mr. and Mrs. X TPB vol.1: Love and Marriage2019
Mr. and Mrs. X TPB vol.2: Gambit and Rogue Forever2019
Realm of X TPB2024
Reign of X TPB2021-2022
Trials of X TPB2022-2023
Ultimate Comics Avengers (HC): Vampire X2011
Way of X TPB By Si Spurrier2021
X-Campus TPB2011
The X-Cellent TPB vol.1: New Blood, New World2022
The X-Cellent TPB vol.2: Unsocial Media2023
X-Corp TPB By Tini Howard2022
X-Infernus (HC)2009
X-Infernus TPB2010
X-Men (HC): Age of X2011
X-Men (HC): Nation X2010
X-Men Milestones TPB: Age of X2020
X-Men TPB: Age of X2012
X-Men TPB: The Hunt for Professor X2015
X-Men TPB: Nation X2010
X-Tinction Agenda: Warzones! TPB2016
X-Women TPB2013

See also:
Avengers vs. X-Men series
Counter X series
Generation X series
House of X and Powers of X series
Mutant X series
New X-Men (Academy X) series
NYX series
Ultimate X-Men series
Weapon X series
X of Swords series

X of Swords

X of Swords: Creation2020
X of Swords: Destruction2021
X of Swords Handbook2020
X of Swords: Stasis2020
X of Swords (HC)2021
X of Swords TPB2022


All-New Wolverine (Laura Kinney)2016-2018
All-New Wolverine Annual (Laura Kinney)2016
Captain Universe/X-232006
Laura Kinney: Wolverine2025
X-23 (II)2010
X-23 (III)2010-2012
X-23 (IV)2018-2019
X-23: Deadly Regenesis2023
X-23: Target X2007
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Laura Kinney the Wolverine2024
All-New Wolverine Omnibus (HC) By Tom Taylor (Laura Kinney)2021
All-New Wolverine TPB vol.1: The Four Sisters (Laura Kinney)2016
All-New Wolverine TPB vol.2: Civil War II (Laura Kinney)2016
All-New Wolverine TPB vol.3: Enemy of the State II (Laura Kinney)2017
All-New Wolverine TPB vol.4: Immune (Laura Kinney)2018
All-New Wolverine TPB vol.5: Orphans of X (Laura Kinney)2018
All-New Wolverine TPB vol.6: Old Woman Laura (Laura Kinney)2018
Daken/X-23 Premiere (HC): Collision2011
Daken/X-23 TPB: Collision2012
Marvel Must Haves: NYX #1-32005
Marvel Must Haves: NYX #4-52005
NYX/X-23 (HC)2005
True Believers: All-New Wolverine (Laura Kinney)2017
True Believers: Wolverine - X-23 (Laura Kinney)2017
X-23 (Facsimile Edition)2023
X-23: Innocence Lost Marvel's Greatest Comics2011
X-23: Killing Dream Must Haves2011
X-23 Omnibus (HC)2023
X-23 Premiere (HC) vol.1: The Killing Dream2011
X-23 Premiere (HC) vol.2: Chaos Theory2012
X-23 Premiere (HC) vol.3: Don't Look Back2012
X-23 TPB (II) vol.1: Family Album2019
X-23 TPB (I) vol.1: The Killing Dream2011
X-23 TPB (I) vol.2: Chaos Theory2012
X-23 TPB (II) vol.2: X-Assassin2019
X-23 TPB (I) vol.3: Don't Look Back2013
X-23 TPB: The Complete Collection2016-2017
X-23 TPB: Deadly Regenesis2023
X-23 TPB: Innocence Lost2006
X-23 TPB: Target X2007

See also:
All-New Wolverine series
X-23 (Laura Kinney) as member of X-Force


A-Babies vs. X-Babies2012
Pint-Sized X-Babies1998
X-Babies: Murderama1998
X-Babies Reborn2000
X-Babies Classic GN-TPB2010
X-Babies GN-TPB: Stars Reborn2010

See also:
Little Marvel series


All-New X-Factor2014-2015
Factor X (Age of Apocalypse)1995
Fallen Angels1987
Nation X: X-Factor2010
Spider-Man/X-Factor: Shadowgames1994
X-Factor (I)1986-1998
X-Factor (II)2002
X-Factor (III)2006-2009
X-Factor (IV)2010-2013
X-Factor (V) (X-Factor IV)2020-2021
X-Factor (VI)2024-2025
X-Factor Annual1986-1994
X-Factor Forever2010
X-Factor Forever Saga (Digital Comic)2010
X-Factor: Prisoner of Love1990
X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead2008
X-Factor Special: Layla Miller2008
All-New X-Factor TPB vol.1: Not Brand X2014
All-New X-Factor TPB vol.2: Change of Decay2014
All-New X-Factor TPB vol.3: Axis2015
Civil War TPB: X-Men Universe2007
Essential X-Factor2006-2013
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB vol.1: Genesis and Apocalypse2017
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB vol.3: Angel of Death2021
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB vol.4: Judgement War2023
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB vol.7: All-New, All-Different X-Factor2019
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB vol.8: X-Aminations2019
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB vol.9: Afterlives2022
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB vol.10: Wreaking Havok2025
X-Factor (Facsimile Edition)2019
X-Factor Forever TPB2010
X-Factor (HC): Original Sins2011
X-Factor Omnibus (HC): The Original X-Men2024
X-Factor Omnibus (HC) By Peter David2021-2022
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Happenings in Vegas2011
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Hard Labor2011
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Heart of Ice2008
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Invisible Woman has Vanished2010
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Life and Death Matters2007
X-Factor Premiere (HC): The Longest Night2006
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Madrox - Multiple Choice2008
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Many Lives of Madrox2007
X-Factor Premiere (HC): The Only Game in Town2008
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Overtime2010
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Scar Tissue2011
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Second Coming2010
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Secret Invasion2009
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Super Unnatural2012
X-Factor Premiere (HC): They Keep Killing Madrox2012
X-Factor Premiere (HC): Time and a Half2009
X-Factor TPB (II)2010
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.1: The Longest Night2007
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.2: Life and Death Matters2007
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.3: Many Lives of Madrox2008
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.4: Heart of Ice2008
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.5: Only Game in Town2009
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.6: Secret Invasion2009
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.7: Time and a Half2010
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.8: Overtime2010
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.9: Invisible Woman Has Vanished2010
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.10: Second Coming2011
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.11: Happenings in Vegas2011
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.12: Scar Tissue2012
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.13: Hard Labor2012
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.14: Super Unnatural2012
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.15: They Keep Killing Madrox2012
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.16: Together Again for the First Time2012
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.17: The Road to Redemption2013
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.18: Breaking Points2013
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.19: Short Stories2013
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.20: Hell on Earth War2013
X-Factor TPB (I) vol.21: The End of X-Factor2014
X-Factor TPB: Genesis and Apocalypse2016
X-Factor TPB By Leah Williams2021
X-Factor TPB By Mark Russell vol.1: Please Like and Share2025
X-Factor TPB By Peter David: The Complete Collection2014
X-Factor Visionaries TPB: Peter David2006-2008

See also:
Archangel solo series
Beast (Henry McCoy) solo series
Cyclops solo series
Havok solo series
Iceman solo series
Longshot solo series
Madrox solo series
Mystique solo series
Phoenix (Jean Grey) solo series
Quicksilver solo series
Sabretooth solo series
Strong Guy solo series


Cable and X-Force2013-2014
Cable and X-Force Classic TPB2013
Deadpool vs. X-Force2014
Exciting X-Patrol (Amalgam (DC/Marvel))1997
Fantomex Max2013-2014
Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force2011
Shatterstar (II)2018-2019
Uncanny X-Force (I)2010-2013
Uncanny X-Force (II)2013-2014
X-Force (I)1991-2002
X-Force (II)2004-2005
X-Force (III)2008-2010
X-Force (IV) (X-Force VI)2014-2015
X-Force (V)2019
X-Force (VI)2020-2024
X-Force (VII)2024-2025
X-Force Annual (I)1992-1994
X-Force Annual (II)2010
X-Force Annual (III)2022
X-Force Annual '991999
X-Force/Cable Annual '951995
X-Force/Cable Annual '961996
X-Force/Cable Annual '971997
X-Force/Cable: Messiah War2009
X-Force/Champions Annual '981998
X-Force: Killshot Anniversary Special2022
X-Force: Sex and Violence2010
X-Force: Shatterstar (I)2005
X-Force Special: Ain't No Dog2008
X-Force/Youngblood (Image Comics / Marvel)1996
X-Patrol (Amalgam (DC/Marvel))1996
Youngblood/X-Force (Image Comics / Marvel)1996
Cable and X-Force Omnibus (HC)2019
Cable and X-Force TPB vol.1: Wanted2013
Cable and X-Force TPB vol.2: Dead or Alive2013
Cable and X-Force TPB vol.3: This Won't End Well2014
Cable and X-Force TPB vol.4: Vendettas2014
Cable and X-Force TPB: Onslaught!2019
Cable and X-Force TPB: Onslaught Rising2018
Counter X: X-Force TPB - Rage War2012
Deadpool vs. X-Force TPB2015
Deadpool and X-Force Omnibus (HC)2017
Fantomex Max TPB2014
Fear Itself Premiere (HC): Uncanny X-Force / The Deep2012
Fear Itself TPB: Uncanny X-Force / The Deep2012
Hulk Premiere (HC) vol.4: Hulk vs. X-Force2010
Hulk TPB (I) vol.4: Hulk vs. X-Force2010
Marvel Must Haves: X-Force #1-32009
New Mutants/X-Force TPB: Demon Bear2014
Shatterstar TPB: Reality Star2019
True Believers: X-Force2017
Uncanny X-Force: The Apocalypse Solution Must Have2011
Uncanny X-Force Omnibus (HC) By Rick Remender2014
Uncanny X-Force Premiere (HC): The Apocalypse Solution2011
Uncanny X-Force Premiere (HC): The Dark Angel Saga2012
Uncanny X-Force Premiere (HC): Deathlok Nation2011
Uncanny X-Force Premiere (HC): Final Execution2012-2013
Uncanny X-Force Premiere (HC): Otherworld2012
Uncanny X-Force TPB (I) vol.1: The Apocalypse Solution2011
Uncanny X-Force TPB (II) vol.1: Let It Bleed2013
Uncanny X-Force TPB (I) vol.2: Deathlok Nation2012
Uncanny X-Force TPB (II) vol.2: And Then There Were Three2014
Uncanny X-Force TPB (I) vol.3: The Dark Angel Saga Book 12012
Uncanny X-Force TPB (II) vol.3: The Great Corruption2014
Uncanny X-Force TPB (I) vol.4: The Dark Angel Saga Book 22012
Uncanny X-Force TPB (I) vol.5: Otherworld2013
Uncanny X-Force TPB (I) vol.6: Final Execution Book 12013
Uncanny X-Force TPB (I) vol.7: Final Execution Book 22013
Uncanny X-Force TPB By Rick Remender: The Complete Collection2014-2015
X-Force: Angels and Demons Marvel's Greatest Comics2011
X-Force/Cable (HC): Messiah War2009
X-Force and Cable TPB: The Legend Returns2005
X-Force/Cable TPB: Messiah War2010
X-Force Director's Cut Edition2020
X-Force Epic Collection TPB vol.1: Under the Gun2017
X-Force Epic Collection TPB vol.2: X-Cutioner's Song2020
X-Force Epic Collection TPB vol.3: Assault on Graymalkin2023
X-Force Epic Collection TPB vol.4: Toy Soldiers2025
X-Force Epic Collection TPB vol.7: Zero Tolerance2022
X-Force Epic Collection TPB vol.8: Armageddon Now2023
X-Force (HC)2010-2012
X-Force (HC) By Benjamin Percy2022-2024
X-Force: Legacy of Vengeance2008
X-Force Marvel's Greatest Comics2011
X-Force Megazine1996
X-Force Omnibus (HC)2013
X-Force Premiere (HC) vol.1: Angels and Demons2008
X-Force Premiere (HC) vol.2: Old Ghosts2009
X-Force Premiere (HC) vol.3: Not Forgotten2010
X-Force Premiere (HC): Assault on Graymalkin2012
X-Force Premiere (HC): Cable and the New Mutants2011
X-Force Premiere (HC): Child's Play2012
X-Force Premiere (HC): A Force to be Reckoned With2011
X-Force Premiere (HC): Phalanx Covenant2013
X-Force Premiere (HC): Toy Soldiers2012
X-Force Premiere (HC): Under the Gun2011
X-Force (I) Rough Cut2000
X-Force: Sex and Violence (HC)2011
X-Force TPB (I)2001
X-Force TPB (II) vol.1: Angels and Demons2009
X-Force TPB (III) vol.1: Dirty/Tricks2014
X-Force TPB (IV) vol.1: Sins of the Past2019
X-Force TPB (IV) vol.2: The Counterfeit King2019
X-Force TPB (III) vol.2: Hide/Fear2015
X-Force TPB (II) vol.2: Old Ghosts2009
X-Force TPB (III) vol.3: Ends/Means2015
X-Force TPB (II) vol.3: Not Forgotten2010
X-Force TPB: The Apocalypse Solution2011
X-Force TPB By Benjamin Percy2020-2024
X-Force TPB: Big Guns2004
X-Force TPB By Craig Kyle and Chris Yost: The Complete Collection2014
X-Force TPB By Geoffrey Thorne vol.1: Fractures2025
X-Force TPB: Necrosha2012
X-Force TPB: Sex and Violence2011
X-Force TPB: Shatterstar2005

See also:
Archangel solo series
Cable solo series
Deadpool solo series
Domino solo series
Psylocke solo series
Wolverine (James Howlett) solo series
X-23 solo series


X-Man: All Saints' Day1997
X-Man Annual '961996
X-Man Annual '971997
X-Man/Incredible Hulk Annual '981998
Counter-X: X-Man TPB: Fearful Symmetries2013
Ultimate X-Man1995
X-Man TPB: Dance With the Devil2013
X-Man TPB: The Man Who Fell to Earth2012

See also:
Age of Apocalypse series
Age of X-Man
X-Man (Nate Grey) as member of the New Mutants

All-New X-Men

All-New Marvel Now! All-New X-Men2014
All-New X-Men (I)2013-2015
All-New X-Men (II)2016-2017
All-New X-Men Annual (I)2015
All-New X-Men Annual (II)2017
All-New X-Men (Monsters Unleashed One Shot)2017
All-New X-Men Special2013
All-New X-Men (HC)2014-2016
All-New X-Men/Indestructible Hulk/Superior Spider-Man TPB: The Arms of the Octopus2014
All-New X-Men Omnibus (HC) By Brian Michael Bendis2025
All-New X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.1: Yesterday's X-Men2013
All-New X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.2: Here to Stay2013
All-New X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.3: Out of Their Depth2013
All-New X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.4: All-Different2014
All-New X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.5: One Down2014
All-New X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.6: The Ultimate Adventure2015
All-New X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.7: The Utopians2015
All-New X-Men TPB vol.1: Yesterday's X-Men2014
All-New X-Men TPB vol.2: Here To Stay2014
All-New X-Men TPB vol.3: Out of Their Depth2014
All-New X-Men TPB vol.4: All-Different2015
All-New X-Men TPB vol.5: One Down2015
All-New X-Men TPB vol.6: The Ultimate Adventure2016
All-New X-Men TPB vol.7: The Utopians2016
All-New X-Men TPB: Inevitable vol.1: Ghosts of Clyclops2016
All-New X-Men TPB: Inevitable vol.2: Apocalypse Wars2016
All-New X-Men TPB: Inevitable vol.3: Hell Hath So Much Fury2017
All-New X-Men TPB: Inevitable vol.4: IVX2017
Guardians of the Galaxy/All-New X-Men Premiere (HC): The Trial of Jean Grey2014
Guardians of the Galaxy / All-New X-Men TPB: The Trial of Jean Grey2015

See also:
New X-Men series
Other X-Men series

Astonishing X-Men

Astonishing X-Men (II)1999
Astonishing X-Men (III)2004-2013
Astonishing X-Men (IV)2017-2019
Astonishing X-Men (I) (Age of Apocalypse)1995
Astonishing X-Men/Amazing Spider-Man: The Gauntlet Sketchbook2009
Astonishing X-Men Annual (I)2013
Astonishing X-Men Annual (II)2018
Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes2008-2009
Astonishing X-Men (HC): Gifted (Prose Novel)2012
Astonishing X-Men (V) (Infinity Comic)2024-2025
Astonishing X-Men PB: Gifted (Prose Novel)2013
Astonishing X-Men Saga2006
Astonishing X-Men Sketchbook Special2008
Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men2008
What If? Astonishing X-Men2010
Astonishing X-Men Director's Cut2004
Astonishing X-Men Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era vol.1: Gifted2024
Astonishing X-Men Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era vol.2: Unstoppable2025
Astonishing X-Men GN-HC: Gifted (with Motion Comic DVD)2010
Astonishing X-Men (HC)2006-2009
Astonishing X-Men (HC): Gifted (Marvel Select)2021
Astonishing X-Men (HC): Northstar2012
Astonishing X-Men Marvel's Greatest Comics2011
Astonishing X-Men Omnibus (HC) By Joss Whedon and John Cassaday2009
Astonishing X-Men Premiere (HC): Children of the Brood2012
Astonishing X-Men Premiere (HC): Exalted2012
Astonishing X-Men Premiere (HC): Exogenetic2010
Astonishing X-Men Premiere (HC): Ghost Boxes2009
Astonishing X-Men Premiere (HC): Monstrous2012
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.1: Gifted2005
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.2: Dangerous2005
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.3: Torn2007
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.4: Unstoppable2008
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.5: Ghost Box2010
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.6: Exogenetic2011
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.7: Monstrous2012
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.8: Children of the Brood2012
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.9: Exalted2012
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.10: Northstar2013
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.11: Weaponized2013
Astonishing X-Men TPB (I) vol.12: Unmasked2014
Astonishing X-Men TPB By Charles Soule vol.1: Life of X2018
Astonishing X-Men TPB By Charles Soule vol.2: A Man Called X2018
Astonishing X-Men TPB: Companion2020
Astonishing X-Men TPB: Deathwish2000
Astonishing X-Men TPB By Matthew Rosenberg vol.1: Until Our Hearts Stop2019
Astonishing X-Men Ultimate Collection TPB By Joss Whedon and John Cassaday2012
Marvel Must Haves: Astonishing X-Men 1-32004
Marvel Saga TPB: Astonishing X-Men, Squadron Supreme, Runaways2009
True Believers: Astonishing X-Men2017

See also:
Other X-Men series

New X-Men

New X-Men (I)1991-2012
New X-Men Annual 20012001
Marvel Must Haves: New X-Men #114-1162003
New X-Men Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era vol.1: E is for Extinction2024
New X-Men Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era vol.2: New Worlds2025
New X-Men GN-TPB By Grant Morrison2011-2012
New X-Men (HC)2002-2004
New X-Men Marvel's Greatest Comics2010
New X-Men Omnibus (HC)2007
New X-Men TPB vol.1: E is for Extinction2002
New X-Men TPB vol.2: Imperial2002
New X-Men TPB vol.3: New Worlds2003
New X-Men TPB vol.4: Riot at Xaviers2003
New X-Men TPB vol.5: Assault on Weapon Plus2003
New X-Men TPB vol.6: Planet X2004
New X-Men TPB vol.7: Here Comes Tomorrow2004
New X-Men TPB: Childhood's End - The Complete Collection2019
New X-Men TPB Companion2019
New X-Men TPB By Grant Morrison Ultimate Collection2008-2009

See also:
All-New X-Men series
New X-Men Academy X series
X-Men series

Uncanny X-Men

Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus2009
Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia2009
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men 3rd Edition (HC) (Re-Masterworks)2024
Marvel Spotlight: Uncanny X-Men 500 Issues Celebration2008
Secrets of Uncanny X-Men2019
Uncanny X-Men (I)1963-2011
Uncanny X-Men (II)2012
Uncanny X-Men (III)2013-2015
Uncanny X-Men (IV)2016
Uncanny X-Men (V)2016-2017
Uncanny X-Men (VI)2019
Uncanny X-Men (VII)2024-2025
Uncanny X-Men 3D2019
Uncanny X-Men 500 Issues Poster Book2008
Uncanny X-Men Annual (I)1970-1994
Uncanny X-Men Annual (II)2006-2011
Uncanny X-Men Annual (III)2015
Uncanny X-Men Annual (IV)2017
Uncanny X-Men Annual (V)2019
Uncanny X-Men Annual 20002001
Uncanny X-Men Annual 20012001
Uncanny X-Men Annual '951995
The Uncanny X-Men Annual '961996
The Uncanny X-Men Annual '971997
Uncanny X-Men Annual '991999
Uncanny X-Men/Fantastic Four Annual '981998
Uncanny X-Men: First Class2009-2010
Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special2009
Uncanny X-Men: The Heroic Age2010
Uncanny X-Men/New Teen Titans (DC Comics / Marvel)1982
Uncanny X-Men Special2014
Uncanny X-Men: Winter's End2019
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men2019
Essential Uncanny X-Men1999-2009
Fear Itself Premiere (HC): Uncanny X-Men2012
Fear Itself TPB: Uncanny X-Men2012
House of M TPB: Uncanny X-Men2006
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men 2nd Edition (HC)2004-2023
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men (HC)1989-1993
Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men TPB2010-2012
Paul Smith's Uncanny X-Men Artist's Edition (HC) (IDW Publishing)2025
Spider-Man and the Uncanny X-Men TPB1996
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.1: Children of the Atom2015
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.2: Lonely Are the Hunted2017
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.3: The Sentinels Live2018
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.4: It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn2019
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.5: Second Genesis2017
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.6: Proteus2020
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.7: The Fate of the Phoenix2021
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.8: I, Magneto2022
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.9: The Brood Saga2024
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.10: God Loves, Man Kills2025
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.12: The Gift2016
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.17: Dissolution and Rebirth2019
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.19: Mutant Genesis2018
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.20: Bishop's Crossing2022
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.21: The X-Cutioner's Song2022
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.22: Legacies2023
Uncanny X-Men Epic Collection TPB vol.23: Fatal Attractions2024
Uncanny X-Men: First Class GN-TPB: Hated and Feared2010
Uncanny X-Men: First Class GN-TPB: Knights of Hykon2010
Uncanny X-Men GN-TPB: Official Index to the Marvel Universe2011
Uncanny X-Men (HC)2016
Uncanny X-Men (HC): Manifest Destiny2009
Uncanny X-Men (HC): Rise and Fall of the Shi'Ar Empire2007
Uncanny X-Men (HC): X-Men Disassembled2020
Uncanny X-Men / Iron Man / Nova TPB: No End in Sight (Sam Alexander)2014
Uncanny X-Men: The New Age TPB vol.1: The End of History2005
Uncanny X-Men: The New Age TPB vol.2: The Cruelest Cut2005
Uncanny X-Men: The New Age TPB vol.3: On Ice2005
Uncanny X-Men: The New Age TPB vol.4: End of Greys2006
Uncanny X-Men: The New Age TPB vol.5: First Foursaken2006
The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus (HC)2006-2023
Uncanny X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.1: Revolution2013
Uncanny X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.2: Broken2014
Uncanny X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.3: The Good, the Bad, the Inhuman2014
Uncanny X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.4: Vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.2014
Uncanny X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.5: The Omega Mutant2015
Uncanny X-Men Premiere (HC) vol.6: Storyville2015
Uncanny X-Men Premiere (HC) By Kieron Gillen2012-2013
The Uncanny X-Men TPB1984
Uncanny X-Men TPB (I) vol.1: Hope2003
Uncanny X-Men TPB (II) vol.1: Revolution2014
Uncanny X-Men TPB (II) vol.2: Broken2014
Uncanny X-Men TPB (I) vol.2: Dominant Species2003
Uncanny X-Men TPB (II) vol.3: The Good, the Bad, the Inhuman2015
Uncanny X-Men TPB (I) vol.3: Holy War2003
Uncanny X-Men TPB (I) vol.4: The Draco2004
Uncanny X-Men TPB (II) vol.4: Vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.2015
Uncanny X-Men TPB (II) vol.5: The Omega Mutant2016
Uncanny X-Men TPB (I) vol.5: She Lies With Angels2004
Uncanny X-Men TPB (I) vol.6: Bright New Mourning2004
Uncanny X-Men TPB (II) vol.6: Storyville2016
Uncanny X-Men TPB: 535-5392011
Uncanny X-Men TPB: The Birth of Generation Hope2011
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Breaking Point2011
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Cyclops and Wolverine2019
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Days of Future Past1992
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Divided We Stand2008
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Extremists2008
Uncanny X-Men TPB: From the Ashes1990
Uncanny X-Men TPB By Kieron Gillen2012-2013
Uncanny X-Men TPB By Kieron Gillen: The Complete Collection2019-2020
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Lovelorn2009
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Manifest Destiny2009
Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection2013
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Poptopia2001
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Quarantine2011
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Rise and Fall of the Shi'Ar Empire2008
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Sisterhood2009
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Superior vol.1: Survival of the Fittest2016
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Superior vol.2: Apocalypse Wars2016
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Superior vol.3: Waking From the Dream2017
Uncanny X-Men TPB: Superior vol.4: IVX2017
Uncanny X-Men TPB: X-Men Disassembled2019
Uncanny X-Men: The Variant Covers (Digital Exclusive Comic)2020
The Uncanny X-Men Winter Special (Marvel UK)1982
Uncanny X-Men Wizard Ace Edition (Wizard Publication)2002
War of the Realms TPB Uncanny X-Men2019

See also:
Other X-Men series


100th Anniversary Special: X-Men2014
Age of X: Alpha2011
Age of X: Universe2011
Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men2019
All New Exiles vs. the X-Men (Malibu Comics / Marvel)1995
Amazing X-Men (II)2014-2015
Amazing X-Men (Age of Apocalypse)1995
Amazing X-Men Annual2014
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis2010-2011
Be X-Tra Safe With the X-Men (Giveaway)1996
Chaos War: X-Men2011
Civil War II: X-Men2016
Civil War: X-Men2006
Color Your Own X-Men2018
Color Your Own X-Men: The New Mutants2018
Comic Creators on X-Men (Book)2006
Cyberforce/X-Men (Image Comics / Marvel)2007
Dark Reign: The List - X-Men2009
Dark Web: X-Men2023
Dave Cockrum's X-Men Artist's Edition (HC) (IDW Publishing)2024
Dead X-Men2024
Death of Doctor Strange: X-Men/Black Knight2022
Demon Days: X-Men2021
Devil's Reign: X-Men2022
Empyre: X-Men2020
Excalibur vs. the X-Men Special Edition1992
Exceptional X-Men2024-2025
Extraordinary X-Men2016-2017
Extraordinary X-Men Annual2016
Fantastic Four vs. X-Men1987
First X-Men2012-2013
Free Comic Book Day 2006 (X-Men / Runaways)2006
Free Comic Book Day 2008 X-Men2008
Free Comic Book Day 2020 (X-Men / Dark Ages)2020
Free Comic Book Day 2022: Avengers / X-Men2022
Free Comic Book Day 2023: Avengers / X-Men2023
Free Comic Book Day 2024: Blood Hunt/X-Men2024
Free Comic Book Day 2025: Fantastic Four X-Men2025
Giant-Size X-Men1975
Giant-Size X-Men (II)2005
Giant-Size X-Men: Fantomex2020
Giant-Size X-Men: Jean Grey and Emma Frost2020
Giant-Size X-Men: Magneto2020
Giant-Size X-Men: Nightcrawler2020
Giant-Size X-Men: Storm2020
Giant-Size X-Men: Thunderbird2022
Godzilla vs. X-Men2025
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha2015
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex Omega2015
Heroes for Hope starring X-Men1985
Heroic Age: X-Men2011
Hot Shots: X-Men1996
Immoral X-Men2023
Immortal X-Men2022-2024
Jim Lee's X-Men Artist's Edition (HC) (IDW Publishing)2021
Marvel Encyclopedia (HC) vol.2: X-Men2003
Marvel Knights: X-Men2014
Marvel Knights: X-Men TPB - Haunted2014
Marvel Mangaverse: X-Men2002
Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game (HC): X-Men Expansion2024
Marvel Novels - X-Men: Days of Future Past (Titan Books)2019
Marvel Novels X-Men (HC): The Dark Phoenix Saga (Titan Books)2019
Marvel Spotlight: X-Men - Messiah CompleX2008
Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game: Guide to the X-Men (HC)2004
Marvel X-Men Collection1994
The Marvelous Adventures of Gus Beezer: X-Men2003
Marvels Comics: X-Men2000
Marvel's Voices: X-Men2023
Merry X-Men Holiday Special2019
Mythos: X-Men2006
New Avengers Military Giveaway: X-Men2006
Obnoxio the Clown vs. X-Men1983
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men 20042004
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men 20052006
Official Index to the Marvel Universe2009-2010
The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (I)1987-1988
The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II)1994
Onslaught: X-Men1996
Original X-Men (II)2024
Origins of Marvel Comics: X-Men2010
Planet-Size X-Men2021
Professor Xavier and the X-Men1995-1997
Psylocke/Archangel Crimson Dawn1997
Second Coming: Prepare2010
Secret Invasion: X-Men2008-2009
The Secret X-Men2022
The Sentry/X-Men2001
Spider-Man and the X-Men2015
Star Trek/X-Men (Paramount Comics / Marvel)1996
Star Trek/X-Men: 2nd Contact (Paramount Comics / Marvel)1998
Stryfe's Strike File1993
Taco Bell Exclusive Collector Edition – X-Men (Custom Comics) (Taco Bell / Marvel)2011
Taco Bell/X-Men (Custom Comics) (Taco Bell / Marvel)2011
Timestorm: 2009/2099: X-Men One-Shot2009
Typhoid Fever: X-Men2019
Uncanny X-Men At the State Fair of Texas1983
Wakanda Forever: X-Men2018
What If? AVX2013
What If? Infinity - X-Men2015
What If Magneto Had Formed the X-Men with Professor X?2005
What If? X-Men2018
What If? X-Men: Age of Apocalypse2007
What If? X-Men: Deadly Genesis2007
What If? X-Men - Rise and Fall of the Shi'Ar Empire2008
WildC.A.T.S./X-Men The Golden Age (Image Comics / Marvel)1997
WildC.A.T.S./X-Men: The Modern Age (Image Comics / Marvel)1997
WildC.A.T.S./X-Men: The Silver Age (Image Comics / Marvel)1997
Wizard: X-Men Turn Thirty (Wizard Publication)1993
Wizards Presents Cerebro's Guide to the X-Men (Wizard Publication)1998
Wizard's X-Men Special (I) (Wizard Publication)1998
Wizard's X-Men Special (II) (Wizard Publication)1999
Wizard's X-Men Special (III) (Wizard Publication)2002
Wizard's X-Men Special (IV) (Wizard Publication)2003
Wizard's X-Men Spectacular (Wizard Publication)2001
Wolverine and the X-Men Magazine2009
World War Hulk: X-Men2007
Xavier Institute Alumni Yearbook1996
X-Manhunt Omega2025
X-Men (I)1963-2011
X-Men (II)1991-2012
X-Men (III)2010-2013
X-Men (IV)2013-2015
X-Men (V)2019-2021
X-Men (VI)2021-2024
X-Men (VII)2024-2025
X-Men ½ (Wizard Publication)1998
X-Men: The 1982006
X-Men: The 198 Files2006
X-Men '972024
X-Men Alpha (Age of Apocalypse)1995
X-Men/Alpha Flight (I)1985-1986
X-Men/Alpha Flight (II)1998
X-Men Animation Special (Graphic Novel)1990
X-Men Anniversary Magazine (A Marvel Age Special)1993
X-Men Annual (I)1970-1994
X-Men Annual (II)1992-1994
X-Men Annual (III)2007
X-Men Annual (IV)2023
X-Men Annual (V)2023
X-Men Annual 20002000
X-Men Annual '951995
X-Men Annual '961996
X-Men Annual '971997
X-Men Annual '991999
X-Men: Apocalypse/Dracula2006
X-Men Archives Sketchbook2000
X-Men: The Art and Making of the Animated Series (HC) (Abrams)2021
X-Men Ashcan (Age of Apocalypse)1994
X-Men Ashcan Edition1994
X-Men: Battle of the Atom2013
X-Men: Before the Fall - Sinister Four2023
X-Men Black Sun2000
X-Men: Blind Science2010
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Jubilee2024
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Laura Kinney the Wolverine2024
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Magik2024
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Psylocke (Kwannon)2024
X-Men: Blue2017-2018
X-Men Blue Annual2018
X-Men Blue: Origins2024
X-Men Books of Askani1995
X-Men: Children of the Atom1999-2000
X-Men: Choosing Sides2011
X-Men Chromium Classics: Death of the Phoenix1998
X-Men Chronicles (Age of Apocalypse)1995
X-Men: ClanDestine1996
The X-Men Collector's Edition (Premium Giveaway) (Pizza Hut / Marvel)1993
X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing2021
X-Men Dark Mirror (Pocket Books)2006
X-Men: Dawn of X Saga2020
X-Men: Days of Future Past - Doomsday2023
X-Men: Deadly Genesis2006
X-Men: Declassified2000
X-Men: Die by the Sword2007-2008
X-Men Divided We Stand2008
X-Men/Dr. Doom Annual '981998
X-Men Earth's Mutant Heroes2011
X-Men: Emperor Vulcan2007-2008
X-Men: Endangered Species One-Shot2007
X-Men: Evolution (TV)2002
X-Men Evolutions2011
X-Men: The Exterminated2019
X-Men Fairy Tales2006
X-Men/Fantastic Four (I)2005
X-Men/Fantastic Four (II)2020
X-Men: From the Ashes (Infinity Comic)2024
X-Men From the Ashes Sampler2024
X-Men: Future History - The Messiah War Sourcebook2009
X-Men Giant-Size (III)2011
X-Men Giant-Size (IV)2024
X-Men: Gold (i)2014
X-Men: Gold (II)2017-2018
X-Men: Gold Annual2018
X-Men: Grand Design2018
X-Men: Grand Design - Second Genesis2018
X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction2019
X-Men (HC): Days of Future Past (Prose Novel)2014
X-Men (HC): No More Humans (Graphic Novel)2014
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse2024
X-Men: Hellbound2010
X-Men: The Hellfire Club2000
X-Men: Hellfire Gala (I)2022
X-Men: Hellfire Gala 20232023
X-Men: Hellfire Gala Confessionals (Infinity Comic)2022
X-Men: Hellfire Gala Last Rites (Infinity Comic)2023
X-Men The Hidden Years1999-2001
The X-Men in: Life Lessons2003
X-Men: Kingbreaker2009
X-Men The Last Stand (Book)2006
X-Men: The Last Stand (DVD Special)2006
X-Men Legacy (I)1991-2012
X-Men: Liberators1998-1999
X-Men (Little Golden Book) (Penguin Random House)2024
X-Men Look and Find (Book)1992
X-Men: Magneto Testament2008-2009
X-Men: The Magneto War1999
X-Men: The Manga1998-1999
X-Men: Manifest Destiny2008-2009
X-Men: Manifest Destiny Nightcrawler2009
X-Men: Marvels Snapshots2020
X-Men: Messiah CompleX2007
X-Men: Messiah CompleX - Mutant Files2008
X-Men: Millennial Visions2000-2002
X-Men: Misfits (Del Rey / Marvel)2009
X-Men: Missing Mutant Mystery - The Coming of Triplikill1994
X-Men and Moon Girl2022
X-Men: Odd Men Out2008
X-Men Omega (Age of Apocalypse)1995
X-Men: The Onslaught Revelation2021
X-Men: Original Sin2008
X-Men PB: Days of Future Past (Prose Novel)2016
X-Men: Phoenix Force Handbook2010
X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back2010
X-Men Poster Book2006
X-Men Poster Magazine1992
X-Men and Power Pack2005-2006
X-Men: Prelude to Schism2011
The X-Men Premium Edition (Limited Edition) (Toys'R'Us / Marvel)1993
X-Men Prime (I)1995
X-Men Prime (II)2017
X-Men Red (I)2018-2019
X-Men Red (II)2022-2024
X-Men: Red Annual2018
X-Men: Regenesis2011
X-Men Revolution Genesis Edition2000
X-Men: Road to Onslaught1996
X-Men: Ronin2003
X-Men: Schism2011
X-Men: Search for Cyclops2000-2001
X-Men: Second Coming2010
X-Men: Second Coming Finale2010
X-Men: To Serve and Protect2011
X-Men Spotlight2011
X-Men Survival Guide to the Mansion1993
X-Men: Sword of the Braddocks2009
X-Men: The Times and Life of Lucas Bishop2009
X-Men TPB: Days of Future Past (Prose Novel)2015
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto2021-2022
X-Men True Friends1999
X-Men: The Ultra Collection1994-1995
X-Men Ultra III Preview1995
X-Men: Unforgiven2023
X-Men: The Unlikely Saga of Xavier, Magneto and Stan2006
X-Men Unlimited (I)1993-2003
X-Men Unlimited (II)2004-2006
X-Men Unlimited (III) (Infinity Comic)2021-2024
X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green2022
X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas2009-2010
The X-Men vs. the Avengers1987
X-Men vs. the Brood1996
X-Men vs. Hulk2009
X-Men: Watchers on the Walls (Pocket Books)2006
X-Men: The Wedding Album1994
X-Men: The Wedding Special (I)2018
X-Men: The Wedding Special (II)2024
X-Men/WildC.A.T.S.: The Dark Age (Image Comics / Marvel)1998
X-Men: Worlds Apart2008-2009
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever2016
X-Men: Year of the Mutants Collectors' Preview1995
X-Men: Yearbook 19992000
Years of Future Past2015
Young X-Men2008-2009
Adventures of the X-Men GN-TPB vol.12019
Adventures of the X-Men GN-TPB vol.2: Rites of Passage2019
Adventures of the X-Men GN-TPB vol.3: Tooth and Claw2020
The All-New, All-Different X-Men Masterworks TPB1993
Amazing Adventures (III)1979-1981
Amazing X-Men TPB vol.1: The Quest For Nightcrawler2014
Amazing X-Men TPB vol.2: World War Wendigo2015
Amazing X-Men TPB vol.3: Once and Future Juggernaut2015
Astonishing X-Men Premiere (HC): Xenogenesis2011
Astonishing X-Men TPB: Xenogenesis2011
Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis Director's Cut2010
Avengers and X-Men (HC): Axis2015
Avengers/X-Men Premiere (HC): Bloodties2012
Avengers and X-Men TPB: Axis2017
Avengers/X-Men TPB: Bloodties1995
Avengers/X-Men TPB: Maximum Security2011
Avengers/X-Men: Utopia (HC)2010
Avengers/X-Men: Utopia TPB2010
Backpack Marvels X-Men: Dark Phoenix Returns2000
Backpack Marvels X-Men: Target: Angel2000
Chaos War TPB: X-Men2011
Civil War (HC): X-Men2011
Civil War Premiere (HC): X-Men2016
Civil War TPB: X-Men2007
Civil War TPB: X-Men (II)2016
Civil War TPB: X-Men Universe2007
Classic X-Men1986-1995
Cosmic X-Men Omnibus (HC)2025
Dead X-Men TPB2024
Decimation: X-Men TPB: The 1982006
Decimation: X-Men TPB: The Day After2006
Devil's Reign TPB: X-Men2022
Empyre TPB: X-Men2020
Essential Classic X-Men1999-2009
Essential X-Men1997-2013
Exceptional X-Men TPB By Eve L. Ewing vol.1: Duty Calls2025
Extermination TPB2019
Extraordinary X-Men TPB vol.1: X-Haven2016
Extraordinary X-Men TPB vol.2: Apocalypse Wars2016
Extraordinary X-Men TPB vol.3: Kingdoms Fall2017
Extraordinary X-Men TPB vol.4: IVX2017
First X-Men Premiere (HC)2013
First X-Men TPB2013
Giant-Size X-Men 40th Anniversary (HC)2015
Giant-Size X-Men (Facsimile Edition)2019
Giant-Size X-Men Gallery Edition (HC): Tribute to Len Wein and Dave Cockrum2021
Giant-Size X-Men TPB By Jonathan Hickman2021
Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Len Wein and Dave Cockrum2020
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men (HC): The Black Vortex2015
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men TPB: The Black Vortex2016
House of M (HC): Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and X-Men2010
Immortal X-Men TPB By Kieron Gillen vol.12022
Immortal X-Men TPB By Kieron Gillen vol.22023
Immortal X-Men TPB By Kieron Gillen vol.32023
Immortal X-Men TPB By Kieron Gillen vol.42024
Immortal X-Men TPB By Kieron Gillen vol.5: X-Men Forever2025
Inhumans vs X-Men (HC)2017
Inhumans vs. X-Men TPB2018
John Byrne's X-Men Artist's Edition (HC) (IDW Publishing)2024
Legends of Marvel TPB: X-Men2020
Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man Digest TPB vol.16: Peter Parker vs. the X-Men2010
Marvel Chillers Featuring the X-Men: Blood Storm1996
Marvel Chillers The Pryde and Terror of the X-Men1997
Marvel Chillers: The Thing in the Glass Case - Featuring the X-Men1997
Marvel Collectible Classics X-Men1998
Marvel Comics Presents X-Men (Giveaway)1988
Marvel Masterworks: Uncanny X-Men (HC)1987-1988
Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men 2nd Edition (HC)2003-2010
Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men 3rd Edition (HC) (Re-Masterworks)2023
Marvel Masterworks: X-Men TPB2009-2014
Marvel Milestones: Wolverine, X-Men and Tuk: Cave Boy2005
Marvel Tales: Rom and the X-Men2024
Marvel Tales: X-Men2019
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: The X-Men vol.1: The Strangest Super Heroes of All2021
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: The X-Men vol.2: Where Walks the Juggernaut2022
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: The X-Men vol.3: Divided We Fall2023
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: The X-Men vol.4: Factor Three2025
New X-Men Preview Pre-Press Edition (Wizard Publication)2001
The Original X-Men (I) (Marvel UK)1983
Secret Invasion: X-Men TPB2009
Siege Premiere (HC): X-Men2010
Siege TPB: X-Men2011
Special Edition X-Men1983
Spider-Man and the X-Men TPB2015
True Believers: Giant-Size X-Men2017
True Believers: Wolverine and the X-Men2017
True Believers: X-Men2017
True Believers: X-Men - Apocalypse2019
True Believers: X-Men - Betsy Braddock2019
True Believers: X-Men - Bishop2019
True Believers: X-Men Blue2017
True Believers: X-Men - Cypher2020
True Believers: X-Men - Empath2020
True Believers: X-Men Gold2017
True Believers: X-Men - Greycrow2020
True Believers: X-Men - Havok2020
True Believers: X-Men - Jubilee2019
True Believers: X-Men - Karima Shapandar, Omega Sentinel2019
True Believers: X-Men - Kitty Pryde and Emma Frost2019
True Believers: X-Men - Kwannon2019
True Believers: X-Men - Magik2020
True Believers: X-Men - Mister Sinister2020
True Believers: X-Men - Moira MacTaggert2019
True Believers: X-Men - Nanny and Orphan Maker2020
True Believers: X-Men - Pyro2019
True Believers: X-Men - Rictor2019
True Believers: X-Men - Saturnyne2020
True Believers: X-Men - Soulsword2020
True Believers: X-Men - Wild Child2020
Uncanny X-Men (Facsimile Edition)2019-2025
Uncanny X-Men TPB By Gail Simone vol.1: Red Wave2025
Venom and X-Men TPB: Poison-X (Edward Brock)2018
Weapon X-Men TPB2025
What If? TPB: AVX2013
WildC.A.T.S./X-Men: The Golden Age 3-D Edition (Image Comics / Marvel)1997
WildC.A.T.S./X-Men: The Modern Age 3-D Edition (Image Comics / Marvel)1997
WildC.A.T.S./X-Men: The Silver Age 3-D Edition (Image Comics / Marvel)1997
Wizard X-Men Pre-Press Edition (Wizard Publication)2001
Wolverine Premiere (HC): Wolverine vs. The X-Men2011
World War Hulk TPB: X-Men2008
X-Men 20th Anniversary Edition2011
X-Men '97 TPB: Great X-Pectations2024
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Omnibus Companion (HC)2014
X-Men/Alpha Flight TPB2017
X-Men and Alpha Flight TPB: The Gift1998
X-Men and the Amazing Spider-Man TPB: Savage Land1987
X-Men: Apocalypse/Dracula TPB2006
X-Men Archives1995
X-Men Archives feat. Captain Britain1995-1996
X-Men/Avengers: Onslaught Omnibus (HC)2015
X-Men/Avengers TPB: Onslaught2020-2021
X-Men/Black Panther TPB2006
X-Men Classic1986-1995
X-Men Classic Omnibus (HC)2017
X-Men Classic TPB The Complete Collection2019-2020
X-Men Classics1983-1984
X-Men: Cyclops and Phoenix TPB: Past and Future2018
X-Men Dollar Digest TPB: Children of the Atom2005
X-Men: The Early Years1994-1995
X-Men: Earthfall1996
X-Men: Endangered Species Back-Up Story (Digital Comic)2007
X-Men Evolution GN-TPB2021
X-Men: Evolution (TV) Digest TPB2004
X-Men: Evolution (TV) TPB2003
X-Men (Facsimile Edition)2020-2023
X-Men/Fantastic Four (II) Director's Cut2020
X-Men/Fantastic Four (HC)2005
X-Men/Fantastic Four TPB: 4X2020
X-Men First Class (Infinite Comic)2019
X-Men Firsts1996
X-Men Gallery Edition (HC): God Loves Man Kills Extended Cut2020
X-Men Gallery Edition (HC) By Roy Thomas and Neal Adams2019
X-Men: Gambit and Rogue TPB2016
X-Men and Ghost Rider TPB: Brood Trouble in the Big Easy (Daniel Ketch)1993
X-Men Giant-Size TPB: Tribute to Len Wein and Dave Cockrum2025
X-Men GN-TPB: First Class - Road Trips2022
X-Men GN-TPB: X-Verse - X-Women2023
X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills Extended Cut2020
X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills - Special Edition2003
X-Men Great Power2011
X-Men (HC): Adamantium Collection2014
X-Men (HC): Age of X2011
X-Men (HC): Apocalypse Wars2016
X-Men (HC): Asgardian Wars2009
X-Men (HC): Battle of the Atom2014
X-Men (HC): Bishop's Crossing2012
X-Men (HC): Children of the Atom Box Set Slipcase2020
X-Men (HC): The Dark Phoenix Saga2010
X-Men (HC): Days of Future Past2014
X-Men (HC): Endangered Species One-Shot2008
X-Men (HC): Eve of Destruction2019
X-Men (HC): The Fall of the Mutants2011
X-Men (HC): Fatal Attractions2012
X-Men (HC): Hellfire Gala - The Red Carpet Collection2021
X-Men (HC): Inferno2009
X-Men (HC): Inferno Crossovers2010
X-Men (HC): Inferno Prologue2015
X-Men (HC): Legionquest2018
X-Men (HC): Manifest Destiny2009
X-Men (HC): Messiah CompleX2008
X-Men (HC): Mutant Genesis 2.02012
X-Men (HC): Mutant Massacre2009
X-Men (HC): Nation X2010
X-Men (HC): Operation Zero Tolerance2012
X-Men (HC): Phalanx Covenant2014
X-Men (HC): Schism2012
X-Men (HC): Second Coming2010
X-Men (HC): Second Coming - Revelations2010
X-Men (HC): Supernovas2007
X-Men (HC): The Wedding of Cyclops and Phoenix2018
X-Men (HC): Worlds Apart2009
X-Men (HC): X-Cutioner's Song2011
X-Men (HC): X-Tinction Agenda2011
X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 Director's Cut2023
X-Men: Hellfire Gala (II) (Infinity Comic)2023
X-Men: Hope2010
X-Men: Kitty Pryde and Wolverine Premiere (HC)2008
X-Men: Longshot TPB1989
X-Men: Lost Tales1997
X-Men: Magneto Premiere (HC) - Testament2009
X-Men: Magneto TPB Testament2009
X-Men Milestones TPB: Age of X2020
X-Men Milestones TPB: Dark Phoenix Saga2019
X-Men Milestones TPB: Fall of the Mutants2019
X-Men Milestones TPB: Fatal Attractions2020
X-Men Milestones TPB: Inferno2019
X-Men Milestones TPB: Messiah Complex2020
X-Men Milestones TPB: Messiah War2020
X-Men Milestones TPB: Mutant Massacre2019
X-Men Milestones TPB: Necrosha2020
X-Men Milestones TPB: Onslaught2020
X-Men Milestones TPB: Operation Zero Tolerance2020
X-Men Milestones TPB: Phalanx Covenant2020
X-Men Milestones TPB: Second Coming2020
X-Men Milestones TPB: X-Cutioner's Song2019
X-Men Milestones TPB: X-Tinction Agenda2019
X-Men Omnibus (HC)2009-2011
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Age of Apocalypse2012
X-Men Omnibus (HC): The Animated Series - The Adaptations2022
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Blue and Gold Mutant Genesis2025
X-Men Omnibus (HC) By Chris Claremont and Jim Lee2011-2012
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Decimation2024
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Fall of the Mutants2022
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Fatal Attractions2024
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Grand Design2020
X-Men Omnibus (HC): The Hidden Years2023
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Inferno2021
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Inferno Prologue2021
X-Men Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman2021
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Mutant Massacre2019
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Mutant Massacre Prelude2024
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Onslaught Aftermath2025
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Revolution By Chris Claremont2018
X-Men Omnibus (HC): Road to Onslaught2024
X-Men Omnibus (HC): X-Tinction Agenda2024
X-Men Origins TPB: Firestar2017
X-Men Origins TPB: Gambit2016
X-Men: Phoenix TPB: Endsong/Warsong Ultimate Collection2012
X-Men: Phoenix TPB In Darkness By Grant Morrison2018
X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back TPB2010
X-Men: Pixies and Demons Director's Cut2009
X-Men and Power Pack TPB Digest: The Power of X2006
X-Men Premiere (HC): Alpha Flight2011
X-Men Premiere (HC): Beauty and the Beast2012
X-Men Premiere (HC): Bronze Age (Slipcase Edition) vol.1: All-New and All-Different2020
X-Men Premiere (HC): Bronze Age (Slipcase Edition) vol.2: Magneto Triumphant2020
X-Men Premiere (HC): Bronze Age (Slipcase Edition) vol.3: The Fate of the Phoenix2020
X-Men Premiere (HC) Companion2020
X-Men Premiere (HC): Deadly Genesis2006
X-Men Premiere (HC): Fallen Angels2011
X-Men Premiere (HC): FF2012
X-Men Premiere (HC): First to Last2011
X-Men Premiere (HC): God Loves, Man Kills2008
X-Men Premiere (HC): Lifedeath2011
X-Men Premiere (HC): The Lost Years2020
X-Men Premiere (HC): Mutant Genesis2010
X-Men Premiere (HC): Original Sin2009
X-Men Premiere (HC): Phoenix Rising2009
X-Men Premiere (HC): Prelude to Schism2011
X-Men Premiere (HC): Proteus2009
X-Men Premiere (HC): Season One2012
X-Men Premiere (HC): Silver Age (Slipcase Edition) vol.1: Gifted Youngsters2020
X-Men Premiere (HC): Silver Age (Slipcase Edition) vol.2: Divided We Fall2020
X-Men Premiere (HC): Silver Age (Slipcase Edition) vol.3: The Torch is Passed2020
X-Men Premiere (HC): Silver Age (Slipcase Edition) vol.4: Twilight of the Mutants2020
X-Men Premiere (HC): War Machines2012
X-Men Premiere (HC): With Great Power2011
X-Men: Psylocke (TPB)2010
X-Men Rarities1995
X-Men Red TPB vol.1: The Hate Machine2018
X-Men Red TPB vol.2: Waging Peace2019
X-Men Red TPB By Al Ewing2022-2024
X-Men Reload TPB By Chris Claremont vol.1: The End of History2019
X-Men Reload TPB By Chris Claremont vol.2: House of M2020
X-Men: Return of Magik Must Have2008
X-Men: Shattershot (HC)2020
X-Men (Special Collector's Edition)1991
X-Men/Spider-Man (HC)2009
X-Men/Spider-Man TPB2010
X-Men: Starjammers TPB By Dave Cockrum2020
X-Men/Steve Rogers (HC): Escape From The Negative Zone2011
X-Men/Steve Rogers TPB: Escape From The Negative Zone2012
X-Men TPB vol.1: Primer2014
X-Men TPB vol.2: Muertas2014
X-Men TPB vol.3: Bloodline2014
X-Men TPB vol.4: Exogenous2015
X-Men TPB vol.5: Burning World2015
X-Men TPB: The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix2014
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse vol.1: Alpha2015
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse vol.2: Reign2015
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse vol.3: Omega2016
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse vol.4: Dawn2016
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse Prelude2011
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse - Termination2018
X-Men TPB: Age of Apocalypse Twilight2016
X-Men TPB: Age of X2012
X-Men TPB: The Asgardian Wars1988
X-Men TPB: Battle of the Atom2014
X-Men TPB: Bishop's Crossing2016
X-Men TPB: Bizarre Love Triangle2005
X-Men TPB: Black2019
X-Men TPB: Blank Generation2013
X-Men TPB: Blinded by the Light2008
X-Men TPB: Blood of Apocalypse2006
X-Men TPB: Blood Hunt2025
X-Men TPB: Blue vol.0: Reunion2018
X-Men TPB: Blue vol.1: Strangest2017
X-Men TPB: Blue vol.2: Toil and Trouble2018
X-Men TPB: Blue vol.3: Cross Time Capers2018
X-Men TPB: Blue vol.4: Cry Havok2018
X-Men TPB: Blue vol.5: Surviving Experience2018
X-Men TPB: ClanDestine vs. The X-Men1998
X-Men TPB: The Complete Onslaught Epic2008-2009
X-Men TPB: Crossroads1998
X-Men TPB: The Curse is Broken2013
X-Men TPB: The Dark Phoenix Saga (I)1984
X-Men TPB: The Dark Phoenix Saga (II)2006
X-Men TPB: Day of the Atom2005
X-Men TPB: Days of Future Past2004
X-Men TPB: Days of Future Past - Doomsday2024
X-Men TPB: Deadly Genesis2007
X-Men TPB: Die by the Sword2008
X-Men TPB: Divided We Stand2008
X-Men TPB: Dream's End2005
X-Men TPB: Emperor Vulcan2008
X-Men TPB: Endangered Species One-Shot2008
X-Men TPB: Eve of Destruction2005
X-Men TPB: Fairy Tales2007
X-Men TPB: The Fall of the Mutants (I)2002
X-Men TPB: The Fall of the Mutants (II)2013
X-Men TPB: Fallen Angels2013
X-Men TPB: Fatal Attractions1994
X-Men TPB: FF2012
X-Men TPB: First to Last2012
X-Men TPB: From the Ashes2022
X-Men TPB By Gerry Duggan2022-2024
X-Men TPB: Ghosts2013
X-Men TPB: God Loves, Man Kills1994
X-Men TPB: Gold vol.0: Homecoming2018
X-Men TPB: Gold vol.1: Back to Basics2017
X-Men TPB: Gold vol.2: Evil Empires2018
X-Men TPB: Gold vol.3: Mojo Worldwide2018
X-Men TPB: Gold vol.4: The Negative Zone War2018
X-Men TPB: Gold vol.5: Cruel and Unusual2018
X-Men TPB: Gold vol.6: ‘Til Death Do Us Part2018
X-Men TPB: Gold vol.7: Godwar2019
X-Men TPB: Golgotha2005
X-Men TPB: Grand Design2018
X-Men TPB: Grand Design - Second Genesis2018
X-Men TPB: Grand Design Trilogy2023
X-Men TPB: Grand Design - X-Tinction2019
X-Men TPB: Heir of Apocalypse2025
X-Men TPB: Hellfire Gala2021
X-Men TPB: Hellfire Gala - Fall of X2024
X-Men TPB: Hellfire Gala - Immortal2023
X-Men TPB: The Hidden Years2012
X-Men TPB: The Hunt for Professor X2015
X-Men TPB: Inferno (I)2000
X-Men TPB: Inferno (II)2016
X-Men TPB: Inferno (III)2023
X-Men TPB: Inferno Crossovers2017
X-Men TPB By Jed MacKay vol.1: Homecoming2025
X-Men TPB By Jonathan Hickman2020-2021
X-Men TPB: Legion - Shadow King Rising2018
X-Men TPB: Legionquest1995
X-Men TPB: The Magneto War2018
X-Men TPB: Manifest Destiny2010
X-Men TPB: Marauders (I)2008
X-Men TPB: Marauders (II)2019
X-Men TPB: Messiah CompleX2008
X-Men TPB: Mutant Genesis2006
X-Men TPB: Mutant Genesis 2.02016
X-Men TPB: Mutant Massacre2000
X-Men TPB: Nation X2010
X-Men TPB: Old Soldiers2004
X-Men TPB: Onslaught Aftermath2019
X-Men TPB: Original Sin2009
X-Men TPB (Penguin Classics Marvel Collection) (Penguin Random House)2023
X-Men TPB By Peter Milligan vol.1: Dangerous Liaisons2019
X-Men TPB By Peter Milligan vol.2: Blood of Apocalypse2023
X-Men TPB: Powerless2010
X-Men TPB: Prelude to Onslaught2010
X-Men TPB: Prelude to Schism2012
X-Men TPB: Reckless Abandonment2013
X-Men TPB: Reign of X By Jonathan Hickman2024-2025
X-Men TPB: Reloaded2020
X-Men TPB: The Rise of Apocalypse2016
X-Men TPB: The Road to Onslaught2014-2015
X-Men TPB: Ronin2003
X-Men TPB: Savage Land2002
X-Men TPB: Schism2012
X-Men TPB: Second Coming2011
X-Men TPB: Second Coming - Revelations2011
X-Men TPB: To Serve and Protect2011
X-Men TPB: The Shattering2009
X-Men TPB: A Skinning of Souls2014
X-Men TPB: Summers and Winter2020
X-Men TPB: Supernovas2008
X-Men TPB: S.W.O.R.D.: No Time to Breathe2010
X-Men TPB: The Trial of Gambit2016
X-Men TPB: Trial of the Juggernaut2019
X-Men TPB: The Trial of Magneto2022
X-Men TPB: Unstoppable2019
X-Men TPB Vignettes2001-2005
X-Men TPB: War Machines2012
X-Men TPB: We Are the X-Men2010
X-Men TPB: The Wedding of Cyclops and Phoenix2012
X-Men TPB: With Great Power2012
X-Men TPB: Worlds Apart2010
X-Men TPB: Worst X-Man Ever2016
X-Men TPB: The Wrath of Apocalypse1996
X-Men TPB: X-Corps2013
X-Men TPB: X-Cutioner's Song1994
X-Men TPB: X-Men vs. Avengers/Fantastic Four2011
X-Men TPB: X-Men vs. the Brood2000
X-Men TPB: X-Termination2013
X-Men TPB: X-Tinction Agenda2000
X-Men Universe2000-2001
X-Men Unlimited: Latitude2022
X-Men Visionaries TPB: Chris Claremont2000
X-Men Visionaries TPB: Jim Lee2002
X-Men Visionaries TPB: Joe Madureira2000
X-Men: Visionaries TPB: The Neal Adams Collection1996
X-Men vs. Apocalypse Omnibus (HC): The Twelve2020
X-Men vs. Apocalypse TPB vol.1: The Twelve2008
X-Men vs. Apocalypse TPB vol.2: Ages of Apocalypse2008
X-Men vs. Avengers Premiere (HC)2009
X-Men vs. Dracula1993
X-Men vs. Fantastic Four Premiere (HC)2009
X-Men vs. Hulk TPB2014
X-Men: Wolverine/Gambit Premiere (HC)2009
X-Men: Xavier's Secret2025
X-Men: X-Club TPB2012
X-Men: X-Verse - Wolverine GN-TPB2023
X-Men: X-Verse - X-Villains GN-TPB2023
X-Men XXL (HC) By Jim Lee2019
X-Men: Years of Future Past TPB2016
X-Women TPB2013
Young Marvel TPB: Little X-Men, Little Avengers, Big Trouble2013
Young X-Men TPB vol.1: Final Genesis2009
Young X-Men TPB vol.2: Book of Revelations2009

See also:
Age of Apocalypse
All-New X-Men series
Archangel solo series
Astonishing X-Men series
Avengers vs. X-Men series
Avengers and X-Men: Axis series
Avengers/X-Men/Eternals series
Beast (Henry McCoy) solo series
Bishop solo series
Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) solo series
Cyclops solo series
Dark X-Men series
Dazzler solo series
Emma Frost solo series
Gambit solo series
Generation Hope series
Havok solo series
House of M
Iceman solo series
Jubilee solo series
Lockheed as member of the Pet Avengers
Longshot solo series
Marvel Milestone Editions
Marvel Movie Adaptations and Supplements
New X-Men Academy X series
New X-Men Academy X series
New X-Men series
Nightcrawler solo series
Phoenix (Jaen Grey, Rachel Summers) solo series
Professor X (Charles Xavier) as member of the Illuminati
Psylocke solo series
Rogue solo series
Shadowcat solo series
Spider-Man/Marrow one shot
Starjammers solo series
Storm solo series
Target X-Men ...
Ultimate X-Men series
Uncanny X-Men series
Various Mutant series
Wolverine (James Howlett) solo series
Wolverine and the X-Men series
X-Men 2099 series
X-Men Adventures (TV)
X-Men Curse of the Mutants series
X-Men The End
X-Men First Class
X-Men Forever
X-Men Giveaways
X-Men Icons
X-Men Legacy series
X-Men Noir series
X-Men Origins
X-Treme X-Men series

X-Men '92

X-Men '92 (II)2016-2017
X-Men '92: House of XCII2022
X-Men '92 (Infinite Comic)2015
X-Men '92 (I)2015
X-Men '92: House of XCII TPB2023
X-Men '92 TPB vol.1: The World is a Vampire2016
X-Men '92 TPB vol.2: Lilapalooza2017
X-Men '92 TPB: The Saga Continues2023
X-Men '92 TPB: Warzones!2016

X-Men Adventures

Adventures of the X-Men (TV)1996-1997
X-Men Adventures (TV) (I)1992-1994
X-Men Adventures (TV) (II)1994-1995
X-Men Adventures (TV) (III)1995-1996
X-Men Adventures Digest TPB2018
X-Men Adventures (TV) TPB1994
X-Men Adventures (TV) TPB: Captive Heart/Slave Island1994
X-Men Adventures (TV) TPB: The Irresistible Force/The Muir Island Saga1994
X-Men: The Animated Series GN-TPB - Feared and Hated2024

See also:
X-Men series

X-Men Before the Fall

X-Men: Before the Fall - Heralds of Apocalypse2023
X-Men: Before the Fall - Mutant First Strike2023
X-Men: Before the Fall - Sons of X2023

X-Men Black

X-Men: Black - Emma Frost2018
X-Men: Black - Juggernaut2018
X-Men: Black - Magneto2018
X-Men: Black - Mojo2018
X-Men: Black - Mystique2018

X-Men Curse of the Mutants

X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Blade2010
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Smoke and Blood2010
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants Spotlight2011
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - Storm and Gambit2010
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants - X-Men vs. Vampires2010
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants Saga2010
X-Men Premiere (HC): Curse of the Mutants2011
X-Men Premiere (HC): Curse of the Mutants - Mutants vs. Vampires2011
X-Men TPB: Curse of the Mutants2011
X-Men TPB: Curse of the Mutants - Mutants vs. Vampires2011

See also:
Other X-Men series

X-Men First Class

Uncanny X-Men: First Class2009-2010
Uncanny X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special2009
X-Men: First Class2006-2007
X-Men: First Class (II)2007-2008
X-Men: First Class Finals2009
X-Men: First Class Giant-Size Special2008
X-Men: First Class Special2007
Target X-Men: First Class - New Beginnings (Target / Marvel)2007
Uncanny X-Men: First Class GN-TPB: Hated and Feared2010
Uncanny X-Men: First Class GN-TPB: Knights of Hykon2010
X-Men: First Class GN-TPB2011
X-Men: First Class GN-TPB Class Portraits2011
X-Men: First Class Magazine2011
X-Men: First Class - New Beginnings (Giant-Size Marvel)2008
X-Men: First Class - Tomorrow's Brightest (Giant-Size Marvel)2008
X-Men: First Class TPB - Band of Brothers2009
X-Men: First Class TPB - Finals2009
X-Men: First Class TPB - Mutant Mayhem2008
X-Men: First Class TPB - Tomorrow's Brightest2008
X-Men: First Class TPB - Wonder Years2009
X-Men GN-TPB: First Class - Mutants 1012022
X-Men (HC): First Class2007

See also:
First Class series

X-Men Forever

X-Men Forever (I)2001
X-Men Forever (II)2009-2010
X-Men Forever (III)2010-2011
X-Men: Forever (IV)2024
X-Men Forever Annual2010
X-Men Forever Giant-Size2010
X-Men Forever 3 TPB vol.1: Back in Action2011
X-Men Forever 3 TPB vol.2: Scream a Little Scream2011
X-Men Forever 3 TPB vol.3: Perfect World2011
X-Men Forever Alpha2009
X-Men Forever Digital Preview (Digital Comic)2009
X-Men Forever TPB vol.12009
X-Men Forever TPB vol.2: The Secret History of the Sentinels2010
X-Men Forever TPB vol.3: Come to Mother... Russia!2010
X-Men Forever TPB vol.4: Devil in a White Dress2010
X-Men Forever TPB vol.5: Once More... Into the Breach2010
X-Men Forever TPB vol.62011

See also:
X-Men series

X-Men Icons

Iceman (II)2001-2002
Icons: Cyclops2001-2002
Nightcrawler (II)2002
Rogue (II)2001

X-Men Legacy

X-Men Legacy (II)2013-2014
X-Men Legacy (III)2014
X-Men Legacy Annual2009
Avengers vs. X-Men TPB: X-Men Legacy2013
X-Men Legacy Omnibus (HC): Legion2017
X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Aftermath2011
X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Back to School2012
X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Collision2011
X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Divided He Stands2008
X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Emplate2010
X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Five Miles South of the Universe2012
X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Lost Legions2011
X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Salvage2009
X-Men: Legacy Premiere (HC): Sins of the Father2009
X-Men Legacy TPB vol.1: Prodigal2013
X-Men Legacy TPB vol.2: Invasive Exotics2013
X-Men Legacy TPB vol.3: Revenants2014
X-Men Legacy TPB vol.4: For We Are Many2014
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Aftermath2012
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Back to School2013
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Collision2011
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Divided He Stands2009
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Emplate2010
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Five Miles South of the Universe2012
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Lost Legions2012
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Necrosha2012
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Salvage2010
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Sins of the Father2009

See also:
Other X-Men series

X-Men Legends

X-Men Legends (I)2021-2022
X-Men Legends (II)2022-2023
X-Men Legends Poster Book (Giveaway) (Toy Biz)2003
X-Men Legends TPB (II) vol.1: The Missing Links2022
X-Men Legends TPB (I) vol.1: Mutant Genesis2002
X-Men Legends TPB (I) vol.2: The Dark Phoenix Saga2003
X-Men Legends TPB (II) vol.2: Mutant Mayhem2022
X-Men Legends TPB (I) vol.3: By Art Adams Book 12003
X-Men Legends TPB (I) vol.4: Hated and Feared2004
X-Men Legends TPB: Past Meets Future2023

X-Men Noir

X-Men Noir2009
X-Men Noir: Mark of Cain2010
Marvel Noir TPB: Wolverine and The X-Men2013
X-Men Noir GN-TPB: Mark of Cain2011
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC)2009
X-Men Noir Premiere (HC): Mark of Cain2010
X-Men Noir TPB2009

X-Men Origins

X-Men Origins: Beast2008
X-Men Origins: Colossus2008
X-Men Origins: Cyclops2010
X-Men Origins: Deadpool2010
X-Men Origins: Emma Frost2010
X-Men Origins: Gambit2009
X-Men Origins: Iceman2010
X-Men Origins: Jean Grey2008
X-Men Origins: Nightcrawler2010
X-Men Origins: Sabretooth2009
X-Men Origins: Wolverine2009
X-Men Origins (HC)2009-2011
X-Men Origins TPB2010-2011
X-Men Origins TPB: The Complete Collection2018
X-Men TPB: Uncanny Origins2018

X-Men The End

X-Men: The End (I)2004-2005
X-Men: The End Book One: Dreamers and Demons2004-2005
X-Men: The End (II) - Heroes and Martyrs2005
X-Men: The End (III) - Men and X-Men2006
X-Men: The End TPB vol.1: Dreamers and Demons2005
X-Men: The End TPB vol.2: Heroes and Martyrs2005
X-Men: The End TPB vol.3: Men And X-Men2006
X-Men: The End Trilogy TPB2009

See also:
End Series

X-Treme X-Men

X-Treme X-Men (I)2001-2004
X-Treme X-Men (II)2012-2013
X-Treme X-Men (III)2023
X-Treme X-Men Annual 20012001
X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land2001-2002
X-Treme X-Men X-Posé2003
X-Treme X-Men Omnibus (HC) By Chris Claremont2022-2024
X-Treme X-Men TPB (I) vol.1: Destiny2002
X-Treme X-Men TPB (II) vol.1: Xavier Must Die!2013
X-Treme X-Men TPB (I) vol.2: Invasion2003
X-Treme X-Men TPB (II) vol.2: You Can't Go Home Again2013
X-Treme X-Men TPB (I) vol.3: Schism2003
X-Treme X-Men TPB (I) vol.4: Mekanix2003
X-Treme X-Men TPB (I) vol.5: God Loves, Man Kills2003
X-Treme X-Men TPB (I) vol.6: Intifada2004
X-Treme X-Men TPB (I) vol.7: Storm - The Arena2004
X-Treme X-Men TPB (I) vol.8: Prisoner of Fire2004
X-Treme X-Men TPB By Chris Claremont and Salvador Larroca: A New Beginning2023
X-Treme X-Men TPB: Savage Land2002

See also:
Other X-Men series

X-Men 2099

Timestorm: 2009/2099: X-Men One-Shot2009
X-Men 20991993-1996
X-Men 2099: Oasis1996
X-Men 2099 Special1995
X-Men 2099 Omnibus (HC)2024
X-Men 2099 TPB2009

See also:
Other 2099 series
X-Men series


X-Necrosha: The Gathering2010
New Mutants Premiere (HC): Necrosha2010
New Mutants TPB (I) vol.2: Necrosha2010
X-Force TPB: Necrosha2012
X-Men: Legacy TPB: Necrosha2012
X-Necrosha (HC)2010
X-Necrosha TPB2011


Bishop Xavier Security Enforcer1998


Giant-Size X-Statix2019
The X-Cellent (I)2022
The X-Cellent (II)2023
X-Force (I)1991-2002
X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl2006
The X-Cellent TPB vol.1: New Blood, New World2022
The X-Cellent TPB vol.2: Unsocial Media2023
X-Force (HC): Famous, Mutant and Mortal2003
X-Force TPB: The Final Chapter2003
X-Statix Omnibus (HC)2012
X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl TPB2006
X-Statix TPB vol.1: Good Omens2003
X-Statix TPB vol.2: Good Guys and Bad Guys2003
X-Statix TPB vol.3: Back from the Dead2004
X-Statix TPB vol.4: X-Statix vs. the Avengers2005
X-Statix TPB: The Complete Collection2020-2022

See also:
Doop solo series


X-Terminators (I)1988-1989
X-Terminators (II)2022-2023
X-Terminators TPB2023



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