1 | 2004/01 | All Ages | $39.99 |
Front cover | David Cockrum, Gil Kane Reprints cover of Giant-Size X-Men #1 / ISBN: 978-0-785-11192-4 | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Second genesis! / ...And when there was one! / Assault force! / Krakoa... the island that walks like a man! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont, Len Wein P/L-David Cockrum I/F-David Cockrum, Peter Iro L-John Costanza C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Len Wein |
Rm: | Credits: L.Wein,D.Cockrum (co-creators)/D.Cockrum (illustrator); The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #1:L.Wein,Ch.Claremont/D.Cockrum/D.Cockrum,P.Iro; however The 100 Greatest Marvels of All Time #7 does not mention Ch.Claremont. |
Rp: | Reprint from Giant-Size X-Men #1 |
Ti: | The Doomsmith scenario! / Death o'er Valhalla High! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont, Len Wein P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Robert McLeod L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Phil Rachelson Ed-Len Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #94 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Warhunt! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont, Len Wein P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Sam Grainger L-Karen Mantlo C-Petra Goldberg Ed-Marv Wolfman |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #95 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Night of the demon! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont, Bill Mantlo P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Sam Grainger L-David Hunt C-Phil Rachelson Ed-Marv Wolfman |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #96 |
Ti: | My brother, my enemy! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Sam Grainger L-Annette Kawecki C-Don Warfield Ed-Marv Wolfman |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #97 |
W#: | JV118 |
Ti: | Merry Christmas, X-Men... | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Sam Grainger L-Joe Rosen C-Janice Cohen Ed-Marv Wolfman |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #98 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Deathstar, rising! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Frank Chiaramonte L-Gaspar Saladino, Irving Watanabe C-Michele Wolfman |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #2 adds G.Saladino (splash page?). |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #99 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Greater love hath no X-Man... | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-David Cockrum L-Annette Kawecki C-Bonnie Wilford |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #100 |
Tr: | Translations |
2 | 2004/03 | PSR | $39.99 |
Front cover | David Cockrum Reprints cover of X-Men (I) #101 / ISBN: 978-0-785-13139-7 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Like a Phoenix, from the ashes! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Frank Chiaramonte L-John Costanza C-Bonnie Wilford |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #101 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Who will stop the Juggernaut? | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Sam Grainger L-John Costanza, Gaspar Saladino C-Bonnie Wilford |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #2 adds G.Saladino (splash page?). |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #102 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The fall of the tower | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Sam Grainger L-John Costanza C-Janice Cohen |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #103 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The gentleman's name is Magneto | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Sam Grainger L-Bruce D. Patterson, Gaspar Saladino C-Andrew Yanchus |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #2 adds G.Saladino (splash page?). |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #104 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Phoenix unleashed! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Bob Layton L-Thomas Orzechowski, Gaspar Saladino C-Andrew Yanchus |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #2 adds G.Saladino (splash page?). |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #105 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Dark shroud of the past! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont, Bill Mantlo P/L-Bob Brown, David Cockrum I/F-Thomas F. Sutton L-Joe Rosen C-Andrew Yanchus |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #106 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Where no X-Man has gone before! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Daniel Green L-Joe Rosen C-Andrew Yanchus |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #107 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Armageddon now! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski, Denise Wohl C-Andrew Yanchus Ed-Archie Goodwin |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #108 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Home are the heroes! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Joe Rosen C-Andrew Yanchus |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #109 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The "X"-sanction! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum, Tony DeZuniga I/F-Tony DeZuniga L-Annette Kawecki C-Andrew Yanchus |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #110 |
3 | 2004/05 | All Ages | $39.99 |
Front cover | George Pérez, Bob Layton Reprints cover of X-Men (I) #112 / ISBN: 978-0-785-11194-8 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Type | Remarks | Credits | Pages | Price |
Variant cover | Dust Jacket Variant Cover | ? | 1 | $44.99 | Variant cover | New printing in 2009/03 / ISBN: 978-0-785-13194-6 | ? | 1 | $54.99 | Variant cover | New printing in 2009/03; Variant cover | ? | 1 | $54.99 |
Ti: | Mindgames! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Mary Titus |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #111 |
Ti: | Magneto triumphant! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Bruce D. Patterson, Gaspar Saladino C-Mary Titus |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #2 adds G.Saladino (splash page?). |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #112 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Showdown! | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Annette Kawecki, Gaspar Saladino C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #2 adds G.Saladino (splash page?). |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #113 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Desolation | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Gaspar Saladino, Jean Simek C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #2 adds G.Saladino (splash page?). |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #114 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Visions of death! | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Richard Parker C-Françoise Mouly |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #115 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | To save the Savage Land | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #116 |
Ti: | Psi war! | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Clem Robins, Gaspar Saladino C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #2 adds G.Saladino (splash page?). |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #117 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The submergence of Japan! | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Ricardo Villamonte L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #118 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | 'Twas the night before Christmas... | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-John Costanza C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #119 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Wanted: Wolverine! Dead or alive! | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #120 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Shoot-out at the stampede! | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Diana Albers, John Costanza C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #2 adds J.Constanza. |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #121 |
Tr: | Translations |
4 | 2004/12 | PSR | $49.99 |
BkCr: | ColReconCorr-Jerron Quality Color |
Front cover | David Cockrum, Terry Kevin Austin Reprints cover of X-Men (I) #126 /   | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Cry for the children! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #122 |
Ti: | Listen -- stop me if you've heard it -- but this one will kill you! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #123 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | He only laughs when I hurt! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #124 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | A fire in the sky! / Rogue in the house! / Land of shadow -- Dawn of death! | 35 (4-16-15) |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-George Pérez I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #3 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | There's something awful on Muir Island! | 17 |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #125 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | How sharper than a serpent's tooth...! | 17 |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #126 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The quality of hatred! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #127 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The action of the tiger! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #128 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Dark Phoenix Saga 1/9: God spare the child... | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Bob Sharen |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #129 |
Ti: | The Dark Phoenix Saga 2/9: Dazzler | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Roger Stern E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #130 |
Tr: | Translations |
W#: | LF639 |
Ti: | The Dark Phoenix Saga 3/9: Run for your life! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Roger Stern E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #131 |
Tr: | Translations |
Feature(s) |       
Type | Title | Credits | Pgs. |
Text | Introduction | Christopher Claremont | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #122 | David Cockrum, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #123 | Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #124 | David Cockrum, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #3 | Frank Miller, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #125 | David Cockrum, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #126 | David Cockrum, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #127 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #128 | George Pérez, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #129 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #130 | John Romita Jr., Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #131 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | Cover of Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #3, original artwork. (The original plan was to have lots of barbarians following Arkon on the cover, but this overlay was left out by the printer. This is the penciled/inked original cover plan.) | Frank Miller, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 |
5 | 2005/03 | All Ages | $49.99 |
BkCr: | ArtRecon-Scott Elmer ColReconCorr-Michael Kelleher |
Front cover | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin Reprints cover of X-Men (I) #136 / ISBN: 978-0-785-11698-1 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | The Dark Phoenix Saga 4/9: And Hellfire is their name! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #132 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Dark Phoenix Saga 5/9: Wolverine: Alone! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #133 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Dark Phoenix Saga 6/9: Too late, the heroes! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Bob Sharen |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #134 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Dark Phoenix Saga 7/9: Dark Phoenix | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Bob Sharen |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #135 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Dark Phoenix Saga 8/9: Child of light and darkness! | 17 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-James Salicrup E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #136 |
Ti: | The Dark Phoenix Saga 9/9: The fate of the Phoenix! | 35 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #137 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Elegy | 18 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #138 |
Ti: | ...Something wicked this way comes! | 22 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #139 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Rage! | 22 |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #140 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Nightcrawler's inferno | 35 (10-14-11) |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Robert McLeod L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #4 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The fate of the Phoenix! / A taste of Armageddon! / Return to the ashes! | 34 (29-5) |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones, James Salicrup E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rm: | With hitherto unpublished original ending; Title of 2nd chapter removed |
Rp: | Reprint from Phoenix: The Untold Story #1 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Phoenix | 18 |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Buscema I/F-Klaus Janson L-Janice Chiang, Richard Parker C-[N.A.] |
Ch: | Phoenix (I) |
Rp: | Reprint from Bizarre Adventures (I) #27 |
Feature(s) |       
Type | Title | Credits | Pgs. |
Text | Introduction | Christopher Claremont | 2 | Text | The Dark Phoenix tapes | ? | 13 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #132 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #133 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #134 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #135 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #136 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #137 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #138 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #139 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | X-Men (I) #140 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Cover gallery | Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #4 | John Romita Jr., Robert McLeod | 1 | Cover gallery | Phoenix: The Untold Story #1 | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 2 | Cover gallery | Bizarre Adventures (I) #27 | Paul Gulacy | 1 | Other art/photos | X-Men (I) #132 page 6 original penciled/inked page | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Other art/photos | X-Men (I) #132 page 15 original penciled/inked page | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Other art/photos | X-Men (I) #133 page 11 original penciled/inked page | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Other art/photos | X-Men (I) #132 original cover art (penciled/inked) | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Other art/photos | X-Men (I) #137 original cover art (penciled/inked) | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 | Other art/photos | X-Men (I) #138 original splash page (penciled/inked) (The one they planned to use if Jean would had lived after #137) | John Byrne, Terry Kevin Austin | 1 |
6 | 2008/03 | A | $54.99 |
Front cover | David Cockrum, Josef Rubinstein Reprints cover of Uncanny X-Men (I) #150 / ISBN: 978-0-785-13013-0 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Days of future past | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men (I) #141 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Mind out of time! | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #142 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Demon | ? |
Cr: | W-John Byrne, Christopher Claremont P/L-John Byrne I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #143 |
Ti: | Even in death... | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Brent Eric Anderson I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #144 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Kidnapped! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Joe Rosen C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #145 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Murderworld! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #146 |
Ti: | Rogue Storm! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #147 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Cry, mutant! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Janice Chiang C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #148 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | And the dead shall bury the living! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Janice Chiang C-Glynis Oliver-Wein, Don Warfield |
Rm: | Credits give G.Oliver as colorist, The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #3 gives D.Warfield. |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #149 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | I, Magneto... | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Josef Rubinstein, Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski, Jean Simek C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #150 |
Tr: | Translations |
7 | 2011/03 | All Ages | $54.99 |
Front cover | David Cockrum, Bob Wiacek Reprints cover of Uncanny X-Men (I) #155 / ISBN: 978-0-785-13513-5 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | X-Men minus one! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Robert McLeod, James T. Sherman I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Janice Chiang, Thomas Orzechowski C-Bonnie Wilford |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #3 adds J.Chiang. |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #151 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Hellfire gambit | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Robert McLeod I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Janice Chiang C-Don Warfield |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #152 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Kitty's fairy tale | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Annette Kawecki, Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #3 adds A.Kawecki. |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #153 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Reunion | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Josef Rubinstein, Bob Wiacek L-Joe Rosen C-Don Warfield |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #154 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | First blood | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Joe Rosen C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #155 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Pursuit! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Janice Chiang C-Don Warfield Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #156 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Hide-'n'-seek! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Janice Chiang C-Don Warfield AsiEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #157 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The life that late I led... | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Joe Rosen C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #158 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Night screams! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Bill Sienkiewicz I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #159 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Ou, la, la -- Badoon! / The sundered realm? / And now -- Armageddon! / The passing of the dream | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Brent Eric Anderson I/F-Robert McLeod L-Thomas Orzechowski, Richard Parker C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #3 adds R.Parker. |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #5 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | By friends-- betrayed! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Michael Golden I/F-Armando Gil L-Joe Rosen C-Michael Golden Ed-Christopher Claremont, Mark Gruenwald, David Anthony Kraft E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rm: | Issue gives Claremont and Kraft as co-editors, Avengers, Thor and Captain America: Official Index to the Marvel Universe #6 gives Mark Gruenwald as editor. |
Rp: | Reprint from Avengers Annual (I) #10 |
Tr: | Translations |
8 | 2012/04 | All Ages | $59.99 |
Front cover | Paul Martin Smith, Bob Wiacek Reprints cover of Uncanny X-Men (I) #166 / ISBN: 978-0-785-15871-4 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Gold rush! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #161 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Beyond the farthest star | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #162 |
Ti: | Rescue mission | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Joe Rosen C-Bob Sharen Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #163 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Binary star! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Joe Rosen C-Janine Casey AsiEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #164 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Transfigurations! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Lynn Varley Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #165 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Live free or die! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #166 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Goldilocks syndrome! (or: Who's been sleeping in my head?) | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein, Andrew Yanchus Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #167 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Blood feud! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Bill Sienkiewicz I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #6 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | A day like any other | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Hilary Barta L-Thomas Orzechowski, David Cody Weiss C-Andrew Yanchus Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Special Edition X-Men #1 |
Ti: | At the Sign of the Lion | ? |
Cr: | W-Mary Jo Duffy P/L-Ken Landgraf I/F-George Pérez L-Michael Higgins C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Ch: | Hercules (Heracles), Wolverine (James Howlett) |
Rp: | Reprint from Marvel Treasury Edition #26 |
Ti: | Joyride into jeopardy | ? |
Cr: | ? |
Ch: | Angel (Thomas Halloway) (GoldAge) |
Rp: | Reprint from Marvel Treasury Edition #27 |
9 | 2015/03 | T | $75.00 |
Front cover | Paul Martin Smith, Bob Wiacek Reprints cover of Uncanny X-Men (I) #175 / ISBN: 978-0-785-19154-4 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Professor Xavier is a jerk! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #168 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Catacombs | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Bob Sharen AsiEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #169 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Dancin' in the dark | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Paul Becton, Janine Casey Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #170 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Rogue | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Walter Simonson I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #171 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Scarlet in glory | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #172 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | To have and have not | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #173 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Romances | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #174 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Phoenix! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr., Paul Martin Smith I/F-Paul Martin Smith, Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Eliot R. Brown Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #3 adds P.Smith as inker. |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #175 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Assistant Editor's Month: Scavenger hunt | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Bret Blevins, Michael Golden I/F-Bill Anderson, Terry Kevin Austin, Brett Breeding, Sam de la Rosa, Michael Golden, Stephen Leialoha, Tom Mandrake, Allen Milgrom, Josef Rubinstein, Bob Wiacek L-Michael Higgins, Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #7 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | God loves, man kills | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Brent Eric Anderson I/F-Brent Eric Anderson L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Steve Oliff AsoEd-Danny Fingeroth Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Ch: | X-Men (I) |
Rp: | Reprint from Marvel Graphic Novel #5 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | I'm Wolverine. | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Frank Miller I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Wolverine (I) #1 |
Ti: | Debts and obligations | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Frank Miller I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Wolverine (I) #2 |
Ti: | Loss | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Frank Miller I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Wolverine (I) #3 |
Ti: | Honor | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Frank Miller I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Lynn Varley Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Wolverine (I) #4 |
10 | 2016/12 | T | $100.00 |
Front cover | John Romita Jr. Reprints cover of Uncanny X-Men (I) #176 / ISBN: 978-1-302-90360-2 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Decisions | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski, Joe Rosen C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rm: | The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men (II) #3 adds J.Rosen. |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #176 |
Ti: | Assistant Editor's Month: Sanction | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-John Romita Sr. L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Eliot R. Brown E-i-C-James Charles Shooter Traffic Manager-Virginia Romita |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #177 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Hell hath no fury... | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Brett Breeding, Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Eliot R. Brown Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #178 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | What happened to Kitty? | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #179 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Whose life is it, anyway? | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green, Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #180 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Tokyo story | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #181 |
Ti: | Madness | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #182 |
Ti: | He'll never make me cry | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #183 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The past... of future days | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #184 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Public enemy! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #185 |
Ti: | Lifedeath | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont, Barry Windsor-Smith P/L-Barry Windsor-Smith I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein, Christie Scheele |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #186 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Wraithkill! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #187 |
Ti: | Legacy of the lost | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #188 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Little girl lost | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Buscema I/F-Thomas Palmer L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Magik (I) (Illyana and Storm Limited Series) #1 |
Ti: | Cold iron hot blood! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Buscema I/F-Thomas Palmer L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Magik (I) (Illyana and Storm Limited Series) #2 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Soulquest | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Ronald Frenz I/F-Thomas Palmer L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Magik (I) (Illyana and Storm Limited Series) #3 |
Ti: | Darkchild | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Sal Buscema I/F-Thomas Palmer L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Ken Feduniewicz Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Magik (I) (Illyana and Storm Limited Series) #4 |
Ti: | ? | ? |
Cr: | ? |
Rm: | Reprints material from Marvel Fanfare (I) #40. |
11 | 2018/11 | T | $100.00 |
Front cover | John Romita Jr., Daniel Green Preview of cover art of Uncanny X-Men (I) #193 / ISBN: 978-1-302-91518-6 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Two girls out to have fun! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Stephen Leialoha L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #189 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | An age undreamed of | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #190 |
Ti: | Raiders of the lost temple! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #191 |
Ti: | Fun'n'games! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter Special Thanks-Steve Leialoha (may have helped with art) |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #192 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Warhunt 2 | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #193 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The adventures of Lockheed the space dragon and his pet girl Kitty | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont, Mary Jo Duffy P/L-Stephen Leialoha I/F-Stephen Leialoha L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #8 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Gift 1/2 | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti, Dennis O'Neil E-i-C-James Charles Shooter Based on a Premise by-Ann Nocenti, Dennis O'Neil, James Charles Shooter |
Rm: | Story takes place before Alpha Flight (I) #25 |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men/Alpha Flight (I) #1 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Gift 2/2 | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Paul Martin Smith I/F-Many Hands, Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Bob Sharen Ed-Ann Nocenti, Dennis O'Neil E-i-C-James Charles Shooter Based on a Premise by-Ann Nocenti, Dennis O'Neil, James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Men/Alpha Flight (I) #2 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Lies | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Allen Milgrom I/F-Allen Milgrom L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Louise Jones, Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #1 |
Ti: | Terror | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Allen Milgrom I/F-Allen Milgrom L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #2 |
Ti: | Death | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Allen Milgrom I/F-Allen Milgrom L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #3 |
Ti: | Rebirth | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Allen Milgrom I/F-Allen Milgrom L-Joe Rosen C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #4 |
Ti: | Courage | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Allen Milgrom I/F-Allen Milgrom L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #5 |
Ti: | Honor | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Allen Milgrom I/F-Allen Milgrom L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #6 |
12 | 2020/04 | T | $100.00 |
Front cover | Arthur Adams, Walter Simonson Reprints cover of Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #9 / ISBN: 978-1-302-92238-2 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | --Juggernaut's back in town! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green, Stephen Leialoha L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #194 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | It was a dark and stormy night...! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #195 |
Ti: | Secret Wars 2 Crossover: What was that?!! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #196 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | To save Arcade?!? | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #197 |
Ti: | Lifedeath: From the heart of darkness | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Barry Windsor-Smith I/F-Barry Windsor-Smith L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Barry Windsor-Smith Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #198 |
Ti: | The spiral path | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski, Richard Parker C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #199 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The trial of Magneto! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #200 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | There's no place like home | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Arthur Adams, Alan Gordon, Michael Mignola L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Petra Scotese Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rm: | Story continued from New Mutants Special Edition #1 |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #9 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Home is where the heart is | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-L. Lois Buhalis, Thomas Orzechowski C-Christie Scheele Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rm: | Story continues in Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #9 |
Rp: | Reprint from New Mutants Special Edition #1 |
Ti: | How much is that Boggie in the window? | ? |
Cr: | W-David Cockrum P/L-David Cockrum I/F-David Cockrum L-James R. Novak C-Paty Greer Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Nightcrawler (I) #1 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | A Boggie Day in L'Un Dun-T'Wn | ? |
Cr: | W-David Cockrum P/L-David Cockrum I/F-David Cockrum L-James R. Novak C-Paty Greer Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Nightcrawler (I) #2 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | To Bamf or not to Bamf! | ? |
Cr: | W-David Cockrum P/L-David Cockrum I/F-David Cockrum L-James R. Novak C-Paty Greer Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Nightcrawler (I) #3 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | The Wizard of Oops! | ? |
Cr: | W-David Cockrum P/L-David Cockrum I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Diana Albers C-Paty Greer Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Nightcrawler (I) #4 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | ? | ? |
Cr: | ? |
Rm: | Reprint from from Bizarre Adventures (I) #27 |
13 | 2021/04 | T | $100.00 |
Front cover | Rick Leonardi, Whilce Portacio Reprints cover of Uncanny X-Men (I) #201 / ISBN: 978-1-302-92945-9 | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Duel | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Rick Leonardi I/F-Whilce Portacio L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #201 |
Ti: | Secret Wars 2 Crossover: X-Men... I've gone to kill -- the Beyonder! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Al Williamson L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #202 |
Ti: | Secret Wars 2 Crossover: Crossroads | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Al Williamson L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #203 |
Ti: | What happened to Nightcrawler? | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-June Brigman I/F-Whilce Portacio L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #204 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Wounded wolf | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont, Barry Windsor-Smith P/L-Barry Windsor-Smith I/F-Barry Windsor-Smith L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Barry Windsor-Smith Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #205 |
Ti: | Freedom is a four letter word! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #206 |
Ti: | Ghosts | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #207 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Retribution | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #208 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Salvation | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Philip Craig Russell L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #209 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | A man without a past | ? |
Cr: | W-Ann Nocenti P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Brent Eric Anderson, Whilce Portacio L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Louise Simonson E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Longshot (I) #1 |
Ti: | ...I'll wave to you from the top! | ? |
Cr: | W-Ann Nocenti P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Whilce Portacio L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Longshot (I) #2 |
Ti: | Just let me die | ? |
Cr: | W-Ann Nocenti P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Whilce Portacio L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Longshot (I) #3 |
Ti: | Can't give it all away! | ? |
Cr: | W-Ann Nocenti P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Whilce Portacio L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Longshot (I) #4 |
Ti: | Deadly lies | ? |
Cr: | W-Ann Nocenti P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Whilce Portacio L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Longshot (I) #5 |
Ti: | A snake coils... | ? |
Cr: | W-Ann Nocenti P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Whilce Portacio L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Louise Jones E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Longshot (I) #6 |
Ti: | Shadows on the soul! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-June Brigman I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Richard Parker C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Joanne Spaldo Ed-Allen Milgrom E-i-C-James Charles Shooter Special Thanks-Bob Budiansky |
Rm: | Story was originally created for the Questprobe series. |
Ch: | X-Men (I) |
Rp: | Reprint from Marvel Fanfare (I) #33 |
14 | 2022/05 | T | $100.00 |
Front cover | Barry Windsor-Smith Reprints cover of Uncanny X-Men (I) #212 / ISBN: 978-1-302-93344-9 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Mutant Massacre 1/10: The morning after | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-John Romita Jr. I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #210 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Mutant Massacre 3/10: Massacre | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Bret Blevins, John Romita Jr. I/F-Al Williamson L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #211 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Mutant Massacre 7/10: The last run | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Rick Leonardi I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #212 |
Ti: | Mutant Massacre 10/10: Psylocke | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Alan Davis I/F-Paul Neary L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #213 |
Ti: | With Malice toward all! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Barry Windsor-Smith I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #214 |
Ti: | Old soldiers | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Alan Davis I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #215 |
Ti: | Crucible | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Jackson Guice I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #216 |
Ti: | Folly's gambit | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Jackson Guice I/F-Stephen Leialoha L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein, Petra Scotese Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #217 |
Ti: | Charge of the Light Brigade | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #218 |
Ti: | Where duty lies | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Bret Blevins I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein, Petra Scotese Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #219 |
Ti: | Performance | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Petra Scotese Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #10 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Why do we do these things we do? | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Alan Davis I/F-Alan Davis L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from The New Mutants Annual #2 |
Ti: | Are you sure?! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Jon Bogdanove I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Fantastic Four vs. X-Men #1 |
Ti: | Truth and consequences | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Jon Bogdanove I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Fantastic Four vs. X-Men #2 |
Ti: | By the soul's darkest light | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Jon Bogdanove I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Fantastic Four vs. X-Men #3 |
Ti: | A matter of faith | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Jon Bogdanove I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein |
Rp: | Reprint from Fantastic Four vs. X-Men #4 |
15 | 2023/05 | T | $100.00 |
Front cover | Marc Silvestri ISBN: 978-1-302-94922-8 /  | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Unfinished business | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #220 |
Ti: | Death by drowning! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #221 |
Ti: | Heartbreak! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Terry Kavanagh Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #222 |
Ti: | Omens and portents | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Kerry Gammill I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #223 |
Ti: | The dark before the dawn | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #224 |
Ti: | The Fall of the Mutants: False dawn! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #225 |
Ti: | The Fall of the Mutants: Go tell the Spartans | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein, William Wray Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #226 |
Ti: | The Fall of the Mutants: The belly of the beast! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-William Wray Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #227 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Deadly games! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont, Tom DeFalco P/L-Rick Leonardi I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-William Wray Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #228 |
Ti: | Down under | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #229 |
Ti: | 'Twas the night... | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #230 |
Ti: | ...Dressed for dinner! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Rick Leonardi I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #231 |
Ti: | Lost in the funhouse | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Alan Davis I/F-Paul Neary L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #11 |
Ti: | Justice for all! | ? |
Cr: | W-Roger Stern P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Mark Gruenwald, Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from The X-Men vs. the Avengers #1 |
Ti: | Uneasy allies | ? |
Cr: | W-Roger Stern P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Mark Gruenwald, Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from The X-Men vs. the Avengers #2 |
Ti: | The Soviets strike back! | ? |
Cr: | W-Roger Stern P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Mark Gruenwald, Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from The X-Men vs. the Avengers #3 |
Ti: | Day of judgement! | ? |
Cr: | W-Tom DeFalco, James Charles Shooter P/L-Keith Pollard I/F-Robert McLeod, Allen Milgrom, Josef Rubinstein, Al Williamson L-Joe Rosen C-Christie Scheele Ed-Mark Gruenwald, Ann Nocenti E-i-C-James Charles Shooter |
Rp: | Reprint from The X-Men vs. the Avengers #4 |
Ti: | The hunter | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marshall Rogers I/F-Randy Emberlin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Bob Sharen Ed-Michael Higgins |
Rm: | Emberlin and Sharen not credited, given in Wolverine, Punisher and Ghost Rider: Official Index to the Marvel Universe #1 |
Ch: | Wolverine (James Howlett) |
Rp: | Reprint from The Best of Marvel Comics #1 |
16 | 2024/01 | T | $100.00 |
Front cover | Marc Silvestri, Daniel Green Reprints cover of Uncanny X-Men (I) #243 / ISBN: 978-1-302-95515-1 | 1 |
Variant cover(s) |       
Ti: | Earthfall | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras, Ann Nocenti E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #232 |
Ti: | Dawn of blood | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #233 |
Ti: | Glory day | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Josef Rubinstein L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #234 |
Ti: | Welcome to Genosha | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Rick Leonardi I/F-Philip Craig Russell L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #235 |
Ti: | Busting loose! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Petra Scotese Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #236 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Who's human? | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Rick Leonardi I/F-Terry Kevin Austin L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #237 |
Ti: | Gonna be a revolution | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #238 |
Tr: | Translations |
Ti: | Inferno (A) Prologue: Vanities | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #239 |
Ti: | Inferno (A) 1/8: Strike the match | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein AsiEd-Daryl Edelman Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #240 |
Ti: | Inferno (A) 3/8: Fan the flames | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #241 |
Ti: | Inferno (A) 5/8: Burn! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Daniel Green L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #242 |
Ti: | Inferno (A) 7/8: Ashes | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Marc Silvestri I/F-Hilary Barta L-Joe Rosen C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men (I) #243 |
Ti: | The Evolutionary War 7/11: Resurrection! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #12 |
Ti: | I want my X-Men! | ? |
Cr: | W-Christopher Claremont P/L-Arthur Adams I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Thomas Orzechowski C-Glynis Oliver-Wein Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Ch: | X-Babies (MojoV) |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #12 |
Ti: | The Saga of High Evolutionary 7/11: Demon night | ? |
Cr: | W-Mark Gruenwald P/L-Ronald Lim I/F-Tony DeZuniga L-Ken Lopez C-Gregory Wright Ed-Ralph Macchio E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) #12 |
Ti: | Inferno (A) 4/8: A matter of honor | ? |
Cr: | W-Louise Simonson P/L-Walter Simonson I/F-Bob Wiacek L-Joe Rosen C-Petra Scotese Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Factor (I) #37 |
Ti: | Inferno (A) 6/8: Duet! | ? |
Cr: | W-Louise Simonson P/L-Walter Simonson I/F-Allen Milgrom L-Joe Rosen C-Tom Vincent Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Factor (I) #38 |
Ti: | Inferno (A) 8/8: Ashes to ashes | ? |
Cr: | W-Louise Simonson P/L-Walter Simonson I/F-Allen Milgrom L-Joe Rosen C-Gregory Wright Ed-Bob Harras E-i-C-Tom DeFalco |
Rp: | Reprint from X-Factor (I) #39 |