Book Specific Translations H

Book specific translations

Hercules (IV) #6

Original languageEnglish
Die Entführung aus dem SerailThe Abduction from the Seraglio (The title of one of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's best known works.)
LudwigLudwig van Beethoven, a German composer who lived in Vienna until his death. He was deaf during his last years.

Howard the Duck (I) #12

Original languageEnglish
Sauerbraten"Sour roast", marinated pot roast

Howard the Duck (I) #13

Original languageEnglish
Ach du lieber (Gott)!O dear (God)!
Das (not der!) FräuleinThe miss
Mein (as Dr. Reich is a German native speaker, I think he would also use "meine" or "meiner" depending on the case)My

Howard the Duck (III) #1

Original languageEnglish
Mein Gott im HimmelMy God in heavens

Book specific translations



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