BkCr: | CvrDsgn-Spring Hoteling W-Chris Biggs, Ronald Hugh Byrd Jr., Madison Carter, Jeff Christiansen, Michael Hoskin, Rob London, Sean McQuaid, Eric J. Moreels, Mark Robert O'English, Mike O'Sullivan, Markus Raymond, Jacob Rougemont, Gabriel Shechter, Stuart Vandal, David Wiltfong ArtRecon-Gally Articola, Scott Elmer, Mike Fichera, Jason Lewis, Nelson Ribeiro, Courtney Via SelCol-Tom Smith EdIntAsi-Alex Starbuck AsiEd-John Denning, Cory Levine CopyEd-Brian Overton Ed-Jeff Youngquist EdSpecProj-Mark D. Beazley, Jennifer Grünwald E-i-C-Joe Quesada Prod-Jerron Quality Color, Nelson Ribeiro ExecProd-Alan Fine Pub-Dan Buckley Coordinator-Michael Hoskin Special Thanks-The guys at the Appendix (www.marvunapp.com), www.g-mart.com, Tom Brevoort, Chris Allo, Arthur Adams, Joe Casey, Paul Cornell, Craig Dylke, Mike Fichera, Christos N. Gage, Jess Nevin, Pries Starlin, James Starlin Dedicated to-The Official Pets of the Marvel Pets Authors (Michael: Dusky and Silver; Jeff: Willow, Rainman, Consuela, Elvis, Lamont, Shaniqua and Yolanda; Mike O': Lockheed and Pancake; Chris: Heba, Diamond, Tiger Lily, Phineas, Venus and Cija; David: Rizzo, Buffy and Shelby; Rob: Kippy and Patches; Gabriel: Jesse and Mocha; Jacob: Cricket; Markus: Schnurli; Sean: Lil, Book and Buffy; Eric: Pepe, Pikachu and Astro; Mark O': Molly and Heidi) Senior Vice President of Sales-David Gabriel |
Feature(s) |       
Type | Title | Credits | Pgs. |
Text with art/photos | Introduction - "Why?" A brief history of Marvel Pets (Ms Lion; Lightning the Super Dog) | ? | 1 | Infos and stats | Aragorn Reprinted in ... | John Buscema | 1 | Infos and stats | Brightwind (Darkwind, Brightwind possessed form) Reprinted in ... | June Brigman, Mike Wieringo, Bret Blevins | 1 | Infos and stats | Cerberus (with Cerberus in humanoid form) Reprinted in ... | Mark Texeira, Jack Kirby | 1 | Infos and stats | Collector's Creatures (Collector's ship, Bruruthian Paramecium Rex, Jupiterian Sauro-Beast, Pearl of Great Price, Pterosaur, Snake Eyes, The Triplets, Vampire Bat, Venusian Retriever-Anemone, Venusian Shock-Flies) Reprinted in ... | John Buscema, Steven Epting, Paul Neary, David Wenzel, Bob Brown | 2 | Infos and stats | Cosmo Reprinted in ... | Brad Walker | 1 | Infos and stats | Devil Dinosaur (Young Devil, Devil Dinosaur Celestially evolved) Reprinted in ... | Jack Kirby, Eric Powell | 2 | Infos and stats | Garm Reprinted in ... | Walter Simonson | 1 | Infos and stats | Giganto (Giganto feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #4, Albino Giganto feat. in Marvel Universe (I) #7, Smaller Giganto feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #149, Tentacled Giganto feat. in The Amazing Spider-Man (I) #213, Blue Whale Giganto feat. in Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big in Japan #1, Finned Giganto feat. in Marvel Comics Presents (II) #11, Earth-929 Giganto feat. in Spider-Man 2099 (I) #43) Reprinted in ... | Jack Kirby, Jason Armstrong, Bill Sienkiewicz, John Romita Jr., Seth Fisher, Lee Weeks, Ronald Lim | 1 | Infos and stats | Hellstorm's Demon-Steeds (Amon, Hecate, Set, Hegal, Malah, Zulum) Reprinted in ... | James Mooney, Peter Gross, Berni Wrightson | 1 | Infos and stats | Lobo (Skrull Imposter, Lobo Cub) Reprinted in ... | John Buscema, Harvey Tolibao, Javier Saltares | 1 | Infos and stats | Lockheed (Flock Ship) Reprinted in ... | Alan Davis, Dave Hoover | 1 | Infos and stats | Lockjaw Reprinted in ... | John Byrne | 1 | Infos and stats | Mole Man's Monsters (Brute that Walks feat. in Journey into Mystery (I) #65, Fin Fang Foom feat. in Strange Tales (I) #89, Giganto feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #1, Giganto's Mate feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #348, Technotroid feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #349, Giganto Off-Shoot feat. in Fantastic Four: First Family #3, Gigantus feat. in Journey into Mystery (I) #63, Goom feat. in Tales of Suspense (I) #15, Googam feat. in Tales of Suspense (I) #17, Kraa the Unhuman feat. in Tales of Suspense (I) #18, Krogarrian feat. in Tales to Astonish (I) #25, Rhedollante feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #347, Skreeal feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #347, Skreeal (Steeds) feat. in Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big in Japan #3, Slugmon feat. in Marvel Comics Presents (I) #112, Tanakadon feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #347, Tricephalous feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #1, Ugu the Neolithic feat. in Fantastic Four (I) #1, Vandoom's Monster feat. in Tales to Astonish (I) #17, X the Thing that Lived feat. in Tales to Astonish (I) #20, Unidentified Monster feat. in Astonishing X-Men (III) #7) Reprinted in ... | Jack Kirby, Walter Simonson, Arthur Adams, Chris Weston, Roger Langridge, Seth Fisher, Rita Fagani, Joe Quesada, John Cassaday | 3 | Infos and stats | Outcasts Reprinted in ... | Allen Milgrom | 1 | Infos and stats | Red Ghost's Super-Apes (Alpha, Beta) Reprinted in ... | John Byrne, George Tuska | 1 | Infos and stats | Redwing Reprinted in ... | Ivan Reis | 1 | Infos and stats | Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder Reprinted in ... | Andrea Di Vito | 1 | Infos and stats | Valinor Reprinted in ... | Keith Pollard, M.C. Wyman | 1 | Infos and stats | Vixen Reprinted in ... | ? | 1 | Infos and stats | Zabu Reprinted in ... | Brent Eric Anderson | 1 | Infos and stats | Ant-Man's Ants
(Pym's) Korr (deceased), Melanie, Nash (deceased), Nash XII (deceased)
(Lang's) Axel, Blixen, Emma, Gambit (deceased), Indy, James, Jezebel, Kenny G, Mara, Martha, Prince (deceased), Purdey, Silver, Silver Streak, Steed, Van Halen, Vixen (deceased), Whitmore
(both) thousands of others Reprinted in ... | Bob Layton | ½ | Infos and stats | Ape Reprinted in ... | Herb Trimpe | ½ | Infos and stats | The Beasts of Berlin Reprinted in ... | Allen Milgrom, Richard Ayers | ½ | Infos and stats | Bill and Don Reprinted in ... | Kerry Gammill | ½ | Infos and stats | Blaze the Wonder Collie Reprinted in ... | ? | ½ | Infos and stats | Cr'Reee Reprinted in ... | David Cockrum | ½ | Infos and stats | Currs Reprinted in ... | Renato Arlem | ½ | Infos and stats | Deuce Reprinted in ... | Cary Nord | ½ | Infos and stats | Diablo Reprinted in ... | ? | ½ | Infos and stats | Dreamstalker Reprinted in ... | Marie Severin | ½ | Infos and stats | Droog Reprinted in ... | Herb Trimpe | ½ | Infos and stats | Ebony (Ebony in demonic form) Reprinted in ... | Jack Kirby | ½ | Infos and stats | Freki and Geri Reprinted in ... | John Buscema | ½ | Infos and stats | The Frogs of Central Park Reprinted in ... | Walter Simonson | ½ | Infos and stats | Hellcow Reprinted in ... | Frank Brunner | ½ | Infos and stats | Hellhorse (Elendil) Reprinted in ... | George Tuska, Jack Kirby | ½ | Infos and stats | Ina and Biri Reprinted in ... | Jim Steranko | ½ | Infos and stats | Kerberos Reprinted in ... | Takeshi Miyazawa | ½ | Infos and stats | Kraven the Hunter's Menagerie (Nickel) Reprinted in ... | Stephen J. Ditko, John McCrea | ½ | Infos and stats | Krill Reprinted in ... | Mike Deodato Jr. | ½ | Infos and stats | Man-Oo Reprinted in ... | ? | ½ | Infos and stats | Max Reprinted in ... | Gary Kwapisz | ½ | Infos and stats | Monkey Joe Reprinted in ... | Paul Pelletier | ½ | Infos and stats | Munin and Hugin Reprinted in ... | Marko Djurdjević | ½ | Infos and stats | Niels Reprinted in ... | Stephen J. Ditko | ½ | Infos and stats | Nimo Reprinted in ... | ? | ½ | Infos and stats | Old Lace Reprinted in ... | Michael Ryan | ½ | Infos and stats | Preyy (Preyy II) Reprinted in ... | Sal Velluto, Patrick Zircher | ½ | Infos and stats | Princess Python's Pythons Reprinted in ... | Sal Buscema | ½ | Infos and stats | Puppy Reprinted in ... | Salvador Larroca | ½ | Infos and stats | Saint Reprinted in ... | Gene Colan | ½ | Infos and stats | Sassafrass Reprinted in ... | Don Perlin | ½ | Infos and stats | Sleipnir Reprinted in ... | Victor Olazaba | ½ | Infos and stats | Strider Reprinted in ... | Pasqual Ferry | ½ | Infos and stats | Tippy-Toe Reprinted in ... | Matt Haley | ½ | Infos and stats | Valkyrior Steeds Reprinted in ... | Walter Simonson, Arthur Adams | ½ | Infos and stats | Watchdog Reprinted in ... | John Romita Jr., Jae Lee | ½ | Infos and stats | Zar Reprinted in ... | Ben Thompson | ½ | Infos and stats | Appendix: Cowboy Horses of the Old West:
Arab - Steed of Ringo Kid; Ringo Kid Western #2
Arrow - Steed of Arizona Kid; Arizona Kid #1
Banshee - Steed of Phantom Rider; The Ghost Rider (Western Hero) #1
Black - Steed of Gunhawk Western; Western Gunfighters (I) #1
Blaze - Steed of Red Larabee; The Gunhawk #12
Blazer - Steed of Outlaw Kid; Outlaw Kid (I) #10
Chipper - Steed of Hurricane; Marvel Westerns: Western Legends #1
Cloud - Steed of Lobo; Tex Morgan #1
Eagle - Steed of Matt Slade; Matt Slade, Gunfighter #1
Eagle - Steed of Arrowhead; Arrowhead #1
Fury - Steed of Prairie Kid; Wild Western #12
Fury - Steed of Tex Taylor; Wild West #1
Fury - Steed of Red Hawkins; Wild Western #13
Lightning - Steed of Masked Rider; Marvel Comics #1
Lightning - Steed of Tex Morgan; Tex Morgan #1
Midnight - Steed of Blaze Carson; Blaze Carson #1
Nightwind - Steed of Apache Kid; Apache Kid #53
Nightwind - Steed of Rawhide Kid; The Rawhide Kid (I) #17
Satan/Chabod - Steed of Black Rider; All Western Winners #2
Spot - Steed of Texas Kid; Daring Mystery Comics #1
Steel - Steed of Kid Colt; Kid Colt (I) #1
Thunder - Steed of Outlaw Kid; Outlaw Kid (I) #1
Thunder - Steed of Texas Kid; Texas Kid #1
Thunder - Steed of Two-Gun Kid; Two-Gun Kid #60
Tin - Steed of Steam Rider; Amazing Fantasy (III) #20
Warrior - Steed of Rex Hart; Rex Hart #6
Whirlwind - Steed of Tex Dawson; Western Kid (I) #1
White Wing - Steed of Red Warrior; Red Warrior #1 Reprinted in ... | ? | 1 | Infos and stats | Appendix: Miscellaneous Pets: Accolon: Eagle, pet of Morgan Le Fay; Iron Man (I) #150 Agamemnon: Dog (deceased), pet of Elektra Natchios; Elektra: Root of Evil #3 Amos: Cat, pet of Max Yadow; Thor (I) #309 Ananta: Snake, pet of Shanna; Rampaging Hulk (I) #9 Atlan: Dolphin (deceased), member of Conspiracy; Rampaging Hulk (I) #8 Balu: Tiger, pet of Trojak; Daring Mystery Comics #2 Bambi: Deer, possessed by Chondu the Mystic; The Defenders (I) #31 Barker: Dog, pet of Caryn Earle; Peter Parker Spider-Man (II) #30 Barko: Dog, member of Confederates of the Curious; The Immortal Iron Fist Annual #1 Barretta: Bird, pet of Tatiana Caban; NYX (I) #4 Benjamin: Cat, (Earth-148611), pet of Kathy Ling; Psi-Force #4 Bingo: Dog, pet of James MacKenzie; X-Men Unlimited (I) #48 Boromir: Horse, steed of Thundersword; Secret Wars II #1 Brad: Giant snake, servant of Amanda Sefton; Nightcrawler (III) #2 Butter Rum: Horse (deceased), pet of Angelica Jones; Firestar (I) #2 Casey: Dog, pet of Glenn Herdling; What If? (II) #31 Cat: Cat, pet of Shang-Chi; Master of Kung Fu (I) #38 Cat: Cat, pet of Night Raven; Night Raven House of Cards (Graphic Novel) (Marvel UK) Cerberus: Wolf/Dog, pet of O.Z. Chase; Dazzler (I) #38 Charlie: Cat, pet of Howard the Duck; Howard the Duck (II) #1 Chewie: Cat (Earth-58163), pet of Carol Danvers; Ms. Marvel (II) #4 Chi-Chee: Chimpanzee, pet of Warlock; Warlock (IV) #1 Clea: Cat, pet of Vincent Stevens; Doctor Strange (II) #62 Cleopatra: Cat, pet of the Roman; Wolverine (II) #183 Colonel Pterodactylee: Miniature Pterodactyl, pet of Nightcrawler; Special Edition X-Men #1 Coyote: Cat, pet of James Proudstar; X-Force (I) #-1 Crowley: Cat (Earth-712), familiar of Arcanna Jones; Squadron Supreme (I) #1 Dawg: Dog (deceased), pet of Ezekial Tork; Man-Thing (I) #9 Dempsey: Dog (deaceased), pet of Herbert Wyndham; Thor (I) #135 Dr. Watson: Chimpanzee, pet of Terry Vance; Marvel Mystery Comics (I) #10 Drogs: Extraterrestrial mounts, steeds of Lunatik; Cosmic Powers Unlimited #3 Duke: Dog, pet of Barbara Norriss; The Defenders (I) #21 Exiter: Cat (deceased), familiar of Satana; The Haunt of Horror (I) #2 Felina: Giant cat, pet of Leanne; Ka-Zar the Savage #1 Figaro: Cat, pet of Sam Wilson; Captain America (I) #137 Figaro: Cat (Earth-148611), pet of Angie Tensen; Justice #26 Fluffy: Cat, pet of Randy Robertson; The Amazing Spider-Man (II) #27 Frankie: Dog, pet of "Joan the Mouse" ; The Punisher (IV) #19 Fur-Person; Cat, pet of Samson Scythe; Captain America Annual (I) #5 Gorlion: Gorilla/Lion, pet of the Ancient One; Amazing Adventures (I) #1 Greymalkin: Cat, pet of Sarah Mumford; Hulk (I) #1 Gyre: Robot hawk (destroyed), pet of Lure; Gun Runner (Marvel UK) #4 Hank: Dog, pet of Shatter; Morlocks #2 Hamarkis: Eagle, pet of Ashake; The New Mutants (I) #32 Horus: Falcon (deceased), pet of Anubis the Jacakal; Moon Knight (I) #1 Igor: Cat: pet of Gary and Susan Daley; Tower of Shadows #4 Jade: Leopard (deceased), pet of Shanna; Marvel Comics Presents (I) #68 Jager: Dog, pet of Karl Lykos; X-Men (I) #60 Josie: Cat, pet of Pepper Potts; Iron Man: The Iron Age #1 Karia: Giant Lizard, steed of Arkon; Avengers (I) #358 Khan: Tiger (deceased), pet of Yi Yang; Hulk (I) #17 Kevin: Moldy cheese, pet of Peter Parker; Peter Parker Spider-Man (II) #21 Killraven's Serpent Horse: Earth-691; Amazing Adventures (I) #26 L-10: Robot Lion (Earth-1119), destroyed; Black Panther's pet; Exiles (II) #1 Lad: Dog, pet of Bruce Banner; The Incredible Hulk (II) #219 Lightning: Dog, pet of Tex Dawson; Western Kid (I) #1 Lord Hawk's Hawk: Robot Hawk; Captain Britain (I) (Marvel UK) #27 Luna: Cat, pet of Vincent Stevens; Dr. Strange Annual (I) #4 Lupe: Wolf, pet of Vortigen; Hulk (I) #6 Machino: Robot dog, pet of Anelle; Captain Marvel (I) #2 Maguire: Robot cat, pet of Mad Jack; Spectacular Spider-Man (I) #242 Matilda: Snake (deceased), pet of Venomm; Black Panther: Black Panther Panther's Prey #2 Max: Dog, pet of Cindy Lou; Thor (I) #444 Mikki: Chimpanzee, pet of Lorna; Lorna the Jungle Queen #1 Monstro: Giant Ape, former circus performer; Journey into Mystery (I) #54 Muffin: Dog, pet of Ray Coffin; Micronauts (I) #2 Nancy: Horse, pet of Two-Gun Kid; Marvel Tales (I) #100 Nebuchadnezzar: Rat, familiar of Cyrus Black; The Defenders (I) #6 Nightmare Owl: Demon owl, pet of Nightmare; Nightmare #2 Nosey: Ferret, pet of the Ferret; Marvel Mystery Comics (I) #4 Orion: Dog, pet of Truthsayer; Darkhold: Pages from the Book of Sins #16 Pallas: Owl, pet of Athena; Incredible Hercules #115 Parsival: Dog, pet of Howard the Duck; Howard the Duck (II) #1 Peanut: Dog (deceased), pet of Vic Martinelli; Iron Man (I) #146 Pet Vulture: Vulture, pet of Death's Head; Doctor Who (Marvel UK) #140 Phix: Cat, familiar of Ashake; The New Mutants (I) #32 Puggins: Dog, pet of Kathy Dare; Iron Man (I) #234 Pumpkin: Cat, pet of Angelica Jones; Firestar (I) #1 Rambo: Dog, pet of Rick Sheridan; Sleepwalker #1 Ranger: Horse, steed of Red Wolf; Marvel Super-Heroes (III) #2 Rangoo: Chimpanzee, pet of Tigerman; Daring Mystery Comics #6 Rex: Robot Dog (destroyed), pet of Ultron; Blackwulf #3 Ridge-Runner: Cougar (deceased), pet of Danielle Moonstar; Marvel Graphic Novel #4 Roger: Giant Snake, servant of Amanda Sefton; Nightcrawler (III) #2 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern: Fish (deceased), pets of She-Hulk; She-Hulk (I) #9 Rusty: Robot horse, steed of Shabby Allus; Captain Marvel (I) #42 Sabre: Dog (deceased), pet of Angela Cleaver; Fury/Black Widow: Death Duty Scratch: Dog (Earth-5555), pet of Scavenger; Dragon's Claws (Marvel UK) #1 Shadow-Hound/Laelaps: Dog, pet of the Huntsman; Ka-Zar (II) #1 Sheba: Wolf, pet of Shanna; X-Men Unlimited (I) #48 Silverhoof: Horse, steed of Balder; Thor (I) #344 Sirius: Dog (deceased), pet of Douglas family; The Incredible Hulk (II) #294 Skeeter: Cat, pet of Tatiana Caban; NYX (I) #4 Snowstar: Dog, pet of Glazier; The Incredible Hulk (II) #262 Socrates: Dog, pet of Pepper Hogan; Iron Man (III) #2 Socrates: Dog, pet of Zuras; Eternals (III) #5 Splatt: Cat, pet of Roadkill; Doctor Strange (II) #38 Spot: Dog, pet of John Warren; Journey into Mystery (I) #57 Sturky: Artificial being, pet of Bereet; The Incredible Hulk (II) #269 Tabby: Cat, pet of Henry Pym; Tales to Astonish (I) #65 Tao: Cat, pet of Lin Sun; Deadly Hands of Kung Fu (I) #9 Teena: spider (deceased), pet of Black Talon; Young Allies Comics #2 Thunder: Horse, steed of Major Mapleleaf; Alpha Flight (III) #1 Trajah: Elephant, ally of Ka-Zar; Marvel Comics #1 Tula: Panther (deceased), pet of Dr. Agony; Captain America Comics #37 Ubbu: Imp, pet of Shazana; Strange Tales (I) #133 Yeager: Dog, pet of Hal Chandler; The Incredible Hulk (II) #251 Zoroaster: Spider (deceased), pet of Diabolique; Darkhold: Pages from the Book of Sins #10 Reprinted in ... | ? | 3 |