
Strangers (R-93060)

Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-93060 (Malibu Universe/Ultraverse)

Ultraverse Origins (Malibu Comics) #1

Mantra (I) (Malibu Comics) #12.FT
The Solution (Malibu Comics) #5.FT
The Strangers (Malibu Comics) #7.FT, 14.FT

Stratosfire (Sandy Vincent)

Gender: ♀
Employed by: Roxxon Oil Corporation

Marvel Legacy: The 1980s Handbook #1.FT

Eugene Strausser

Gender: ♂
Employed by: Damage Control (I)

Damage Control (II) #1.FT

Straw Man

Gender: ♂
Alias: Scarecrow (III)
Member of: Fear Lords

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005 #1.FT

Street Speeder (Harrison Stavrou)

Gender: ♂

Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul #1.FT

Rex Strickland

Gender: ♂

King in Black Handbook #1.FT


Special Tactical Reserve for International Key Emergencies
Member(s): Albedo (Alison Double), Captain Britain (Elisabeth Braddock), Ghast (Tom Lennox), Rubedo (Vicki Reppion), Peter Wisdom, Xanth (Kevin Mulhearn)

Strike Llewellyn

Gender: ♂
Member of: Captain Britain Corps (StarCit)

STRIKE Psi Division

Employed by: S.H.I.E.L.D. (I)
Member(s): Psylocke (Elisabeth Braddock)


Member(s): Angela (Aldrif Odinsdottir), Eric Brooks (I), Daimon Hellstrom, Spectrum (Monica Rambeau), Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Wiccan (William Kaplan), Winter Soldier (James Barnes)

Strikeforce X

Heroic Age: Villains #1.FT

Striker (Brandon Sharpe)

Gender: ♂
Student(s) at/of: Avengers Academy Trainees

Avengers Academy #1.FT
Avengers Now! #1.FT
Heroic Age: Heroes • Heroic Age: Super Heroes #1.FT


Gender: ♂
Member of: Stripmine's Team

Stripmine's Team

Member(s): Appraiser, Stripmine
Minion(s): Troll


Member of: Mutant Liberation Front (I), Mutant Liberation Front (V)

Mendel Stromm

Gender: ♂
Alias: Robot Master (Mendel Stromm)

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man 2005 #1.FT

Strong Guy (Guido Carosello)

Gender: ♂
Member of: X-Factor (II), X-Factor Investigations

X-Factor Annual #8
X-Factor Epic Collection TPB #8
X-Factor Omnibus (HC) By Peter David #1
X-Factor Visionaries TPB: Peter David #4
X-Men Unlimited (I) #21
X-Men Unlimited (III) (Infinity Comic) #21 - 23, 27, 34

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #3.FT
Heroic Age: X-Men #1.FT
Marvel Holiday Special #1.FT
Marvel X-Men Collection #3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #25.FT
Strong Guy Reborn #1.FT
Uncanny X-Men Annual (I) • X-Men Annual (I) #16.FT
X-Factor (I) #75.FT, 134.FT - 135.FT
X-Factor (IV) #200.FT
X-Factor Annual #7.FT, 9.FT
X-Factor Visionaries TPB: Peter David #1.FT
X-Men (II) • New X-Men (I) • X-Men Legacy (I) #200.FT
X-Men: Messiah CompleX #1.FT
X-Men Poster Magazine #1.FT - 2.FT
X-Men (Special Collector's Edition) #1.FT
X-Men: The Ultra Collection #4.FT

Strong Guy (Guido Carosello) (R-295)

Gender: ♂
Member of: X-Ternals (R-295)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-295 (Age of Apocalypse)

X-Men Chronicles #1.FT

Robert Strong

Gender: ♂

Marvel Mystery Handbook: 70th Anniversary Special #1.FT


Gender: ♀
Member of: Heavy Metal, Heavy Mettle

Strongman (Bruce Olafsen)

A.K.A.: Bruto
Gender: ♂
Member of: Circus of Crime (I)

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #2.FT
X-Men Ashcan Edition #1.FT


Individual(s): Gladiator (Kallark), Xenith

Andrea Strucker

Gender: ♀
Member of: Fenris
Parent(s): Baron von Strucker (Wolfgang von Strucker)
Sibling(s): Andreas Strucker

Andreas Strucker

Gender: ♂
Alias: Swordsman (Andreas Strucker)
Member of: Fenris
Parent(s): Baron von Strucker (Wolfgang von Strucker)
Sibling(s): Andrea Strucker

Stryfe (I) (R-4935)

Gender: ♂
Clone/Copy/Impersonator of: Cable (Nathan Summers)
Leader of: Mutant Liberation Front (I)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-4935 (Askani)

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11.FT
Cable (I) #43.FT, 75.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #3.FT
Marvel X-Men Collection #3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #26.FT
Stryfe's Strike File #1.FT
X-Men Books of Askani #1.FT
X-Men: Future History - The Messiah War Sourcebook #1.FT
X-Men Poster Magazine #1.FT
X-Men: The Ultra Collection #3.FT

Stryfe (II) (R-80521)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-80521 (2973 A.D. Messiah War Timeline)

X-Force/Cable: Messiah War #1.FT

Reverend William Stryker

Gender: ♂

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11.FT
Wolverine: Weapon X Files #1.FT
Wolverine: Weapon X Files TPB #1.FT

Alistaire Stuart

Gender: ♂
Sibling(s): Alysdane Stuart

X-Men: Phoenix Force Handbook #1.FT

Alysdane Stuart

Gender: ♀
Sibling(s): Alistaire Stuart

Stunner (Angelina Brancale)

Gender: ♀

Spider-Man Unlimited (I) #18

Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1990s Handbook #1.FT
Spider-Man: The Jackal Files #1.FT

Stunt-Master (George Smith)

Gender: ♂

Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1970s Handbook #1.FT

Stunt-Master (II)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Cavalry

Stuporman (Comedy)

Gender: ♂
Spoof of: Superman (Clark Kent) (DCU)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Comedyverse

Comedy Comics (I) #11
Daring Mystery Comics #6
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Daring Mystery (HC) #2

Dale Sturm

Gender: ♂

Marvel Mystery Handbook: 70th Anniversary Special #1.FT

Sturm Meister (R-?)

Storm Master
Gender: ♂
Merged: Sub-Mariner (Namor MacKenzie), Thor (Thor Odinson)

Stygorr the Nightlord (Stygorr)

Gender: ♂

FF: 50 Fantastic Years • Fantastic Four Fifty Fantastic Years #1.FT


The Marvel Poster Book #1.FT
Spider-Man: Back in Black Handbook #1.FT
Spider-Man, Peter Parker (HC): Back in Black #1.FT
Spider-Man, Peter Parker TPB: Back in Black #1.FT

Sapphire Styx

Wolverine: Weapon X Files #1.FT
Wolverine: Weapon X Files TPB #1.FT

Sub-Atomic Dimensions

Division of: Multiverse
Universe/Dimension/Timeline of: Jarella (SubAtom), Psycho-Man (SubAtom)

Subbie (Comedy)

Gender: ♂
Spoof of: Sub-Mariner (Namor MacKenzie)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Comedyverse

Kid Komics • Kid Movie Komics #1 - 2

Sub-Earth Man

Gender: ♂

Marvel Firsts TPB: WWII Super Heroes #1
Mystic Comics (I) #5


Gender: ♂

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11.FT

Sub-Mariner (Prince Namor MacKenzie)

Created by: Bill Everett
Gender: ♂
Alias: Namor (Namor McKenize)
Alternate version(s): Sealord
Beloved: Dorma (I)
Individual of: Atlanteans
Member of: All-Winners Squad, Avengers (I), Cabal (II), Cabal (IV), Dark X-Men, Defenders (I), Illuminati (I), Invaders (I), Invaders (II), New Invaders, Order (I), X-Men Red Team
Merged into: Imperius Hex (R-?), Sturm Meister (R-?)
Parent(s): Fen, Leonard MacKenzie
Relative(s): Byrrah
Ruler(s) of: Atlantis (Namor's Realm)
Spoof(s): No-More the Sunk-Mariner (WhatThe), Subbie (Comedy), Subunderhander (WhatThe)

Agents of Atlas Premiere (HC) #1
Agents of Atlas TPB (I) #1
Agents of Atlas TPB: The Complete Collection #1
All Select Comics #1 - 5, 10
All Winners Comics (I) #1 - 19, 21
All Winners Comics (II) #1
Avengers Epic Collection TPB #9
Avengers Omnibus (HC) #3
Avengers Premiere (HC): The Private War of Dr. Doom #1
Avengers Unlimited (Infinity Comic) #19 - 20, 39
Avengers vs. X-Men (HC) #1
Avengers vs. X-Men Omnibus (HC) #1
Avengers vs. X-Men TPB: VS. #1
Avengers West Coast Epic Collection TPB #9
Avengers/X-Men: Utopia (HC) #1
Avengers/X-Men: Utopia TPB #1
AVX: VS • The Avengers Vs The X-Men #1
Blonde Phantom #17
Captain America and ... #635.1
Captain America and the Avengers TPB: The Complete Collection #1
Captain America Comics • Captain America Weird Tales #20
Captain America Comics Annual #1
Captain America and Iron Man TPB #1
Captain Mar-Vell Omnibus (HC) #1
Dark Reign: The Cabal #1
Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1, 3
Defenders Epic Collection TPB #1 - 2
The Defenders Omnibus (HC) #1 - 2
Doctor Doom Omnibus (HC): The Book of Doom #1
Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom TPB: Triumph and Torment #1
Essential Avengers #7
Essential Defenders #2
Essential Hulk #2
Essential Iron Man #2
Essential Marvel Team-Up #1
Essential Marvel Two-In-One #1 - 2, 4
Essential Sub-Mariner #1
Essential Super-Villain Team-Up #1
Fantastic Four/Inhumans TPB: Atlantis Rising #1
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman #1
Fantastic Four Unlimited #11
Fantasy Masterpieces (I) #7 - 10
Giant-Size Defenders #1 - 4
Giant-Size Defenders (Facsimile Edition) #3
Giant-Size Invaders #1 - 2
Giant-Size Marvel Adventures The Avengers #1
Giant-Size Marvel Omnibus (HC) #1
Giant-Size Super-Villains Team-Up #1 - 2
Golden Age Captain America Omnibus (HC) #2
Golden Age Marvel Comics Omnibus (HC) #1 - 2
Golden Age of Marvel Comics TPB #1 - 2
Guardians of the Galaxy Epic Collection TPB #1
Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus (HC): Tomorrow's Heroes #1
Hawkeye Epic Collection TPB #2
Hero for Hire #15
Hulk: DVD Digital Comic Book Archives #1
Human Torch Comics #2 - 22, 24 - 33, 36 - 38
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection TPB #3
The Incredible Hulk Omnibus (HC) #1
The Invaders (I) #20 - 21, 24
Invaders Classic TPB #2
Invaders Classic TPB: The Complete Collection #1 - 2
Invaders Omnibus (HC) #1
The Invincible Iron Man Omnibus (HC) #1
Iron Man Annual (I) #1
Iron Man: DVD Digital Comic Book Archives #1
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB #2
Iron Man and the Sub-Mariner #1
Kid Komics • Kid Movie Komics #4
Luke Cage Epic Collection TPB #1
Luke Cage Omnibus (HC) #1
Marvel #3
Marvel 65th Anniversary Special TPB #1
Marvel Comics #1
Marvel Comics (1990 Reprint) #1
Marvel Comics 70th Anniversary Celebration Magazine #1
Marvel Comics 70th Anniversary Edition #1
Marvel Comics 80th Anniversary Edition (HC) #1
Marvel Comics Presents (I) #7, 33, 46, 57 - 59, 73, 77, 149
Marvel Comics Presents (II) #7
Marvel Comics Presents (III) #1
Marvel Fanfare (I) #16, 43
Marvel Fanfare Omnibus (HC) #1
Marvel Feature (I) #2
Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1960s #1
Marvel Firsts TPB: WWII Super Heroes #1
Marvel (HC): Five Fabulous Decades of the World's Greatest Comics #1
Marvel Holiday Digest TPB #1
Marvel Holiday Special 2005 #1
Marvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Heroes (HC) #1 - 3
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers 2nd Edition (HC) #16
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel TPB #1
Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders (HC) #2
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners (HC) #1 - 4
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age All-Winners TPB #1 - 2
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America (HC) #5
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch (HC) #1 - 3
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch TPB #1
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age of Marvel Comics (HC) #1 - 7
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age of Marvel Comics TPB #1 - 2
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Sub-Mariner (HC) #1 - 3
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Sub-Mariner TPB #1
Marvel Masterworks: The Incredible Hulk 2nd Edition (HC) #3
Marvel Masterworks: Incredible Hulk TPB #3
Marvel Masterworks: The Invincible Iron Man 2nd Edition (HC) #3
Marvel Masterworks: The Invincible Iron Man TPB #3
Marvel Masterworks: Luke Cage, Hero For Hire (HC) #1
Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Team-Up (HC) #2
Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Two-In-One (HC) #1, 3, 7
Marvel Masterworks: The Sub-Mariner (HC) #1 - 2, 7 - 8
Marvel Masterworks: The Sub-Mariner TPB #1
Marvel Milestones: Captain Britain, Psylocke and Golden Age Sub-Mariner (Marvel UK) #1
Marvel Milestones: Doom, Sub-Mariner and Red Skull #1
Marvel Milestones: Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Sub-Mariner and Hulk #1
Marvel Mystery Comics (I) #2 - 46, 48 - 91
Marvel Mystery Comics (II) #1
Marvel Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1
Marvel Mystery Comics Annual #1 - 2
Marvel Omnibus (HC): May 1965 #1
Marvel Spotlight (I) #27
Marvel Super Stories (HC) (Abrams) #1
Marvel Super-Heroes (I) #1
Marvel Super-Heroes (II) #12 - 20, 32 - 55
Marvel Super-Heroes (III) #8, 10
Marvel Tales Annual • Marvel Tales (II) • Marvel Tales Starring Spider-Man #249
Marvel Team-Up (I) #14
Marvel Team-Up (II) #6, 8 - 11
Marvel TPB #1
Marvel TPB: Five Fabulous Decades of the World's Greatest Comics #1
Marvel Treasury Edition #5
Marvel Treasury Edition TPB #1
Marvel Two-In-One (I) #2, 28, 81
Marvel Two-in-One Epic Collection TPB #1 - 2
Marvel Two-in-One Omnibus (HC) #1
Marvel's Captain Marvel TPB: Prelude #1
Men's Adventures #27 - 28
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: The Incredible Hulk #4
Mighty Marvel Masterworks GN-TPB: Namor, the Sub-Mariner #1
Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1
Namor, the Sub-Mariner Epic Collection TPB #1, 4
Namor the Sub-Mariner Omnibus (HC) #1
Namora (I) #1 - 3
Nation X #4
Siege TPB: Road to Siege #1
Solo Avengers #17
Strange Tales (V) #1, 3
Strange Tales (HC) #1
Strange Tales TPB #1
Sub-Mariner (I) #45, 53 - 54
Sub-Mariner Annual #1 - 2
Sub-Mariner Comics #1 - 42
Sub-Mariner Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1
The Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #8
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up TPB #2
Superior Spider-Man TPB Companion #1
Super-Villain Team-Up #1 - 10, 13
Super-Villains Unite TPB: The Complete Super-Villain Team-Up #1
Tales to Astonish (I) #70 - 101
Tales Through the Marvel Universe TPB #1
Thor Omnibus (HC) By Michael Straczynski and Kieron Gillen #1
Timely 70th Anniversary Collection (HC) #1
Timely Presents: All Winners #1
Timely's Greatest Omnibus (HC): The Golden Age Human Torch By Carl Burgos #1
Timely's Greatest Omnibus (HC): The Golden Age Sub-Mariner By Bill Everett - The Post-War Years #1
Timely's Greatest Omnibus (HC): The Golden Age Sub-Mariner By Bill Everett - The Pre-War Years #1
What If? (I) #21, 29, 41
What If? Classic TPB #4 - 5, 7
What If? Classic TPB The Complete Collection #2 - 4
What If? The Original Marvel Series Omnibus (HC) #1 - 2
Wizard Ace Edition: Marvel Comics (Wizard Publication) #1
Wolverine TPB: Covenant #1
Women of Marvel TPB: Celebrating Seven Decades #1
X-Men TPB: Nation X #1
Young Men • Young Men on the Battlefield • Young Men in Action #24 - 25

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #3.FT
The Amazing Spider-Man Annual (I) #4.FT
Avengers/Invaders Sketchbook (Dynamite Entertainment / Marvel) #1.FT
Beavis and Butt-Head #7.FT
Captain America 75th Anniversary Magazine #1.FT
Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special #1.FT
Daredevil (I) #7.FT
Dark Reign Files #1.FT
The Defenders (I) • The New Defenders #6.FT
Defenders: Strange Heroes #1.FT
Essential Daredevil #1.FT
Essential Defenders #1.FT - 2.FT
Essential Fantastic Four #2.FT, 6.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #2.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
Essential Sub-Mariner #1.FT
Fantastic Firsts TPB #1.FT
Fantastic Four (I) #11.FT, 33.FT
Fantastic Four Annual (I) #1.FT, 8.FT
Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB #2.FT
Fantastic Four Special Edition #1.FT
Giant-Size Defenders #1.FT
Giant-Size Super-Stars Featuring Fantastic Four • Giant-Size Fantastic Four (I) #1.FT
Heroic Age: Heroes • Heroic Age: Super Heroes #1.FT
Heroic Age: X-Men #1.FT
Hulk TPB: From the Marvel UK Vaults #1.FT
Human Torch Comics #5.FT
Marvel Age (I) #9.FT
Marvel Calendar 2010 #1.FT
Marvel Comics (1990 Reprint) #1.FT
The Marvel Comics Index (G&T Enterprises) #7A.FT, 7B.FT, 8A.FT, 8B.FT
Marvel Fanfare (I) #16.FT, 40.FT - 41.FT, 45.FT
Marvel Holiday Special #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB #1.FT
The Marvel Masterpieces 2 Collection #1.FT
Marvel Mystery Comics (I) #9.FT, 21.FT
Marvel Mystery Handbook: 70th Anniversary Special #1.FT
Marvel: Portraits of a Universe • Marvel: Portraits #1.FT
Marvel Previews (I) #43.FT
Marvel Super-Heroes (III) #10.FT
Marvel Swimsuit Special #1.FT, 4.FT
Marvels (I) #0.FT
The Mighty World of Marvel Pin-Up Book (Fireside Book) (Simon and Schuster) #1.FT
Namor: The First Mutant #1.FT
Namor the Sub-Mariner #50.FT
Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual #3.FT - 4.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #10.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Avengers 2004 #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #12.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age Marvel 2004 #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #17.FT
Rom #50.FT
Saga of the Sub-Mariner #11.FT
Siege: Storming Asgard - Heroes and Villains #1.FT
Silver Surfer Annual (I) #4.FT
Sub-Mariner Comics #1.FT - 2.FT
The Super Heroes Annual (Marvel UK) #1.FT
Tales to Astonish (II) #14.FT
What the -- ?! #17.FT



File created on 2025 02 06