
Man-Eater (Malcolm Gregory Murphy)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Intruders

Silver Sable and the Wild Pack (I) #19

Avengers Assemble (I) #1.FT

Man-Elephant (Manfred Ellsworth Haller)

Gender: ♂
Alias: Behemoth (Manfred Haller)

She-Hulk (II) #25
She-Hulk Omnibus (HC) By Peter David #1
She-Hulk Premiere (HC): Jaded #1
She-Hulk TPB (I) #6

Dino Manelli

Gender: ♂
Member of: Deadly Dozen, Howling Commandos (I)


Division of: Multiverse
Universe/Dimension/Timeline of: Gambit (Remy LeBeau) (MangaV), Magneto (VIII) (MangaV), Mystique (Raven Darkhölme) (MangaV), Sentinels (IV) (MangaV), Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (MangaV), X-Men (IX) (MangaV)

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 #1.FT


Marvel Preview #1

Mangog (I)

Gender: ♂

Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
Marvel Monsters #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #15.FT
Thor: Asgard's Avenger #1.FT

Mangog (II) (R-31916)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-31916 (Supreme Power)

Mania (Ani Benton)

Gender: ♀
Individual of: Symbiotes

Mania (Patricia Robertson)

Gender: ♀

Manikin (Whitman Knapp)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Alpha Flight (I)

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #4.FT

Manikin (II)

Gender: ♂
Alternate version of: Vision (I)
Member of: Morgana Le Fey's Alternate Avengers

Manipulator (I)

Gender: ♂

Manipulator (II)

Gender: ♂

Man-Killer (Katrina Luisa van Horn)

Gender: ♀
Member of: Hydra (I)

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7.FT
Heroic Age: Villains #1.FT
Web of Spider-Man Annual #3.FT

Man-Mountain Marko

Gender: ♂
Employed by: Silvermane (Silvio Manfredi)

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7.FT
The Amazing Spider-Man Annual (I) #13.FT
Essential Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #2.FT
Essential Spider-Man #9.FT

Doctor Eve Manning (R-982)

Gender: ♀
Leader of: Humanity First (R-982)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-982 (M2)


Gender: ♀
Sibling(s): Maxime


Marvel Monsters (HC) #1
Marvel Monsters: Where Monsters Dwell #1

Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising Collectors' Preview #1.FT
Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (and the Monster Hunters) #1.FT

Man-oo the Mighty

Gender: ♂

Jungle Action (I) #1 - 6
Jungle Action (II) #2
Marvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Jungle Adventures (HC) #2 - 3

Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers (HC) #1.FT
Marvel Pets Handbook #1.FT

Manowar (Manowar)

Member of: Defenders of the Deep


Gender: ♂
Member of: Legion of Monsters (II)

Decades TPB: Marvel in the '70s - Legion of Monsters #1
Legion of Monsters (I) #1
Legion of Monsters (HC) #1

Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1970s Handbook #1.FT
Marvel Monsters #1.FT
Nick Fury's Howling Commandos Director's Cut #1.FT

Donna Mansfield (R-982)

Gender: ♀
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-982 (M2)

Maurice Arthur Mansfield (R-982)

A.K.A.: Moose
Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-982 (M2)

Spider-Girl (I) #19
Spider-Girl Digest TPB #4
Spider-Girl TPB: The Complete Collection #2

Spider-Girl (I) #77.FT, 100.FT


Member of: Dragon Circle

Defenders: Strange Heroes #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #2.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #8.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #8.FT

Manslaughter Marsdale

Gender: ♂

Heroic Age: Villains #1.FT

Man-Spider (Man-Spider) (R-666)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-666

Mant (Ernest Sanger) (CtrEarth2)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Remnants (CtrEarth2)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Counter-Earth (II)

Manta (I)

Gender: ♀
Member of: Imperial Guard of the Shi'ar (I)

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #6.FT

Manta (II) (R-HR)

Member of: Imperial Guard of the Shi'ar (II) (R-HR)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-HeroReb (Heroes Reborn)

Man-Thang (WhatThe)

Gender: ♂
Spoof of: Man-Thing (Theodore Sallis)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Whattheverse

What the -- ?! #6

Man-Thing (Doctor Theodore Sallis)

Gender: ♂
Clone(s)/Copies/Impersonator(s): Boy-Thing
Member of: Daydreamers, Legion of Monsters (I)
Merged into: Man-Thing Thang Thoom (R-InfWarp)
Spoof(s): Man-Thang (WhatThe)

Adventure Into Fear Omnibus (HC) #1
Adventures of the Thing #4
Astonishing Spider-Man (I) (Panini UK) #26
Astonishing Tales (I) #12 - 13
Book of the Dead #1 - 4
Crazy (III) #1
Crazy TPB #1
Crypt of Shadows (III) #1
Crypt of Shadows (IV) #1
Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing #1 - 4
Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing TPB #1
Doctor Strange TPB: Lords of Fear #1
Essential Man-Thing #1 - 2
Essential Marvel Team-Up #3
Essential Marvel Two-In-One #1 - 3
Essential Spider-Man #7
Fear • Adventure into Fear #10 - 19
Giant-Size Marvel Omnibus (HC) #1
Giant-Size Spider-Man (I) #5
Infernal Man-Thing #3
Infernal Man-Thing TPB #1
Legion of Monsters (HC) #1
Legion of Monsters: Man-Thing #1
Man-Thing Omnibus (HC) #1
Man-Thing TPB By Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection #1, 3
Man-Thing TPB: Whatever Knows Fear #1
Marvel Comics Presents (I) #1 - 12, 164 - 167
Marvel Comics Presents (II) #12
Marvel Fanfare (I) #9, 36
Marvel Fanfare Omnibus (HC) #1
Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1970s #1
Marvel Knights Double-Shot #2
Marvel Masterworks: Ka-Zar (HC) #1
Marvel Masterworks: The Man-Thing (HC) #1
Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Team-Up (HC) #4, 7
Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Two-In-One (HC) #1, 4, 7
Marvel Milestones: Blade, Man-Thing, Satana #1
Marvel Tales Annual • Marvel Tales (II) • Marvel Tales Starring Spider-Man #204
Marvel Team-Up (I) #68, 122
Marvel Team-Up (II) #4
Marvel Two-In-One (I) #1, 43, 77
Marvel Two-in-One Epic Collection TPB #1, 3
Marvel Two-in-One Omnibus (HC) #1
Marvel Universe Omnibus (HC) By John Byrne #2
Midnight Sons Unlimited #8
Mockingbird: Bobbi Morse, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. TPB #1
Monsters Unleashed (I) #3, 5
Monsters Unleashed Annual #1
Rampaging Hulk (I) #7
Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years #1
Savage Tales (I) #1
Shadows and Light (II) #2
Spider-Man: Back in Quack #1
Spider-Man: Fear Itself (I) #1
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC): Brand New Day #1
Spider-Man Omnibus (HC) By John Byrne #1
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Family Ties #1
Spider-Man TPB: Clone Gensis #1
Spider-Man TPB: Family Ties #1
Spider-Man TPB: Marvel Team-Up by Chris Claremont and John Byrne #1
Strange Tales (IV) #1 - 2
Strange Tales (VI) • Strange Tales II #1
Strange Tales II (HC) #1
Strange Tales II TPB #1
Thing Premiere (HC): Project Pegasus #1
The Thing TPB: Project Pegasus #1
Tomb of Terror #1
True Believers: Fantastic Four Marvel Two-in-One #1
Werewolf by Night TPB: Unholy Alliance #1
What If? (I) #26
What If? Classic TPB #4
What If? Classic TPB The Complete Collection #3
What If? The Original Marvel Series Omnibus (HC) #2

Battlezones: Dream Team 2 (Malibu Comics) #1.FT
Beavis and Butt-Head #3.FT
Captain America's Bicentennial Battles: All-New Marvel Treasury Edition TPB #1.FT
Essential Man-Thing #1.FT - 2.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #2.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
Essential Rampaging Hulk #1.FT
Heroic Age: Heroes • Heroic Age: Super Heroes #1.FT
The Incredible Hulk (II) #427.FT
Man-Thing TPB By Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection #2.FT
Marvel Fanfare (I) #11.FT, 35.FT - 37.FT
Marvel Monsters #1.FT
Marvel: Portraits of a Universe • Marvel: Portraits #4.FT
Marvel Preview #8.FT
Marvel Super-Heroes (III) #8.FT
Micronauts Annual #2.FT
The Mighty Marvel Bicentennial Calendar 1976 #1.FT
Monsters Unleashed (I) #5.FT, 8.FT - 9.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #7.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #8.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Marvel Knights 2005 #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #5.FT
Rampaging Hulk (I) #7.FT
Strange Tales (IV) #2.FT

Man-Thing (Doctor Theodore Sallis) (Alt)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Unknown Universe/Dimension/Timeline

Marvel Knights Millennial Visions • Marvel Knights 2001 Millennial Vision #1.FT

Man-Thing (Doctor Theodore Sallis) (R-1610)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-1610 (Ultimate)

Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #10
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up (HC) #1
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up TPB #2
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up TPB: Ultimate Collection #1

The Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe 2005: The Fantastic Four and Spider-Man #1.FT
Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four TPB #1.FT

Man-Thing Thang Thoom (R-InfWarp)

Dragon Protector of the Nexus within the Soul World
Gender: ♂
Merged: Fin Fang Foom (I), Man-Thing (Theodore Sallis)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Infinity Warps


All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #1.FT

Mantis (Brandt)

A.K.A.: Celestial Madonna
Gender: ♀
Child(ren): Quoi (Sequoia)
Member of: Avengers (I), Guardians of the Galaxy (II)
Parent(s): Libra (Gustav Brandt)
Spouse(s): Swordsman (II)

Essential Silver Surfer #2
Fantastic Four Annual (I) #25
Fantastic Four Epic Collection TPB #22
Marvel's Voices: Identity (II) #1
Silver Surfer Annual (I) #1
Silver Surfer Epic Collection TPB #4
Silver Surfer Omnibus (HC): Return to the Spaceways #1

Empyre Handbook #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #2.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
Essential Silver Surfer #2.FT
F.O.O.M. #5.FT
Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game: Guide to the Hulk and the Avengers (HC) #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #13.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Avengers 2005 #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #8.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #21.FT
Silver Surfer Annual (I) #1.FT
Thanos Sourcebook #1.FT
The West Coast Avengers Annual • Avengers West Coast Annual #3.FT

Mantis (Brandt) (R-58163)

A.K.A.: Celestial Madonna
Gender: ♀
Member of: Dragons (R-58163)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-58163 (House of M)

Mantor the Magician

Human Torch Comics #2
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch (HC) #1
Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch TPB #1
Marvel Milestones: Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, Microman, Mantor the Magician #1

Marvel Mystery Handbook: 70th Anniversary Special #1.FT

Mantra (R-93060)

Gender: ♀
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-93060 (Malibu Universe/Ultraverse)

The Phoenix Resurrection TPB: Red Shift (Malibu Comics / Marvel) #0
Ultraverse Origins (Malibu Comics) #1
Ultraverse Premiere (Malibu Comics) #0
Ultraverse Year Zero: The Death of the Squad (Malibu Comics) #1

Dream Team (Malibu Comics) #1.FT
Giant Size Mantra (Malibu Comics) #1.FT
Mantra (I) (Malibu Comics) #7.FT

Manufactured Harmonites

Individual(s): Qubit

Man-Wolf (John Jameson)

Gender: ♂
Alias: Star-God (John Jameson)
Alias of: John Jameson
Member of: Agents of Wakanda

Blood Hunters (I) #1
Blood Hunters TPB: Once More Into the Darkness #1
Creatures on the Loose #30 - 37
Essential Marvel Team-Up #2
Man-Wolf TPB: The Complete Collection #1
Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1970s #2
Marvel Masterworks: Marvel Team-Up (HC) #4
Marvel Premiere #45 - 46
Marvel Team-Up (I) #37
Marvel Westerns (HC) #1
Marvel Westerns: The Two-Gun Kid #1
She-Hulk Omnibus (HC) By Dan Slott #1
Spider-Man Family (II) #5
Spider-Man Family Digest TPB: Untold Team-Ups #1
True Believers: Annihilation - Man-Wolf in Space #1

The Amazing Spider-Man Annual (I) #15.FT
Creatures on the Loose #37.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #1.FT
Essential Spider-Man #10.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1960s-1990s Handbook TPB #1.FT
Marvel Legacy: The 1970s Handbook #1.FT
Marvel Premiere #45.FT
Nick Fury's Howling Commandos Director's Cut #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #13.FT
Wizard Presents The Legacy of Spider-Man Special Edition (Wizard Publication) #1.FT

Man-Wolf (John Jameson) (R-982)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-982 (M2)

Spider-Girl (I) #100.FT


Marada the She-Wolf

Gender: ♀
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Licensverse

Epic Illustrated #10 - 12, 22 - 23
Marvel Graphic Novel #21


Gender: ♂
Individual of: Inhumans (I)

Maraud (Queen Mother Maraud)

Gender: ♀
Individual of: Snarks (Zn'rx)

Marauders (I)

Member(s): Arclight (Philippa Sontag), Blockbuster (Michael Baer), Gambit (Remy LeBeau), Harpoon (Kodiak Noatak), Lady Mastermind (Regan Wynegard), Malice (Lorna Dane), Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex), Mystique (Raven Darkhölme), Prism, Riptide (Janos Quested), Sabretooth (Victor Creed), Scalphunter (John Greycrow), Scrambler (Kim Sung), Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida), Vertigo (II)

Dark Reign Files #1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #3.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #2.FT
Heroic Age: X-Men #1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #18.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #27.FT
Wolverine Encyclopedia #2.FT
X-Men: Messiah CompleX #1.FT
X-Men: Messiah CompleX - Mutant Files #1.FT
X-Men TPB: Divided We Stand #1.FT

Marauders (II)

Member(s): Bishop (Lucas Bishop) (R-1191), Emma Frost (I), Iceman (Robert Drake), Pyro (St. Allerdyce), Red Queen (Katherine Pryde), Storm (Ororo Munroe)

Marauders (III)

Member(s): Akihiro, Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier), Bishop (Lucas Bishop) (R-1191), Cassandra Nova, Katherine Pryde (I), Psylocke (Elisabeth Braddock), Somnus (Carl Valentino), Tempo (Heather Tucker)



File created on 2025 02 06