Beaufort Bruecke / Beaufort Bridge
Die achtbogige Beaufort (Lios an Phúca) Brücke über den Fluss Laune wurde 1837 gebaut. Die Steine dazu sollen von der nahegelegenen Pallis Burg genommen worden sein, die damals schon in Ruinen lag und von der heute nichts mehr erhalten ist.
The eight-arched Beaufort (Lios an Phúca) bridge across the River Laune was built in 1837. It is said that the stones were taken from the near-by Pallis Castle that then was already in ruins and that has vanished completely today.
Zugeordnete Themen / Assigned Topics:
Mehr Informationen über - Beaufort Brücke / More information about - Beaufort Bridge
Lage / Location
- Irish grid: V 88166 92647
Historischer Verweis / Historic Reference
(© Wiki Commons)
- AD
- Aghadoe
- BM
- Ballymalis Burg / Ballymalis Castle
- CL
- Cullenagh Lower Menhir / Cullenagh Lower Standing Stone
- CM
- Castlemaine
- CT
- Weg zum Carrauntoohil / Way to Carrauntoohil
- DL
- Dunloe Ogham Steine / Dunloe Ogham Stones
- GD
- Gap of Dunloe
- KA
- Killarney
- KE
- Knockane Kirche / Knockane Church
- KN
- Killarney Nationalpark / Killarney National Park
- KO
- Killorglin
- KS
- Kilgobnet Menhir / Kilgobnet Standing Stone
- LV
- Ladies View