
Spirit of '76 (William Nasland)

Gender: ♂
Alias: Captain America (William Nasland)
Member of: Crusaders

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 3.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 14.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 19.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age Marvel 2004 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 18.FT

Spirit of Corruption (Daniel Ketch)

Gender: ♂
Alias of: Daniel Ketch
Created by: Belasco (I) (Limbo2)

Spirit of Variance (R-SOS)

Merged into: Vox Ignis (R-SOS)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-SOS

Spirit of Vengeance (Wileaydus Autolycus) (R-691)

A.K.A.: Flaming Demon
Gender: ♂
Member of: Galactic Guardians (R-691), Guardians of the Galaxy (I) (R-691)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-691b (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 35.FT

Spirit Rider (Kushala)

Gender: ♀
Alias of: Kushala
Member of: Midnight Suns

Spirits of Vengeance (I)

Member(s): Ghost Rider (Johnathan Blaze), Ghost Rider (Daniel Ketch), Verminus

Midnight Sons Unlimited 1, 3
Spirits of Vengeance: Rise of the Midnight Sons TPB 1

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z 10.FT
Ghost Rider (II) 25.FT

Spirits of Vengeance (II)

Member(s): Eric Brooks (I), Ghost Rider (Johnathan Blaze), Hellstorm (Daimon Hellstrom), Satana (Satana Hellstrom)

Marvel Legacy (HC) 1
Marvel Legacy TPB 1
Spirits of Vengeance (I) 1
Spirits of Vengeance TPB: War at the Gates of Hell 1

Spitfire (Lady Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton)

Created by: Roy Thomas, Frank Robbins
Gender: ♀
Member of: Invaders (I), Invaders (II), New Invaders

Marvel Comics Presents (I) 89
Marvel Super-Heroes (III) 4
Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual 2
Namor the Sub-Mariner Omnibus (HC) By John Byrne and Jae Lee 1
Transformers (Marvel UK) 86 - 98

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 1.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 3.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 1.FT
Heroic Age: Heroes • Heroic Age: Super Heroes 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 14.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age Marvel 2004 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 12.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 2.FT
Vampires: The Marvel Undead 1.FT

Spitfire (Jennifer Ann Swensen) (R-148611)

Gender: ♀
Alias of: Chrome (Jennifer Swensen) (2)
Member of: D.P.7 (R-148611)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-148611 (New Universe)

Amazing Fantasy (III) 19
Untold Tales of the New Universe TPB 1

Spitfire (III)

Member of: Lilin

Spittle Man (WhatThe)

Gender: ♂
Spoof of: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Whattheverse

What the -- ?! 14

Splash Morgan (Comedy)

Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Comedyverse

Comedy Comics (I) 9


Wonder Man Annual 2

Split-Second Squad

Member(s): Cap'n Skragg, Joe the Gorilla, Kronus, Onionhead, Pecos, Pin-Stripe, Sweet William


Gender: ♀
Member of: Rising Sons


Member of: Cloud Nine

Spooky-Man (Gluemy Miller) (R-?)

Gender: ♂

Edge of Spider-Verse (IV) 2
Edge of Spider-Verse TPB: Spider-Society 1

Spoor (Marshall Graves)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Acolytes


Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (and the Monster Hunters) 1.FT


Individual of: Fomalhauti

Spot (Dr. Jonathan Ohnn)

Gender: ♂
Member of: M.O.D.O.K.'s 11

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z 10.FT
Heroic Age: Villains 1.FT

Spot (II) (R-1610)

Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-1610 (Ultimate)

Spragg the Living Hill

Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone (and the Monster Hunters) 1.FT

Sprite (Katherine Pryde)

Gender: ♀
Alias of: Katherine Pryde (I)

Marvel 70th Anniversary Frame Art 1.FT

Sprite (I)

A.K.A.: Puck; Robin Goodfellow
Gender: ♂
Individual of: Eternals of Earth

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 2.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 12.FT
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update 1.FT


Comedy Comics (I) 11


Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Unknown Universe/Dimension/Timeline

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 7.FT

Spyder-Man (Peter Urich) (R-12311)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-12311

Spymaster (Sinclair Abbot)

Gender: ♂

Dark Reign: Made Men 1
Dark Reign: Made Men 1
Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update 4.FT
Heroic Age: Villains 1.FT

Spymaster (Nathan Lemon)

Gender: ♂

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update 4.FT

Spymaster (I)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Espionage Elite

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update 4.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 2.FT - 3.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 3.FT
Marvel Super-Heroes (III) 12.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 12.FT, 19.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 16.FT


Member of: Dark Riders

Spyral (R-982)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-982 (M2)

Spider-Girl (I) 100.FT


Individual(s): Belter, Citadel (Dellig), Elementa (Eylen), Kaylo, Kor, Overseer (Revos), Scrum (Krumson), Sidearm (Darmo), Sky (Kaila)
Subgroup of: Alien Races

Squadron City (R-712)

Headquarter of: Squadron Supreme (I) (R-712)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-712 (Squadron Supreme)

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 2.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 12.FT

Squadron Savage (R-HR)

Member(s): Cloak (Tyrone) (R-HR), Crossbones (II) (R-HR), Elektra (Elektra) (R-HR), Murder Hornet (R-HR), Punisher (Frank Castle) (R-HR), Winter Soldier (II) (R-HR)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-HeroReb (Heroes Reborn) (Reality)

Squadron Sinister (I)

Member(s): Doctor Spectrum (Kinji Obatu), Hyperion (Evil) (II), Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond), Whizzer (James Sanders)

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z 10.FT

Squadron Sinister (II) (Alt)

Member(s): Warrior Woman (Zarda)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Unknown Universe/Dimension/Timeline

Squadron Supreme (I) (R-712)

Headquarter(s): Squadron City (R-712)
Member(s): American Eagle (James Dore Jr.) (R-712), Amphibian (Kingsley Rice) (R-712), Ape X (Xina) (R-712), Arcanna (Arcanna Jones) (R-712), Black Archer (Wyatt McDonald) (R-712), Blue Eagle (James Dore Jr.) (R-712), Cap'n Hawk (James Dore Jr.) (R-712), Doctor Decibel (Anton Decibel) (R-712), Doctor Spectrum (Joseph Ledger) (R-712), Foxfire (Olivia Underwood) (R-712), Golden Archer (Wyatt McDonald) (R-712), Hawkeye (Wyatt McDonald) (R-712), Haywire (Harold Danforth) (R-712), Hyperion (Mark Milton) (R-712), Inertia (Edith Freiberg) (R-712), Lady Lark (Linda Lewis) (R-712), Lamprey (Donald McGuiggin) (R-712), Moonglow (Melissa Hanover) (R-712), Moonglow (Arcanna Jones) (R-712), Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond) (R-712), Nighthawk (Neal Richmond) (R-712), Nuke (Albert Gaines) (R-712), Power Princess (Zarda Shelton) (R-712), Quagmire (Jerome Meyers) (R-712), Redstone (Michael Redstone) (R-712), Shape (Raleigh Lund) (R-712), Skrullian Skymaster (Sk'ym'x) (R-712), Thermite (Sam Yurimoto) (R-712), Tom Thumb (Thomas Thompson) (R-712), Whizzer (Stanley Stewart) (R-712)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-712 (Squadron Supreme)

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 2.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 10.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 12.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 28.FT
Supreme Power - Special Edition 1.FT

Squadron Supreme (II) (R-31916)

Member(s): Amphibian (Kingsley Rice) (R-31916), Arcanna (Arcanna Jones) (R-31916), Blur (Stanley Steward) (R-31916), Emil Burbank (R-31916), Doctor Spectrum (Joseph Ledger) (R-31916), Hyperion (Mark Milton) (R-31916), Inertia (Edith Freiberg) (R-31916), Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond) (R-31916), Nuke (Albert Gaines) (R-31916), Power Princess (Zarda) (R-31916), Shape (Raleigh Lund) (R-31916), Tom Thumb (Thomas Thompson) (R-31916)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-31916 (Supreme Power)

Squadron Supreme (III)

Member(s): Blur (Jeff Walters) (R-148611), Doctor Spectrum (VII) (R-4290001), Hyperion (Marcus Milton) (R-13034), Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond) (R-31916), Thundra (R-715), Warrior Woman (Zarda)

Avengers (VII) 0
Avengers (X) 18, 50
Avengers (HC) By Jason Aaron 5
Avengers TPB By Jason Aaron 4
Squadron Supreme (IV) 1
Squadron Supreme TPB (II) 1
Timely Comics: Squadron Supreme 1
War of the Realms Omnibus (HC) 1

Squadron Supreme (IV) (R-HR)

Member(s): Amphibian (III) (R-HR), Arcanna (III) (R-HR), Blue Eagle (III) (R-HR), Blur (Stanley Stewart) (R-HR), Doctor Spectrum (Joseph Ledger) (R-HR), Golden Archer (II) (R-HR), Hyperion (Marcus Milton) (R-HR), Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond) (R-HR), Power Princess (Zarda) (R-HR), Skymax (II) (R-HR), Tom Thumb (III) (R-HR)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-HeroReb (Heroes Reborn) (Reality)

Heroes Reborn 7
Heroes Reborn Omnibus (HC): America's Mightiest Heroes 1
Heroes Reborn TPB: America's Mightiest Heroes 1

Squid (Don Callahan)

Gender: ♂
Member of: Wicked Brigade

Heroic Age: Villains 1.FT
Spider-Man: Brand New Day Yearbook 1.FT

Squidboy (Samuel Luc Paré)

Gender: ♂
Individual of: Mutants
Student(s) at/of: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning

All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z 10.FT

Squire Justice

Gender: ♂
Alternate version of: Justice (Vance Astrovik)
Member of: Morgana Le Fey's Alternate Avengers

Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green)

Created by: Will Murray, Steve Ditko
Gender: ♀
Member of: Great Lakes Avengers, Great Lakes Initiative, Great Lakes X-Men, New Avengers (II), U.S.Avengers
Merged into: Moon Squirrel (Luneen Lafagreen) (R-InfWarp)
Parent(s): Maureen Green

Age of Heroes 3
Age of Heroes TPB 1
Avengers TPB: We Are The Avengers 1
Avengers vs. X-Men Omnibus (HC) 1
Avengers vs. X-Men TPB: VS. 1
AVX: VS • The Avengers Vs The X-Men 6
Deadpool and Cable Omnibus (HC) 1
Deadpool and Cable TPB: Ultimate Collection 3
Deadpool/GLI - Summer Fun Spectacular 1
G.L.X.-Mas Special 1
I am an Avenger 1
I ♥ Marvel: Masked Intentions 1
Marvel Comics (80th Anniversary Special) 1001
Marvel Comics (HC) (80th Anniversary Special) 1
Marvel Holiday Magazine 2010 1
Marvel Legacy (HC) 1
Marvel Rising (I) 0
Marvel Rising: Alpha 1
Marvel Rising GN-TPB 1
Marvel Rising: Ms. Marvel/Squirrel Girl 1
Marvel Rising: Omega 1
Marvel Rising: Squirrel Girl/Ms. Marvel 1
Marvel Super Stories (HC) (Abrams) 1
Season's Beatings 1
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (II) 26 - 27
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and the Great Lakes Avengers TPB 1
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (HC) 1, 4
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Omnibus (HC) 1
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl TPB 2, 7 - 8
Women of Marvel (III) 1
Women of Marvel (V) 1

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Avengers 2005 1.FT

Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green) (WEB)

Gender: ♀
Member(s): Worldwide Engineering Brigade (W.E.B.) (WEB)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-WEB


Individual of: Kree (I)
Member of: Lunatic Legion


Member of: Anachronauts (OtherE)


Individual(s): Sssthgar
Subgroup of: Alien Races

Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 1.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 10.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 15.FT


Individual of: Sssth

Claudette St. Croix

Gender: ♀
Alias: M (Claudette St. Croix), M-Plate (Claudette St. Croix), Penance (Claudette St. Croix)
Sibling(s): Emplate (Marius St. Croix), M (Monet St. Croix), Nicole St. Croix, Nicole St. Croix

Nicole St. Croix

Gender: ♀
Alias: M (Claudette St. Croix), M-Plate (Claudette St. Croix), Penance (Claudette St. Croix)
Sibling(s): Emplate (Marius St. Croix), M (Monet St. Croix), Claudette St. Croix, Claudette St. Croix

St. George

A Shadowline Saga: Critical Mass 2 - 3, 5 - 7

Aaron Stack (I)

Gender: ♂
Alias of: Machine Man (I)
Alternate version(s): Aaron Stack (II) (R-9997)

Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. 1 - 12
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. Crayon Butchery Variant 5
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. (HC): This is What They Want 1
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. Premiere (HC): I Kick Your Face 1
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. TPB 1 - 2
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. TPB: The Complete Collection 1
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. TPB Ultimate Collection 1
Nextwave Director's Cut 1

Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers TPB: The Ms. Marvel Years 2
Ms. Marvel (II) 18

Nextwave Director's Cut 1.FT

Aaron Stack (II) (R-9997)

Gender: ♂
Alias: X-51 (I) (R-9997)
Alternate version of: Aaron Stack (I)
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-9997 (Earth X)

Marvels X 2.FT, 6.FT

Gabriel Stacy

Gender: ♂
Parent(s): Norman Osborn (I), Gwendolyne Stacy (I)
Sibling(s): Sarah Stacy

Heroic Age: Villains 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man 2005 1.FT

Captain George Stacy (I)

Gender: ♂

The Marvel Poster Book 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Book of the Dead 2004 1.FT
Spider-Man: Unmasked 1.FT
Web of Spider-Man Annual 3.FT

Captain George Stacy (II) (R-1610)

Gender: ♂
Universe/Dimension/Timeline: Reality-1610 (Ultimate)

The Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe 2005: The Fantastic Four and Spider-Man 1.FT
Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four TPB 1.FT

Gwendolyne Stacy (I)

Created by: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
Gender: ♀
Child(ren): Gabriel Stacy, Sarah Stacy

Amazing Spider-Man (HC): The Clone Conspiracy 1
Amazing Spider-Man TPB: The Clone Conspiracy 1
The Clone Conspiracy 1
The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man 1
Marvel Heartbreakers 1

The Amazing Spider-Man (III) 600.FT
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 3.FT
Marvel: Portraits of a Universe • Marvel: Portraits 3.FT
Marvels (I) 0.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Book of the Dead 2004 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 19.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man 2004 1.FT
Spider-Man: The Jackal Files 1.FT
Spider-Man: Lifeline 2.FT
Spider-Man Poster Book 1.FT
Spider-Man: Unmasked 1.FT
Target Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane: Super Crush (Target / Marvel) 1.FT
Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual '97 1.FT
Web of Spider-Man Annual 3.FT
Wizard Presents The Legacy of Spider-Man Special Edition (Wizard Publication) 1.FT



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