
Explicit Content/Mature Content/Violent Content (18+)

Bloodlines: A Tale From the Heart of Africa1992
Carnage: It's a Wonderful Life1996
Conan the Rogue (Graphic Novel)1991
Crime and Punishment: Marshal Law Takes Manhattan1989
Daredevil and Captain America: Dead on Arrival2009
Deadpool Max X-Mas Special2012
Half Dead TPB2007
The Halo GN-HC2006
Iron Man: Crash (Epic Graphic Novel)1988
Lawdog/Grimrod: Terror at the Crossroads1993
Mark Millar and Steven McNiven's Nemesis (II)2012
Marvel Spotlight: Halo2007
Max Sampler2006
Max Sampler 20072007
Maxum Games (Demons of Mercy)2007
Millarworld Annual 20162016
Onyx: Fight (Marvel Music)1995
Powers Annual (II)2008
Powers Coloring Book2017
Powers Encyclopedia2009
Punisher: Countdown (DVD Special)2004
Punisher: Force of Nature2008
Punisher Max: Butterfly2010
Punisher Max: Get Castle2010
Punisher Max: Happy Ending2010
Punisher Max: Hot Rods of Death2010
Punisher Max: Naked Kill2009
Punisher Max Special: Little Black Book2008
Punisher Max: Tiny Ugly World2010
Punisher Max X-Mas Special2009
Punisher: The Tyger2006
The Sleeze Brothers (II)1991
Superior World Record Special2011
Target/Iron Man 22010
Wolverine: Saudade2008
Woodstock (Marvel Music)1994
The United States of Murder, Inc. Annual2015
Alien Paradiso2025
Aliens vs. Avengers2024-2025
Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned - The Charmer2010
Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned - The Ingenue2011
Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned - The Scoundrel2011-2012
Anita Blake: The Laughing Corpse - Necromancer2009
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse - Book One2008-2009
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse - Executioner2009-2010
Apache Skies2002
Black Widow: Pale Little Spider (Yelena Belova)2002
Blade: Red Band2024-2025
Blood Hunt: Red Band Edition2024
Breed I (Malibu Bravura)1994
Cage (II)2002
Casanova: Avaritia2011-2012
Casanova: Gula2011
Children of the Voyager1993
Criminal: The Last of the Innocent2011
Dances with Demons1993
Daredevil: Unleash Hell - Red Band (Elektra Natchios)2025
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - Bitter Medicine2016
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards2015
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - Lady of Shadows2015-2016
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - The Prisoner2014-2015
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - The Sailor2016-2017
Dead of Night Featuring Devil-Slayer (Daniel Sylva)2008-2009
Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing2008
Dead of Night Featuring Werewolf By Night2009
Deadpool Max2010-2011
Deadpool Max 22011-2012
The Destroyer (IV) (Keene Marlow)2009
Doctor Spectrum2004-2005
Dominic Fortune2009-2010
Dreadstar (Malibu Bravura)1994-1995
Dream Logic2010-2011
Electric Ant2010
Elektra: Assassin1986-1987
The Eternal2003-2004
Fantomex Max2013-2014
Foolkiller (II) (Mike Trace)2007-2008
Foolkiller: White Angels (Mike Trace)2008-2009
Fury (II)2001-2002
Fury Max2012-2013
Get Fury2024
Gun Theory2003
Halo: Uprising2007-2009
Haunt of Horror: Edgar Allan Poe2006
Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft2008
Havok and Wolverine: Meltdown1989
Hellstorm: Son of Satan2006-2007
The Hood2002
Howard the Duck (II)2002
Incognito: Bad Influences2010-2011
Kick-Ass 22010-2012
Kick-Ass 32013-2014
Kookaburra K2009-2010
Lance Barnes, Post Nuke Dick1993
Mark Millar and Steven McNiven's Nemesis (I)2010
Max Payne 3 (Custom Comic)2012
Men of Wrath2014-2015
Midnight Men1993
Miracleman By Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham2015-2016
Miracleman By Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham: The Silver Age2022-2024
Mortigan Goth: Immortalis1993-1994
The One1985-1986
Painkiller Jane: The 22 Brides2014
Painkiller Jane: The Price of Freedom2013-2014
Power and Glory (Malibu Bravura)1994
Punisher Max: The Platoon2017-2018
Punisher Presents: Barracuda2007
Punisher: Soviet2020
Rawhide Kid (III)2003
Rise of the Incarnates (Custom Comics)2014-2016
Samurai: Legend2008-2009
Scourge of the Gods2009
Scourge of the Gods - The Fall2009
The Secret Service2012-2013
Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu2002-2003
Sky Doll2008
Sky Doll - Doll's Factory2009
Sky Doll: Lacrima Christi2010
Sky Doll Space Ship2010
Spin Angels2009-2010
Star Slammers (Malibu Bravura)1994-1995
Starr the Slayer2009-2010
Supreme Power: Hyperion2005-2006
Supreme Power: Nighthawk (II)2005-2006
Tales of the Dragon Guard2010
Tales of the Dragon Guard - Into the Veil2010-2011
Ted McKeever's Metropol1991-1992
Terror Inc. (II)2007-2008
Terror Inc.: Apocalypse Soon2009
Thor: Vikings2003-2004
The United States of Murder, Inc.2014-2015
Universal War One2008
Universal War One: Revelations2009
Untold Tales of Punisher Max2012
U.S. War Machine2001-2002
U.S. War Machine 2.02003
War is Hell: The First Flight of the Phantom Eagle2008
Werewolf by Night: Red Band2024-2025
Wolverine: Revenge - Red Band Edition2024-2025
X-Force: Sex and Violence2010
X-Men: Phoenix - Legacy of Fire2003
Ythaq - The Forsaken World2009
Ythaq - No Escape2009
Zombie (II)2006-2007
The Zombie: Simon Garth2008
Bizarre Adventures (I)1981-1983
Blade (II)2002
Clive Barker's Night Breed1990-1993
Criminal (I)2006-2007
Criminal (II)2008
Criminal: The Sinners2009-2010
Dracula Lives!1973-1975
Elektra (II)2001-2004
Epic Graphic Novel: The Incal1988-1989
Epic Illustrated1980-1986
The Haunt of Horror (II)1974-1975
Hulk (I)1978-1981
Kabuki Reflections2005-2009
Marshal Law1987-1989
Marvel Graphic Novel1982-1988
Monsters Unleashed (I)1973-1975
Powers (II)2004-2008
Powers (III)2009-2012
Powers (IV)2015-2016
Powers: The Bureau2013-2014
The Punisher (VI)2001-2004
Punisher (VII)2004-2009
PunisherMax (II)2010-2012
Saint Sinner1993-1994
Savage Tales (I)1971-1975
Supreme Power (I)2003-2005
Supreme Power (II)2011
The Tomb of Dracula (Magazine)1979-1980
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction1975
Wolverine Max2012-2014
X-Force (I)1991-2002
Alias (HC)2002
Alias Omnibus (HC)2006
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB2011
Apache Skies TPB2003
Blood Hunt: Red Band (HC)2025
Brian Michael Bendis Omnibus (HC): Crime Noir2016
Brilliant Premiere (HC)2014
Casanova TPB: Avaritia2012
Casanova TPB: Gula2011
Casanova TPB: Luxuria2011
Conan the King Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years2022
Daffodil Premiere (HC)2010
Daredevil Box Set Slipcase (HC) By Frank Miller2019
Daredevil/Elektra Gallery Edition (HC): Love and War2020
Daredevil TPB: Typhoid's Kiss2015
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB Bitter Medicine2016
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: House of Cards2015
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: Lady of Shadows2016
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: The Prisoner2015
Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: The Sailor2017
Dead of Night Featuring Devil-Slayer TPB (Daniel Sylva)2009
Dead of Night Featuring Man-Thing TPB2008
Deadpool Max (HC) (II)2013
Deadpool Max: A History of Violence Must Have2011
Deadpool Max Premiere (HC): Second Cut2012
Deadpool Max TPB: Involuntary Armageddon2012
Deadpool Max TPB: Nutjob2012
Deadpool Max TPB: Second Cut2013
The Destroyer Premiere (HC) (Keene Marlow)2010
The Destroyer TPB (II) (Keene Marlow)2010
Destroyer TPB By Robert Kirkman (Keene Marlow)2018
Doctor Spectrum TPB: Full Spectrum2005
Dominic Fortune TPB: It Can Happen Here and Now2010
Dracula Lives! Annual1975
Electric Ant Premiere (HC)2011
Electric Ant TPB2011
Elektra (HC): Assassin2000
Elektra Omnibus (HC) By Frank Miller2008
Elektra Premiere (HC): Assassin2012
Elektra TPB: Assassin1987
Essential Tales of the Zombie2006
Fantastic Four Legends TPB: Unstable Molecules2003
Fantomex Max TPB2014
Fire GN (HC)2014
Foolkiller TPB: Fool's Paradise (Mike Trace)2008
Foolkiller TPB: White Angels (Mike Trace)2009
Fury Max (HC): My War Gone By2014
Get Fury TPB2025
Goldfish GN-HC2012
Greenberg the Vampire TPB2015
Halo Premiere (HC): Uprising2009
Halo: Uprising Must Have2008
Haunt of Horror: Edgar Allan Poe (HC)2006
Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft Premiere (HC)2008
Haunt of Horror TPB2009
Havok and Wolverine TPB: Meltdown2019
Hellstorm: Son of Satan TPB: Equinox2007
The Hood Premiere (HC)2007
The Hood TPB: The Saga of Parker Robbins2023
Husk Premiere (HC)2010
Incognito (HC): The Classified Edition2012
Incognito Must Have2009
Incognito TPB2010
Incognito TPB: Bad Influences2011
Iron Fist: Danny Rand Omnibus (HC): The Early Years2023
Jessica Jones: Alias Omnibus (HC)2021
Jinx: The Essential Collection GN-HC2011
Kick-Ass 2 Prelude Premiere (HC): Hit-Girl2013
Kick-Ass 2 Prelude TPB: Hit-Girl2013
Kick-Ass 2 Premiere (HC)2012
Kick-Ass 3 Premiere (HC)2014
Kick-Ass Director's Cut2008
Kick-Ass (HC)2013
Kick-Ass Must Have2008
Kick-Ass Premiere (HC)2010
Kick-Ass TPB (II)2013
Kick-Ass TPB (III)2015
Kick-Ass TPB Box Set Slipcase2016
Kookaburra K Premiere (HC)2010
Kookaburra K TPB2011
Mark Millar and Steven McNiven's Nemesis Premiere (HC)2011
Mark Millar and Steven McNiven's Nemesis TPB2012
The Marvel Art of Savage Sword of Conan (HC)2020
Marvel Europe TPB2009
Marvel Frontier Comics TPB: The Complete Collection2016
Marvel Horror Lives Again Omnibus (HC)2020
Marvel Horror Omnibus (HC)2019
Marvel Knights Black Widow TPB By Devin Grayson and Greg Rucka: The Complete Collection (Natalie Romanova, Yelana Belova)2018
Men of Wrath TPB2015
Miracleman (II)2022
Miracleman: Marvel Tales2023
Miracleman Omnibus (HC)2022
Miracleman Premiere (HC) By Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham vol.1: The Golden Age2016
Miracleman TPB By Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham vol.1: The Golden Age2022
Miracleman TPB By Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham: The Silver Age2024
Miracleman TPB: The Original Epic2023
Moonshadow (HC)1989
Moonshadow TPB1989
NYX Gallery Edition (HC)2024
Painkiller Jane: The 22 Brides TPB2015
Powers (HC): The Bureau Saga2017
Powers Omnibus (HC)2015
Powers Premiere (HC) (II) vol.1: All New Powers2016
Punisher Frank Castle Max TPB: Six Hours to Kill2009
Punisher Frank Castle Max TPB: Welcome to the Bayou2010
Punisher Max (HC): From First to Last2007
Punisher Max Marvel's Greatest Comics2010
Punisher Max Omnibus (HC) By Jason Aaron2014
Punisher Max Omnibus (HC) By Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon2025
Punisher Max Premiere (HC): Bullseye2011
Punisher Max Premiere (HC): Frank2011
Punisher Max TPB: Bullseye2012
Punisher Max TPB: From First to Last2008
Punisher Max TPB: Kingpin2011
Punisher Max TPB: The Platoon2018
Punisher Presents: Barracuda TPB2007
Punisher TPB: Naked Kills2010
Punisher TPB: Soviet2020
PunisherMax Premiere (HC): Homeless2012
PunisherMax Premiere (HC): Kingpin2010
PunisherMax TPB: Frank2012
PunisherMax TPB: Homeless2012
Samurai Premiere (HC): Legend2009
Scarlet TPB2016
Scourge of the Gods Premiere (HC)2009
Scourge of the Gods Premiere (HC): The Fall2010
The Secret Service TPB2014
The Secret Service TPB: Kingsman2015
Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu TPB: Hellfire Apocalypse2003
Sky Doll Premiere (HC)2008
Sky Doll Premiere (HC): Space Ship2011
Sky Doll TPB2010
Sky Doll TPB: Space Ship2011
The Sleeze Brothers TPB1990
Soleil: Universal War One Premiere (HC)2009
Soleil: Universal War One Premiere (HC): Revelations2009
Soleil: Ythaq - No Escape Premiere (HC)2009
Spin Angels Premiere (HC)2010
Starr the Slayer TPB: A Starr is Born2010
Startling Stories TPB: Fantastic Four - Unstable Molecules2003
Supercrooks Premiere (HC)2012
Supercrooks TPB2013
Superior Premiere (HC)2012
Superior TPB2013
Supreme Power: Hyperion TPB2006
Supreme Power Marvel's Greatest Comics2011
Supreme Power: Nighthawk TPB2006
Supreme Power - Special Edition2003
Supreme Power TPB (I)2003
Supreme Power TPB: Gods and Soldiers2012
Tales of the Dragon Guard Premiere (HC)2010
Tales of the Dragon Guard Premiere (HC): Into the Veil2011
Tales of the Dragon Guard TPB2011
Terror Inc. TPB2008
Terror Inc. TPB: Apocalypse Soon2010
Thor TPB: Vikings2004
Torso GN-HC2012
Trouble (HC) By Mark Millar2011
True Believers: Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary - Cage By Azzarello and Corben2018
True Believers: Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary - Jessica Jones: Alias By Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos2018
The United States of Murder Inc. Premiere (HC) vol.1: Truth2015
The United States of Murder Inc. TPB vol.1: Truth2016
Untold Tales of the Punisher Max TPB2013
War is Hell: The First Flight of the Phantom Eagle Premiere (HC)2008
War is Hell: The First Flight of the Phantom Eagle TPB2009
Werewolf by Night TPB: In the Blood2009
Wisdom TPB: Rudiments of Wisdom2007
XIII TPB: The Day of the Black Sun2007
Ythaq - The Forsaken World Premiere (HC)2009
The Zombie: Simon Garth TPB2008
Zombie TPB2007
Alias TPB vol.12003
Alias TPB vol.2: Come Home2003
Alias TPB vol.3: Underneath2003
Alias TPB vol.4: The Secret Origin of Jessica Jones2004
Alias TPB Ultimate Collection2009-2010
Aliens Epic Collection TPB: The Original Years2023-2024
Aliens Omnibus (HC): The Original Years2021-2022
Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) vol.1: The Charmer2011
Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) vol.2: The Ingenue2011
Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) vol.3: The Scoundrel2012
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB vol.1: The Charmer2011
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB vol.2: The Ingenue2012
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB vol.3: The Scoundrel2012
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) vol.1: Animator2009
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) vol.2: Necromancer2010
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) vol.3: Executioner2010
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB vol.1: Animator2009
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB vol.2: Necromancer2010
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB vol.3: Executioner2011
Black Widow Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era vol.1: The Itsy-Bitsy Spider2025
Conan Chronicles Epic Collection TPB vol.4: The Battle of Shamla Pass2020
Criminal (HC): The Deluxe Edition2009-2012
Criminal TPB vol.1: Coward2007
Criminal TPB vol.2: Lawless2008
Criminal TPB vol.3: The Dead and the Dying2008
Criminal TPB vol.4: Bad Night2009
Criminal TPB vol.5: Sinners2010
Criminal TPB vol.6: The Last of the Innocent2012
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Omnibus (HC)2016-2017
Deadpool Max Premiere (HC) vol.1: Nutjob2011
Deadpool Max Premiere (HC) vol.2: Involuntary Armageddon2012
Jessica Jones: Alias TPB2015-2016
Marvel Masterworks: Dr. Strange 2nd Edition (HC)2003-2024
Miracleman Premiere (HC) vol.3: Olympus2015
Powers (HC): The Definitive Collection2005-2014
Powers Premiere (HC) (I) vol.1: Who Killed Retro Girl?2011
Powers Premiere (HC) (I) vol.2: Roleplay2011
Powers Premiere (HC) (I) vol.3: Little Deaths2012
Powers Premiere (HC) (I) vol.4: Supergroup2012
Powers Premiere (HC) (I) vol.5: Anarchy2012
Powers Premiere (HC) (I) vol.6: The Sellouts2012
Powers Premiere (HC) (I) vol.7: Forever2013
Powers TPB vol.1: Who Killed Retro Girl?2000
Powers TPB vol.2: Roleplay2001
Powers TPB vol.3: Little Deaths2002
Powers TPB vol.4: Supergroup2003
Powers TPB vol.5: Anarchy2011
Powers TPB vol.6: The Sellouts2004
Powers TPB vol.7: Forever2005
Powers TPB vol.8: Legends2005
Powers TPB vol.9: Psychotic2006
Powers TPB vol.10: Cosmic2007
Powers TPB vol.11: Secret Identity2008
Powers TPB vol.12: The 25 Coolest Dead Superheroes of all Time2009
Powers TPB vol.13: Z2010
Powers TPB vol.14: Gods2012
Powers TPB: Bureau vol.1: Undercover2014
Punisher Max (HC)2005-2011
Punisher Max Omnibus (HC) By Garth Ennis2018
Punisher Max TPB vol.4: Up is Down and Black is White2006
Punisher Max TPB vol.6: Barracuda2007
Punisher Max TPB vol.7: Man of Stone2007
Punisher Max TPB vol.8: Widowmaker2007
Punisher Max TPB vol.9: Long Cold Dark2008
Punisher Max TPB vol.10: Valley Forge, Valley Forge2008
Punisher Max TPB vol.11: Girls in White Dresses2009
Punisher Max TPB: The Complete Collection2016-2018
Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus (HC): The Original Marvel Years2019-2022
Scarlet Premiere (HC)2011
Supreme Power (HC)2005-2007
Supreme Power TPB (II) vol.1: Contact2004
Supreme Power TPB (II) vol.2: Powers and Principalities2004
Supreme Power TPB (II) vol.3: High Command2005
Tomb of Dracula TPB: The Complete Collection2017-2021
Vampire Tales GN-TPB2010-2011
Wolverine Max TPB vol.1: Permanent Rage2013
Wolverine Max TPB vol.2: Escape to L.A.2013
Wolverine Max TPB vol.3: Vegas2014
Fury Max TPB: My War Gone By2013
Iron Man: Extremis Director's Cut2010
Miracleman (I)2014-2015



File created on 2025 02 06