Member(s): Alchemy (Thomas Jones), Mister M (Absolon Mercator)
Civil War Files 1.FT
Civil War TPB: Companion 1.FT
Sentinel Squad O*N*E 5.FT
Division of: Multiverse
Universe/Dimension/Timeline of: Avengers of 20XX (20XX), Captain America (Danielle Cage) (20XX), Collapsar (Manu Chauhan) (20XX), Golden Skull, Iron Mariner (Jako Krangsen) (20XX), King Hulk (Teddy Altman) (20XX), Madame Natasha (Natalie Romanova) (20XX), Marvel Woman (Marlene Brashear) (20XX), Namorina (Dorma McKenzie) (20XX), Thor (Thor Odinson) (20XX), Vision (Victor Shade) (20XX)
Gender: ♂
Member of: FantastiX, Liberteens
Gender: ♂
Age of Heroes TPB 1
Heroic Age Magazine 1
Marvel Firsts TPB: The 1970s 3
Marvel Premiere 35 - 37
Essential Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 1.FT
Essential The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 3.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe 14.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age Marvel 2004 1.FT
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition 17.FT
Secret Invasion TPB: Who Do You Trust? 1.FT
Skrulls! • Secret Invasion Skrulls! 1.FT
Gender: ♂
Alias of: Triathlon (Delroy Garrett)
Leader of: Point Men
Atlas 1.FT
Heroic Age: Heroes • Heroic Age: Super Heroes 1.FT
Member(s): Collective Man (Hang, Tao-Yu), Jade Dragon (Dei Guan), Nuwa