
Iron Man Special

11Uncanny X-Men / Iron Man / Nova TPB: No End in Sight 1.2

Iron Man and the Sub-Mariner

11Essential Iron Man 2.29
The Invincible Iron Man Omnibus (HC) 2.17
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB 2.28
Marvel Double Feature 17.1
Marvel Masterworks: The Invincible Iron Man 2nd Edition (HC) 4.17
2Essential Sub-Mariner 1.35
Iron Man Epic Collection TPB 2.29
Marvel Masterworks: The Sub-Mariner (HC) 2.15
Namor the Sub-Mariner Omnibus (HC) 1.34

Iron Man (The Untold Story of Armor Wars 2)

258.11Iron Man TPB: Armored Vengeance 1.1
258.21Iron Man TPB: Armored Vengeance 1.2
258.31Iron Man TPB: Armored Vengeance 1.3
258.41Iron Man TPB: Armored Vengeance 1.4

Iron Man/Thor

11Thor/Iron Man Premiere (HC): God Complex 1.1
Thor/Iron Man TPB: God Complex 1.1
21Thor/Iron Man Premiere (HC): God Complex 1.2
Thor/Iron Man TPB: God Complex 1.2
31Thor/Iron Man Premiere (HC): God Complex 1.3
Thor/Iron Man TPB: God Complex 1.3
41Thor/Iron Man Premiere (HC): God Complex 1.4
Thor/Iron Man TPB: God Complex 1.4

Iron Man TPB: The Art of Iron Man the Movie

11Art of Marvel Studios Slipcase TPB 1.1

Iron Man vs. Whiplash

11Iron Man vs. Whiplash TPB 1.1
21Iron Man vs. Whiplash TPB 1.2
31Iron Man vs. Whiplash TPB 1.3
41Iron Man vs. Whiplash TPB 1.4

Iron Manual

11Iron Man Epic Collection TPB 18.15

Iron Patriot

11Iron Patriot TPB: Unbreakable 1.1
21Iron Patriot TPB: Unbreakable 1.2
31Iron Patriot TPB: Unbreakable 1.3
41Iron Patriot TPB: Unbreakable 1.4
51Iron Patriot TPB: Unbreakable 1.5


11Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.1
Ironheart TPB 1.1
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Ironheart 1.1
21Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.2
Ironheart TPB 1.2
31Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.3
Ironheart TPB 1.3
41Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.4
Ironheart TPB 1.4
51Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.5
Ironheart TPB 1.5
61Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.6
Ironheart TPB 1.6
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Ironheart 1.2
71Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.7
Ironheart TPB 2.1
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Ironheart 1.3
81Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.8
Ironheart TPB 2.2
91Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.9
Ironheart TPB 2.3
101Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.10
Ironheart TPB 2.4
111Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.11
Ironheart TPB 2.5
121Ironheart GN-TPB: Meant to Fly 1.12
Ironheart TPB 2.6

The Irredeemable Ant-Man

11The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 1.1
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.1
21The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 1.2
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.2
31The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 1.3
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.3
41The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 1.4
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.4
51The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 1.5
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.5
2Amazing Spider-Girl 5.2
Franklin Richards: March Madness! 1.1
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 17.2
Incredible Hulk (III) 103.3
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four 21.3
Spider-Man and Power Pack 4.3
61The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 1.6
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.6
71The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 2.1
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.7
81The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 2.2
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.8
91The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 2.3
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.9
2Hulk and Power Pack 4.2
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 14.2
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four 25.2
Marvel Adventures Iron Man 2.2
Mini Marvels Digest TPB: Rock, Paper, Scissors 1.4
Mini Marvels GN-TPB: Ultimate Collection 1.3
Spider-Man Family (II) 3.5
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane (I) 19.2
101Hulk Omnibus (HC): World War Hulk 1.19
The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 2.4
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.10
World War Hulk TPB: X-Men 1.6
2Exiles (I) 96.2
Fantastic Four and Power Pack (I) 1.2
Fantastic Four and Power Pack (I) 4.2
Fantastic Four and Power Pack Digest TPB: Favorite Son 1.6
Hulk Omnibus (HC): World War Hulk 1.20
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four 26.2
Marvel Adventures Hulk 1.2
Marvel Adventures Iron Man 3.2
Marvel Vault of Heroes Hulk: TPB Biggest and Best (IDW Publishing) 1.2
Mini Marvels Digest TPB: Rock, Paper, Scissors 1.7
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane (I) 20.2
111The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 2.5
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.11
121The Irredeemable Ant-Man Digest TPB 2.6
The Irredeemable Ant-Man TPB 1.12
2Fantastic Four and Power Pack (I) 4.3
Fantastic Four and Power Pack Digest TPB: Favorite Son 1.7
Mini Marvels Digest TPB: Rock, Paper, Scissors 1.8
M.O.D.O.K. TPB: Head Trips 1.10
Super-Villain Team-Up/MODOK's 11 4.2
3Exiles (I) 99.2
Fantastic Four and Power Pack (I) 4.4
Fantastic Four and Power Pack Digest TPB: Favorite Son 1.8
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 16.2
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 17.2
Marvel Adventures Hulk 4.2
Marvel Adventures Iron Man 5.2
Marvel Adventures Iron Man 6.2
Marvel Comics Digest (Archie Comics) 2.8
Marvel Vault of Heroes Hulk: TPB Biggest and Best (IDW Publishing) 1.6
Marvel-Verse GN-TPB: Hawkeye 1.2
Mini Marvels Digest TPB: Rock, Paper, Scissors 1.9
M.O.D.O.K. TPB: Head Trips 1.13
Super-Villain Team-Up/MODOK's 11 5.2

It's A Duck's Life

51Li'l Pals 5.1
3Li'l Pals 5.2
6Li'l Pals 5.3
61Li'l Pals 4.7
2Li'l Pals 4.8
3Li'l Pals 4.9
4Li'l Pals 4.10
5Li'l Pals 4.2
6Li'l Pals 4.3
7Li'l Pals 4.4
8Li'l Pals 4.5
9Li'l Pals 4.6
10Li'l Pals 5.4
11Li'l Pals 5.5
12Li'l Pals 4.1
91Li'l Pals 2.7
2Li'l Pals 2.6
3Li'l Pals 2.5
4Li'l Pals 1.4
5Li'l Pals 2.3
6Li'l Pals 1.5
7Li'l Pals 2.4
8Li'l Pals 2.2
10Li'l Pals 1.7

It's Jeff (I) (Infinity Comic)

11It's Jeff (II) 1.3
21It's Jeff (II) 1.4
31It's Jeff (II) 1.5
41It's Jeff (II) 1.6
51It's Jeff (II) 1.7
61It's Jeff (II) 1.8
71It's Jeff (II) 1.9
81It's Jeff (II) 1.10
91It's Jeff (II) 1.11
101It's Jeff (II) 1.12
111It's Jeff (II) 1.13
121It's Jeff (II) 1.14
131It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.1
141It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.2
151It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.3
161It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.4
171It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.5
181It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.6
191It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.7
201It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.8
211It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.9
221It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.10
231It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.11
241It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.12
251It's Jeff: The Jeff-Verse 1.13

IVX • Inhumans vs. X-Men

01Inhumans vs X-Men (HC) 1.1
Inhumans vs. X-Men TPB 1.1
11Inhumans vs X-Men (HC) 1.2
Inhumans vs. X-Men TPB 1.2
21Inhumans vs X-Men (HC) 1.3
Inhumans vs. X-Men TPB 1.3
31Inhumans vs X-Men (HC) 1.4
Inhumans vs. X-Men TPB 1.4
41Inhumans vs X-Men (HC) 1.5
Inhumans vs. X-Men TPB 1.5
51Inhumans vs X-Men (HC) 1.6
Inhumans vs. X-Men TPB 1.6
61Inhumans vs X-Men (HC) 1.7
Inhumans vs. X-Men TPB 1.7



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