
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

11An American Tail: Fievel Goes West TPB 1.1
21An American Tail: Fievel Goes West TPB 1.2
31An American Tail: Fievel Goes West TPB 1.3


11Spider-Girl Presents Avengers Next Digest TPB: Second Coming 1.1
21Spider-Girl Presents Avengers Next Digest TPB: Second Coming 1.2
31Spider-Girl Presents Avengers Next Digest TPB: Second Coming 1.3
41Spider-Girl Presents Avengers Next Digest TPB: Second Coming 1.4
51Spider-Girl Presents Avengers Next Digest TPB: Second Coming 1.5
61Spider-Girl Presents Avengers Next Digest TPB: Second Coming 1.6

Angel: Revelations

11X-Men: Angel TPB: Revelations 1.1
21X-Men: Angel TPB: Revelations 1.2
31X-Men: Angel TPB: Revelations 1.3
41X-Men: Angel TPB: Revelations 1.4
51X-Men: Angel TPB: Revelations 1.5

Angela: Asgard's Assassin

11Angela: Asgard's Assassin TPB 1.1
21Angela: Asgard's Assassin TPB 1.2
31Angela: Asgard's Assassin TPB 1.3
41Angela: Asgard's Assassin TPB 1.4
51Angela: Asgard's Assassin TPB 1.5
61Angela: Asgard's Assassin TPB 1.6

Angela: Queen of Hel

11Angela: Queen of Hel TPB: Journey to the Funderworld 1.1
21Angela: Queen of Hel TPB: Journey to the Funderworld 1.2
31Angela: Queen of Hel TPB: Journey to the Funderworld 1.3
41Angela: Queen of Hel TPB: Journey to the Funderworld 1.4
51Angela: Queen of Hel TPB: Journey to the Funderworld 1.5
61Angela: Queen of Hel TPB: Journey to the Funderworld 1.6
71Angela: Queen of Hel TPB: Journey to the Funderworld 1.7

Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned - The Charmer

11Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 1.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 1.1
21Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 1.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 1.2
31Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 1.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 1.3
41Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 1.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 1.4
51Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 1.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 1.5

Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned - The Ingenue

11Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 2.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 2.1
21Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 2.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 2.2
31Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 2.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 2.3
41Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 2.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 2.4
51Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 2.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 2.5

Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned - The Scoundrel

11Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 3.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 3.1
21Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 3.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 3.2
31Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 3.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 3.3
41Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 3.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 3.4
51Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned Premiere (HC) 3.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Circus of the Damned TPB 3.5

Anita Blake: The Laughing Corpse - Necromancer

11Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.6
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.6
21Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.7
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.7
31Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.8
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.8
41Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.9
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.9
51Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.10
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.10

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures

11Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 1.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 1.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.1
Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Pleasures Exclusiv Preview Edition 1.1
21Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 1.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 1.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.2
31Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 1.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 1.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.3
41Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 1.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 1.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.4
51Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 1.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 1.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.5
61Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 1.6
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.6
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 1.6
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.6
71Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 2.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.7
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 2.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.7
81Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 2.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.8
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 2.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.8
91Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 2.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.9
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 2.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.9
101Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 2.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.10
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 2.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.10
111Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 2.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.11
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 2.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.11
121Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC) 2.6
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures (HC): The Complete Collection 1.12
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures TPB 2.6
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Ultimate Collection TPB 1.12

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures Handbook

11Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The First Death (HC) 1.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter TPB: The First Death 1.3

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse - Book One

11Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 1.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 1.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.1
21Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 1.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 1.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.2
31Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 1.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 1.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.3
41Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 1.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 1.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.4
51Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 1.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 1.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.5

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse - Executioner

11Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 3.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.11
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 3.1
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.11
21Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 3.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.12
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 3.2
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.12
31Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 3.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.13
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 3.3
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.13
41Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 3.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.14
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 3.4
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.14
51Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Premiere (HC) 3.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 2.15
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse TPB 3.5
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: The Laughing Corpse Ultimate Collection TPB 1.15


11Annihilation (HC) 3.1
Annihilation Omnibus (HC) 1.22
Annihilation TPB 3.1
Annihilation TPB: The Complete Collection 2.5
21Annihilation (HC) 3.2
Annihilation Omnibus (HC) 1.23
Annihilation TPB 3.2
Annihilation TPB: The Complete Collection 2.6
31Annihilation (HC) 3.3
Annihilation Omnibus (HC) 1.24
Annihilation TPB 3.3
Annihilation TPB: The Complete Collection 2.7
41Annihilation (HC) 3.4
Annihilation Omnibus (HC) 1.25
Annihilation TPB 3.4
Annihilation TPB: The Complete Collection 2.8
51Annihilation (HC) 3.5
Annihilation Omnibus (HC) 1.26
Annihilation TPB 3.5
Annihilation TPB: The Complete Collection 2.9
61Annihilation (HC) 3.6
Annihilation Omnibus (HC) 1.27
Annihilation TPB 3.6
Annihilation TPB: The Complete Collection 2.10

Annihilation 2099

11Annihilation 2099 TPB 1.1
21Annihilation 2099 TPB 1.2
31Annihilation 2099 TPB 1.3
41Annihilation 2099 TPB 1.4
51Annihilation 2099 TPB 1.5

Annihilation: Conquest

11Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.9
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.9
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.27
21Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.10
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.10
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.28
31Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.11
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.11
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.29
41Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.12
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.12
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.30
51Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.13
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.13
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.31
61Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.14
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.14
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.32

Annihilation: Conquest Prologue

11Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1.1
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1.1
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.14
SpaceKnights (II) 3.2

Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar

11Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1.2
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1.2
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.19
21Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1.3
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1.3
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.20
31Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1.4
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1.4
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.21
41Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1.5
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1.5
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.22

Annihilation: Conquest - Starlord

11Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1.6
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1.6
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.15
Guardians of the Galaxy Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1.1
Star-Lord: Annihilation - Conquest 1.1
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.12
21Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1.7
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1.7
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.16
Guardians of the Galaxy Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1.2
Star-Lord: Annihilation - Conquest 1.2
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.13
31Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1.8
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1.8
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.17
Guardians of the Galaxy Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1.3
Star-Lord: Annihilation - Conquest 1.3
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.14
41Annihilation Conquest (HC) 1.9
Annihilation Conquest TPB 1.9
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.18
Guardians of the Galaxy Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1.4
Star-Lord: Annihilation - Conquest 1.4
Star-Lord TPB: The Saga of Peter Quill 1.15

Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith

11Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.1
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.1
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.23
21Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.2
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.2
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.24
31Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.3
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.3
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.25
41Annihilation Conquest (HC) 2.4
Annihilation Conquest TPB 2.4
Annihilation Omnibus (HC): Conquest 1.26



File created on 2025 02 06