
The Marvels (II)

11The Marvels TPB (II) 1.1
21The Marvels TPB (II) 1.2
31The Marvels TPB (II) 1.3
41The Marvels TPB (II) 1.4
51The Marvels TPB (II) 1.5
71The Marvels TPB (II) 2.1
81The Marvels TPB (II) 2.2
91The Marvels TPB (II) 2.3
101The Marvels TPB (II) 2.4
111The Marvels TPB (II) 2.5
121The Marvels TPB (II) 2.6

Marvel's Ant-Man Prelude

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.48
Marvel's Ant-Man TPB: Prelude 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.49
Marvel's Ant-Man TPB: Prelude 1.2

Marvel's Ant-Man Scott Lang: Small Time (Infinite Comic)

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.50
Marvel's Ant-Man TPB: Prelude 1.3

Marvel's Ant-Man and the Wasp Prelude

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.71
Marvel's Ant-Man and the Wasp TPB: Prelude 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.72
Marvel's Ant-Man and the Wasp TPB: Prelude 1.2

Marvel's The Avengers

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.37
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Age of Ultron Prelude 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.38
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Age of Ultron Prelude 1.2

Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude (Infinite Comic)

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.47

Marvel's The Avengers: The Avengers Initiative

11Marvel's The Avengers TPB: The Avengers Initiative Digest 1.1

Marvel's Avengers: Black Widow

11Marvel's Avengers TPB: Road to A-Day 1.5

Marvel's The Avengers: Black Widow Strikes

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.31
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Black Widow Strikes 1.1
2The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.32
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Black Widow Strikes 1.2
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.33
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Black Widow Strikes 1.3
2The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.34
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Black Widow Strikes 1.4
31The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.35
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Black Widow Strikes 1.5
2The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.36
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Black Widow Strikes 1.6

Marvel's Avengers: Captain America

11Marvel's Avengers TPB: Road to A-Day 1.3

Marvel's Avengers: Endgame Prelude

11Marvel's Avengers TPB: Endgame Prelude 1.1
21Marvel's Avengers TPB: Endgame Prelude 1.2
31Marvel's Avengers TPB: Endgame Prelude 1.3

Marvel's Avengers: Hulk

11Marvel's Avengers TPB: Road to A-Day 1.4

Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War Prelude

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.69
Marvel's Avengers TPB: Infinity War Prelude 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.70
Marvel's Avengers TPB: Infinity War Prelude 1.2

Marvel's Avengers: Iron Man

11Marvel's Avengers TPB: Road to A-Day 1.1

Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.23
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Prelude - Fury's Big Week 1.1
2The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.24
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Prelude - Fury's Big Week 1.2
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.25
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Prelude - Fury's Big Week 1.3
2The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.26
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Prelude - Fury's Big Week 1.4
31The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.27
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Prelude - Fury's Big Week 1.5
2The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.28
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Prelude - Fury's Big Week 1.6
41The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.29
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Prelude - Fury's Big Week 1.7
2The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.30
Marvel's The Avengers TPB: Prelude - Fury's Big Week 1.8

Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week (Digital Comic)

11Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week 1.1
21Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week 1.2
31Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week 2.1
41Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week 2.2
51Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week 3.1
61Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week 3.2
71Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week 4.1
81Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week 4.2

Marvel's Avengers: Thor

11Marvel's Avengers TPB: Road to A-Day 1.2

Marvel's Black Panther Prelude

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.67
Marvel's Black Panther TPB: Prelude 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.68
Marvel's Black Panther TPB: Prelude 1.2

Marvel's Black Widow Prelude

11Marvel's Black Widow TPB Prelude 1.1
21Marvel's Black Widow TPB Prelude 1.2

Marvel's Captain America: Civil War Prelude

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.51
Marvel's Captain America TPB: Civil War (Movie Prelude) 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.52
Marvel's Captain America TPB: Civil War (Movie Prelude) 1.2
31The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.53
Marvel's Captain America TPB: Civil War (Movie Prelude) 1.3
41The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.54
Marvel's Captain America TPB: Civil War (Movie Prelude) 1.4

Marvel's Captain America Civil War Prelude (Infinite Comic)

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.55

Marvel's Captain America: The First Avenger Adaptation

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.21
Marvel's Captain America TPB: The Winter Soldier Prelude 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.22
Marvel's Captain America TPB: The Winter Soldier Prelude 1.2

Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Infinite Comic)

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.43
Marvel's Captain America TPB: Civil War (Movie Prelude) 1.5
Marvel's Captain America TPB: The Winter Soldier Prelude 1.3

Marvel's Captain Marvel Prelude

11Marvel's Captain Marvel TPB: Prelude 1.1

The Marvels Channel: Monsters, Myths and Marvels

11Marvel TV: Galactus - The Real Story 1.1
21Marvel TV: Galactus - The Real Story 1.2
31Marvel TV: Galactus - The Real Story 1.3

Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.56
Marvel's Doctor Strange TPB: Prelude 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.57
Marvel's Doctor Strange TPB: Prelude 1.2

Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude Infinite Comic

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.58
Marvel's Doctor Strange TPB: Prelude 1.3

Marvels Epilogue

11Marvels 25th Anniversary (HC) 1.6
2Marvels 25th Anniversary (HC) 1.7

Marvels: Eye of the Camera

11Marvels: Eye of the Camera Premiere (HC) 1.1
Marvels: Eye of the Camera TPB 1.1
21Marvels: Eye of the Camera Premiere (HC) 1.2
Marvels: Eye of the Camera TPB 1.2
31Marvels: Eye of the Camera Premiere (HC) 1.3
Marvels: Eye of the Camera TPB 1.3
41Marvels: Eye of the Camera Premiere (HC) 1.4
Marvels: Eye of the Camera TPB 1.4
51Marvels: Eye of the Camera Premiere (HC) 1.5
Marvels: Eye of the Camera TPB 1.5
61Marvels: Eye of the Camera Premiere (HC) 1.6
Marvels: Eye of the Camera TPB 1.6

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude (I)

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.44
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Prelude (I) 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.45
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Prelude (I) 1.2

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude Vol.2 • Guardians of the Galaxy Adaptation

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.59
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Prelude (II) 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.60
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy TPB: Prelude (II) 1.2

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Prequel (Infinite Comic)

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.46

Marvel's Iron Man 2 Adaptation

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.9
Marvel's Iron Man 3 TPB: Prelude 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.10
Marvel's Iron Man 3 TPB: Prelude 1.2

Marvel's Iron Man 3 Prelude

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.39
Marvel's Iron Man 3 TPB: Prelude 1.3
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.40
Marvel's Iron Man 3 TPB: Prelude 1.4

The Marvels Project

11The Marvels Project (HC): Birth of the Super Heroes 1.1
The Marvels Project TPB: Birth of the Super Heroes 1.1
21The Marvels Project (HC): Birth of the Super Heroes 1.2
The Marvels Project TPB: Birth of the Super Heroes 1.2
31The Marvels Project (HC): Birth of the Super Heroes 1.3
The Marvels Project TPB: Birth of the Super Heroes 1.3
41The Marvels Project (HC): Birth of the Super Heroes 1.4
The Marvels Project TPB: Birth of the Super Heroes 1.4
51The Marvels Project (HC): Birth of the Super Heroes 1.5
The Marvels Project TPB: Birth of the Super Heroes 1.5
61The Marvels Project (HC): Birth of the Super Heroes 1.6
The Marvels Project TPB: Birth of the Super Heroes 1.6
71The Marvels Project (HC): Birth of the Super Heroes 1.7
The Marvels Project TPB: Birth of the Super Heroes 1.7
81The Marvels Project (HC): Birth of the Super Heroes 1.8
The Marvels Project TPB: Birth of the Super Heroes 1.8

Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes

11Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes TPB 1.1
21Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes TPB 1.2
31Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes TPB 1.3
41Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes TPB 1.4
51Marvel's Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes TPB 1.5

Marvel's Spider-Man: City at War

11Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: City at War 1.1
21Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: City at War 1.2
31Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: City at War 1.3
41Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: City at War 1.4
51Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: City at War 1.5
61Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: City at War 1.6

Marvel's Spider-Man: Homecoming Prelude

11The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.61
Spider-Man TPB: Homecoming Prelude 1.1
21The Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Marvel Comics Omnibus HC 1.62
Spider-Man TPB: Homecoming Prelude 1.2

Marvel's Spider-Man: Velocity • Gamerverse Spider-Man: Velocity

11Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: Velocity 1.1
21Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: Velocity 1.2
31Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: Velocity 1.3
41Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: Velocity 1.4
51Marvel's Spider-Man TPB: Velocity 1.5



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