
Dark Avengers Annual

11Dark Avengers Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1.17
Dark Avengers (HC) 1.15
Dark Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection 1.15
Siege Premiere (HC): Dark Avengers 1.5
Siege TPB: Dark Avengers 1.5

Dark Avengers: Ares

11Dark Avengers: Ares TPB 1.6
21Dark Avengers: Ares TPB 1.7
31Dark Avengers: Ares TPB 1.8

Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus

11Avengers/X-Men: Utopia (HC) 1.6
Avengers/X-Men: Utopia TPB 1.6
Dark Avengers Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1.21
Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection 2.10

Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia

11Avengers/X-Men: Utopia (HC) 1.1
Avengers/X-Men: Utopia TPB 1.1
Dark Avengers Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1.18
Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection 2.9

Dark Claw Adventures (Amalgam (DC/Marvel))

11DC versus Marvel: The Amalgam Age Omnibus HC (Amalgam (DC/Marvel)) 1.20

Dark Guard (Marvel UK)

11Knights of Pendragon Omnibus (HC) 1.38
21Knights of Pendragon Omnibus (HC) 1.39
31Knights of Pendragon Omnibus (HC) 1.40
41Knights of Pendragon Omnibus (HC) 1.41

Dark Reign: The Cabal

11Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.31
Fantastic Four TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection 1.15
Siege TPB: Road to Siege 1.2
2Avengers/X-Men: Utopia TPB 1.19
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.32
Siege TPB: Road to Siege 1.3
Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection 2.15
3Dark Reign: The Hood TPB 1.1
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.33
The Hood TPB: The Saga of Parker Robbins 1.7
Siege TPB: Road to Siege 1.4
4Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.34
Siege TPB: Road to Siege 1.5
Thor Omnibus (HC) By Michael Straczynski and Kieron Gillen 1.45
5Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.35
Siege TPB: Road to Siege 1.6
Thor Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1.23
Thor TPB: The Trial of Thor 1.10

Dark Reign: Elektra

11Dark Reign: Elektra TPB 1.1
21Dark Reign: Elektra TPB 1.2
31Dark Reign: Elektra TPB 1.3
41Dark Reign: Elektra TPB 1.4
51Dark Reign: Elektra TPB 1.5

Dark Reign: Fantastic Four

11Dark Reign: Fantastic Four TPB 1.1
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.1
Fantastic Four TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection 1.1
Marvel Firsts TPB: Before Marvel Now! 1.4
21Dark Reign: Fantastic Four TPB 1.2
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.2
Fantastic Four TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection 1.2
31Dark Reign: Fantastic Four TPB 1.3
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.3
Fantastic Four TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection 1.3
41Dark Reign: Fantastic Four TPB 1.4
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.4
Fantastic Four TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection 1.4
51Dark Reign: Fantastic Four TPB 1.5
Fantastic Four Omnibus (HC) By Jonathan Hickman 1.5
Fantastic Four TPB By Jonathan Hickman: The Complete Collection 1.5

Dark Reign Files

11Dark Reign TPB: Accept Change 1.9

Dark Reign: The Goblin Legacy

11Siege TPB: Road to Siege 1.10

Dark Reign: Hawkeye (Bullseye)

11Dark Reign: Hawkeye TPB (Bullseye) 1.1
21Dark Reign: Hawkeye TPB (Bullseye) 1.2
31Dark Reign: Hawkeye TPB (Bullseye) 1.3
41Dark Reign: Hawkeye TPB (Bullseye) 1.4
51Dark Reign: Hawkeye TPB (Bullseye) 1.5

Dark Reign: The Hood

11Dark Reign: The Hood TPB 1.2
The Hood TPB: The Saga of Parker Robbins 1.8
21Dark Reign: The Hood TPB 1.3
The Hood TPB: The Saga of Parker Robbins 1.9
31Dark Reign: The Hood TPB 1.4
The Hood TPB: The Saga of Parker Robbins 1.10
41Dark Reign: The Hood TPB 1.5
The Hood TPB: The Saga of Parker Robbins 1.11
51Dark Reign: The Hood TPB 1.6
The Hood TPB: The Saga of Parker Robbins 1.12

Dark Reign: Lethal Legion

11Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.1
21Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.2
31Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.3

Dark Reign: The List - Amazing Spider-Man

11The List (HC) 1.8
The List TPB 1.8
Spider-Man Premiere (HC): Gauntlet 1.7
Spider-Man TPB: Gauntlet 1.7
Spider-Man TPB: The Gauntlet - The Complete Collection 1.1
2Spider-Man TPB: The Gauntlet - The Complete Collection 1.2

Dark Reign: The List - Avengers

11The List (HC) 1.2
The List TPB 1.2
New Avengers (HC) 7.11
New Avengers TPB By Brian Michael Bendis: The Complete Collection 5.12
Siege Premiere (HC): New Avengers 1.6
Siege TPB: New Avengers 1.5
Siege TPB: Road to Siege 1.8

Dark Reign: The List - Daredevil

11Daredevil Omnibus (HC): Shadowland 1.1
Daredevil Omnibus (HC): Shadowland 1A.1
Daredevil TPB: The Devil's Hand (II) 1.1
The List (HC) 1.1
The List TPB 1.1

Dark Reign: The List - Hulk

11Incredible Hulk Premiere (HC) 1.6
Incredible Hulk TPB (II) 1.11
Incredible Hulks (HC): Fall of the Hulks 1.19
The List (HC) 1.4
The List TPB 1.4

Dark Reign: The List - Punisher

11Daken: Dark Wolverine TPB: Punishment 1.16
The List (HC) 1.7
The List TPB 1.7
Punisher: Franken-Castle - The Birth of the Monster 1.1
Punisher (HC): Franken-Castle 1.1
Punisher Omnibus (HC) By Rick Remender 1.18
Punisher (TPB): Franken-Castle 1.1

Dark Reign: The List - Secret Warriors One-Shot

11The List (HC) 1.5
The List TPB 1.5
Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) 1.31
Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) 2.5
Secret Warriors TPB (I) 2.5
Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection 1.17
2Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection 1.18

Dark Reign: The List - Wolverine

11The List (HC) 1.6
The List TPB 1.6
Wolverine Omnibus (HC) By Jason Aaron 1.26
Wolverine TPB By Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection 2.1
Wolverine Weapon X Premiere (HC) 3.7
Wolverine Weapon X TPB 3.7
2Wolverine Weapon X Premiere (HC) 3.8
Wolverine Weapon X TPB 3.8

Dark Reign: The List - X-Men

11The List (HC) 1.3
The List TPB 1.3
Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection 2.13
X-Men (HC): Nation X 1.9
X-Men TPB: Nation X 1.10
2Uncanny X-Men TPB By Matt Fraction: The Complete Collection 2.14

Dark Reign: Made Men

11Dark Reign: Made Men 1.1
Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.10
21Dark Reign: Made Men 1.2
Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.11
31Dark Reign: Made Men 1.3
Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.12
41Dark Reign: Made Men 1.4
Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.13
51Dark Reign: Made Men 1.5
Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.14

Dark Reign: Mister Negative

11Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.7
Spider-Man TPB: Brand New Day: The Complete Collection 4.20
21Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.8
Spider-Man TPB: Brand New Day: The Complete Collection 4.21
31Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.9
Spider-Man TPB: Brand New Day: The Complete Collection 4.22

Dark Reign: M.O.D.O.K.

11M.O.D.O.K. Reign Delay One-Shot 1.1
M.O.D.O.K. TPB: Head Games 1.5
21M.O.D.O.K. Reign Delay One-Shot 1.2
M.O.D.O.K. TPB: Head Games 1.6
31M.O.D.O.K. Reign Delay One-Shot 1.3
M.O.D.O.K. TPB: Head Games 1.7
41M.O.D.O.K. Reign Delay One-Shot 1.4
M.O.D.O.K. TPB: Head Games 1.8

Dark Reign: New Nation

11Dark Reign TPB: Accept Change 1.1
Secret Warriors Omnibus (HC) 1.32
Secret Warriors Premiere (HC) 1.1
Secret Warriors TPB (I) 1.1
Secret Warriors TPB: The Complete Collection 1.19
2Agents of Atlas Premiere (HC): Dark Reign 1.2
Agents of Atlas TPB: The Complete Collection 1.20
Agents of Atlas TPB: Dark Reign 1.2
Dark Reign TPB: Accept Change 1.2
3Dark Reign TPB: Accept Change 1.3
War Machine Premiere (HC): Iron Heart 1.1
War Machine TPB 1.1
4Dark Reign: Skrull Kill Krew TPB 1.1
Dark Reign TPB: Accept Change 1.4
Skrulls Must Die! - The Complete Skrull Kill Krew TPB 1.10
5Dark Reign TPB: Accept Change 1.5
Hawkeye Epic Collection TPB: Modern Era 1.20
Hawkeye TPB: Avenging Archer 1.20
New Avengers Premiere (HC): The Reunion 1.1
New Avengers TPB: The Reunion 1.1

Dark Reign: The Sinister Spider-Man

11Dark Reign: The Sinister Spider-Man TPB 1.1
21Dark Reign: The Sinister Spider-Man TPB 1.2
31Dark Reign: The Sinister Spider-Man TPB 1.3
41Dark Reign: The Sinister Spider-Man TPB 1.4

Dark Reign: Young Avengers

11Dark Reign: Young Avengers TPB 1.1
Young Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung 1.33
21Dark Reign: Young Avengers TPB 1.2
Young Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung 1.34
31Dark Reign: Young Avengers TPB 1.3
Young Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung 1.35
41Dark Reign: Young Avengers TPB 1.4
Young Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung 1.36
51Dark Reign: Young Avengers TPB 1.5
Young Avengers Omnibus (HC) By Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung 1.37

Dark Reign: Zodiac

11Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.4
21Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.5
31Dark Reign TPB: The Underside 1.6

Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill

11Dark Tower Omnibus (Slipcase HC) 1.26
Dark Tower Premiere (HC): The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.1
Dark Tower TPB: The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.1
21Dark Tower Omnibus (Slipcase HC) 1.27
Dark Tower Premiere (HC): The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.2
Dark Tower TPB: The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.2
31Dark Tower Omnibus (Slipcase HC) 1.28
Dark Tower Premiere (HC): The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.3
Dark Tower TPB: The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.3
41Dark Tower Omnibus (Slipcase HC) 1.29
Dark Tower Premiere (HC): The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.4
Dark Tower TPB: The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.4
51Dark Tower Omnibus (Slipcase HC) 1.30
Dark Tower Premiere (HC): The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.5
Dark Tower TPB: The Battle of Jericho Hill 1.5

Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - Bitter Medicine

11Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB Bitter Medicine 1.1
21Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB Bitter Medicine 1.2
31Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB Bitter Medicine 1.3
41Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB Bitter Medicine 1.4
51Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB Bitter Medicine 1.5

Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards

11Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: House of Cards 1.1
21Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: House of Cards 1.2
31Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: House of Cards 1.3
41Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: House of Cards 1.4
51Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: House of Cards 1.5

Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - Lady of Shadows

11Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: Lady of Shadows 1.1
21Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: Lady of Shadows 1.2
31Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: Lady of Shadows 1.3
41Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: Lady of Shadows 1.4
51Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: Lady of Shadows 1.5

Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - The Prisoner

11Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: The Prisoner 1.1
21Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: The Prisoner 1.2
31Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: The Prisoner 1.3
41Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: The Prisoner 1.4
51Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three TPB: The Prisoner 1.5



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