Welcome to the homepage of

What you can find on and in our desk:

Some of the following pages are only in German language, and we will work on it until all is translated. In the meantime you can at least use the links to other sites!

Everything you never wanted to know about MAELMILL and were also not bored enough to ask.
On the following pages we collected some information about our hobbies and special interests. Maybe there is something for you, too!
In 1994, 1997, 2000 and 2003 we spent dreamy vacations in Ireland. Here you can find some of our Memories of Ireland.
We both like to read comics, especially those from the American company Marvel. Markus is one of the "guardians" of the Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators. Further, we like to read and laugh about cartoons.
Beside this, we collected some personal links to the homepages of our towns of birth and of relatives and friends.
Wenn das alles keinen Sinn ergibt, dann probiert doch unsere deutsch-sprachigen Seiten.

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